Monday, March 16, 2020

Life In The Era Of Corona

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Yesterday the Seattle Times described the city as "eerie and empty."

"One by one our civic institutions have shut down," they said---"schools, libraries, courts, the Space Needle---but life continues in Seattle, at the forefront of a worldwide emergency that has distorted the social fabric unlike anything in our lifetimes."

They failed to mention that church buildings were also empty. A revealing omission.

"Corona" actually means the "rarefied gaseous envelope of the sun, visible only during a total solar eclipse."

In Latin, it means "crown" and in Spanish, it's a feminine noun.

It also means "beer" to some.

Responses to "corona" are varied, from predictions of more than a million deaths in America to Pelosi trying to redirect coronavirus money to the abortion industry, to Italians singing and playing their instruments for each other from their apartment balconies.

Be informed.

Lonely In Seattle

The Seattle Times published a picture of a major freeway intersection that is always bumper to bumper---essentially empty.

"There are cars on the road," they reported, "but there is no traffic."

"Restaurants are open. But there are few customers," they said, noting that "Planes are flying out of Sea-Tac, ferries are sailing into Coleman Dock and buses are rolling along. None is full. Most aren't even close."

Reporting from various places throughout the Puget Sound area they found little movement of people---even the famed fish market was nearly empty---and the original Starbucks across the street, which always has long lines, had none.

They found Huge McGowan, a 42-year-old nurse, wandering around on Capitol Hill--lonely. "Social interaction and physical activity are really vital parts of health," he said.---"Managing uncertainty," he figured, "is a part of life. And these are uncertain times."

Indeed they can be.

Kim Kurtz spoke to the Times in a Kirkland market. She told them she thought it might be "fun to come down here"---"but it's just so empty. I kind of want to cry."

The Times noted, "What's happened here will happen elsewhere. No hugs, no handshakes, people keeping a wary distance."

A new loneliness has settled over the era of coronavirus.

Ex-Obama health official predicts more than million will die in America.

Andrew Slavitt, Barack Obama's former acting administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS),  says that more than 1 million Americans will die through this crisis.

The reason? He says, "The original sin is Trump's months-long denial and his dismantling of public health and response infrastructure."

Because of Trump, "No matter what we do to contain and mitigate, no matter what we do going forward, it is 'fait accompli' that more than one million Americans will die and this is all President Trump's fault."

John Nolte, writing for Breitbart News, gives a reasoned and sensible rebuttal to Slavitt's prediction and politically motivated attack on the President.

Nolte could help McGowan and Kim Kurtz, but they probably won't read Breitbart or this Faith and Freedom Daily, but then again, they might.

Whether Slavitt really believes what he is saying, or if it's merely an opportunity to attack the President, who knows? One thing is certain. He's well known among the Left, and some will "just kind of want to cry" when they hear his predictions.

And speaking of "opportunity," Nancy Pelosi almost capitalized on the crisis.

The Daily Caller reports that "House Speaker Nancy Pelosi sought to include a potential way to guarantee federal funding for abortion into the coronavirus economic stimulus plan.

Pelosi lobbied for "several" provisions that stalled bipartisan commitment to the effort. One was a mandate for up to $1 billion to reimburse laboratory claims, which White House officials said would set a precedent of health spending without protections outlined in the Hyde Amendment---which blocks taxpayer funding of abortion.

One White House official said she was trying to create an abortion slush fund. Another asked what the attempt to circumvent the Hyde Amendment had to do with "protecting Americans from coronavirus?"

The answer is "nothing." But the Left always tries to use every crisis to advance their political agenda. In this case, using money approved to save lives, to kill unwanted, unborn babies.

But there is another story---another "narrative", as they say, unfolding in the corona era.

"Joy in this moment of anxiety."

The New York Times published an article Saturday, updated yesterday, titled, "Italians find a moment of joy in this moment of anxiety," in which the Times said, "Under lockdown to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, song breaks out from rooftops, balconies and windows."

Because Italy---the entire country---is in lockdown, the people have become resourceful. People have begun standing on small balconies, rooftops and in the windows of their apartments singing and playing their musical instruments, with others joining in up and down the narrow streets. It's beautiful. And it's a way of connecting without breathing in each other's face.

It's a way of searching for joy and hope and courage.

Check out this video.

The takeaway.

The Seattle Times is right. These times can be "eerie and empty." The institutions have been shut down. Over 100 million people are in lockdown in Europe as of this weekend. Coronavirus fatalities are increasing every day in America.

People are fearful. In need of courage. And hope.

Consider this.

Jesus had just performed a remarkable miracle. He had fed the 5000 with only a few loaves and fishes.

Following this amazing blessing and provision, (Matthew 14), Jesus (v 22 ) "made His disciples get into a boat and go before Him to the other side, while He sent the multitudes away...He then went up on the mountain to pray."

The story is familiar to many of us. The storm came, the disciples were struck by fear and suddenly Jesus appears walking on the water. His closest followers were so taken by what they saw, they were unsure if it was really Him. They thought it might be a "spirit" or a "ghost."

Scripture says, "They cried out in fear."

He immediately responded, saying "Be of good cheer, it is I, do not be afraid."

  1. Be of good cheer. Take courage.
  2. It is I. "I am".
  3. Do not be afraid. Fear not.

After Peter also walked on the water...then didn't ... and was rescued, the purpose of the event became clear.

I'll be talking a little more about Jesus' response on our live radio program today. Here's how you may join me from anywhere in the world.

Be Informed...but Be Not Afraid. Be Discerning. Be Vigilant. Be Prayerful.