Thursday, February 06, 2020

Homosexuals Cancel 7 of 8 Franklin Graham Venues

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A few weeks ago, I mentioned here in Faith and Freedom Daily, that homosexual activists had been successful in getting an arena in Liverpool, England to cancel the upcoming Franklin Graham crusade because of what they call his "homophobic views."

Now 6 more venues have canceled.

These actions from activists are not surprising, but the actions of "Christians", "pastors" and "Christian churches" are.

Yesterday afternoon, the US Senate voted to acquit President Trump of the two articles of impeachment. We'll talk more about it on our live radio program this morning. Please join me.

Be informed.

Media and homosexual activists are working together to silence Graham.

Franklin, like his father Billy Graham before him, puts a great deal of effort and planning into his meetings.

The planning for his UK preaching tour has been in the planning stage for well over a year.

The outreach is scheduled in 8 UK cities from May 30 to Oct. 4, but there is now some doubt as to where the massive Christian outreach meetings can be held.

In some cases the venues simply tore up the contracts, in a couple of others they refused to sign the agreements previously agreed to months ago.

Mainstream and LGBTQ media in the United Kingdom have, together, labeled Franklin "anti-gay" and a "hate preacher."

A BBC report noted that Graham "has been criticized for claiming that marriage should be between a man and a woman." They have also accused him of preaching against Islam.

The "Christian church" is working to silence Graham and his biblical message.

Bryan Kerr, a Church of Scotland minister, launched a petition to pressure the Scottish Event Campus to cancel Graham's appearance at the Glasgow Hydro arena. It worked. Scottish Event Campus canceled the booking.

This minister's position is not isolated.

The Belfast Telegraph reported last week that the archbishops of Canterbury and York have apologized after the Church of England declared "only heterosexual married couples should have sex."

The archbishops said in a statement on Thursday, "We as Archbishops, alongside the bishops of the Church of England, apologize and take responsibility for releasing a statement last week which we acknowledge has jeopardized trust."

"We are very sorry and recognize the division and hurt this has caused," they said.

Contrast this with the Apostle Paul: "Be not conformed to this world, but be transformed by the power of God."

What a striking contrast.

The latest senior appointee in the Church of England has taken off his mask of biblical Christianity and is joining the call within the "church" for a "radical new Christian inclusion."

Much like US presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg is doing daily on the campaign trail. Iowa Democrats have apparently bought into the deception.

Stephen Cottrell, the incoming Archbishop of York, says,
"I am not sure the church has ever before had to face the challenge being seen as immoral by the culture in which it is set." Then he noted, that "taking a strictly biblical view can actually legitimize homophobia in others."
He continues,
"What we can do is recognize that what we know now about human development and human sexuality requires us to look again at those texts to see what they are actually saying to our situation, for what we know now is not what was known then."

He then said,
"The Church of England should be united in our condemnation of homophobia" because, "It is of little comfort to young gay and lesbian members of our church to know that while prejudice against then is abhorred, any committed faithful sexual expression of their love for one another is forbidden."

Franklin Graham wrote an open letter to UK citizens. He said in part:

"The world has changed dramatically since my father, Billy Graham, was last in the UK. Church membership has declined, morality is falling, the institution of marriage is at risk, godless secularism is permeating all levels of society, including, sadly to say, some churches. Though much has changed , the solution to our world's problems hasn't changed---it lies in faith in God through His Son, Jesus Christ. That is the timeless hope of the Gospel."

Sadly, the UK's first cousin---the United States---is experimenting with this same path. American Churches are splitting over the issue of homosexual behavior---churches are more focused on being "relevant" than biblical---pastors more focused on being accepted than challenged.

Consider this: "For I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It is the power of God unto salvation."

Be Informed. Be Bold. Be Faithful. Be Prayerful.