Thursday, October 01, 2020

"Democracy" In The Park--And In Mohamed's Backseat

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As we enter the final sprint to our presidential election---the most important and consequential election in our lifetime, perhaps even in several generations---more and more allegations are surfacing regarding ballot fraud.

The radical left and their enablers in the press are convulsing with laughter as they deny the facts, explaining that it's merely "democracy at work."

But what's happening in the park, the backseat of Mohamed's car, and George Soros/ Michael Bloomberg's pocket doesn't really look like "democracy."

Be informed, not misled.

Democracy in the Park

The City of Madison, Wisconsin collected 10,813 absentee ballots from local residents last weekend at the city-sponsored, Democrat powered, "Democracy in the Park" event.

The state GOP tried to stop the event but the Democratic city clerk forged ahead claiming Republicans have no legal support for allegations the event constituted an "illegal collection of ballots" that "falls outside lawful categories."

The City Clerk says she has already included them with other "mail-in" ballots, none of which can be opened and counted, according to Wisconsin law, until 7 AM on Election Day.

This, of course, also precludes any way of challenging the ballots from the park because they are all mixed in with mail-in, etc.

I'm thinking the City Clerk knew that.

The State Republican Party knows that too, and are trying to figure out how to ensure an honest vote count with the City of Madison's 185,466 registered voters---89,305 of which have requested an absentee ballot.

The City Attorney, Michael Haas, assured the city "Democracy in the Park" will continue until Election Day."

No worries, everything is under control, the left assures.

"Democracy" in Mohamed's backseat.

Project Veritas, the group that released a video of Planned Parenthood doctors and employees openly discussing the sale and price of aborted baby body parts, recently visited (undercover) with Liban Mohamed, who was bragging about collecting hundreds of ballots for hire---showing the backseat of his car loaded with illegally harvested ballots.

Mohamed can be heard in the video saying: "Numbers do not lie. Numbers do not lie...You can see my car is full. All these here are absentee ballots. Can't you see? Look at all these; my car is full."

James O'Keefe, the founder and CEO of  Project Veritas, also had a visit with Omar Jamal who says Rep. Ilhan Omar has hundreds of people like Mohamed on the streets harvesting ballots and getting paid for it.

An alleged "cash-for-votes" scheme. That works in Somalia---apparently, it's working here as well.

O'Keefe says:

"Ballot harvesting is real, and it has become a big business. Our investigation into this ballot harvesting ring demonstrates clearly how these unscrupulous operators exploit the elderly and immigrant communities---and have turned the sacred ballot box into a commodities trading desk."

He says, "We are showing Americans what is really going on in one of our great cities, [Minneapolis] but it's not me saying---we have operatives on tape saying it all themselves."

He also says the operatives told him it's an "open secret" that Rep. Ilhan Omar "will do whatever it takes."

Fortunately, after the release of this video, authorities are looking into the matter. There are several state and federal laws that are apparently being violated.

But how much harm has already been done?

Democracy in Soros and Bloomberg's pocket.

Billionaire Michael Bloomberg, failed presidential candidate and Trump hater, is working his plan for "democracy" in Florida---a key swing state in the presidential election.

Not surprisingly, Bloomberg's plan is connected to Soros' plan.

Bloomberg is paying off fines imposed on tens of thousands of convicted ex-felons in Florida which will allow them to vote---thanks to a Soros-funded initiative involving a slew of progressive movements seeking to defeat President Trump.

Amendment 4 is a Florida state amendment passed last year that restores the voting rights to felons who had their fines and fees paid off. This Soros-funded initiative has now given Soros and friends an opportunity for wealthy Democrats to virtually buy votes.

The amendment, "Voting Rights Restoration for Felons Initiative," can restore voting rights to as many as 1.4 million ex-felons who have completed their full sentences.

The ACLU and the Brennan Center for Justice, both heavily funded by George Soros, served as consultants in drafting Amendment 4 and seeing to its getting passed. 

Last Tuesday we learned that Bloomberg raised over $16 million to help 32,000 felons in Florida pay outstanding fines and fees to regain their voting rights.

An internal memo that was not intended for public consumption, noted that the plan is to manipulate the election in Florida by paying fines and freeing these people to vote in the presidential election.

Using available data, they have found that there are nearly 775,000 former felons who still owe money related to their convictions. Of that group, Bloomberg and friends have found there are 32,000 Blacks and Hispanics who---if their fines were to be paid off---would almost certainly vote for Biden.

The memo read, "We have identified a significant vote share that requires a nominal investment."

Bloomberg, through his spokesperson, is telling the press, 

"Working together with the Florida Rights Restoration Coalition (FRRC) we are determined to end disenfranchisement and the discrimination that has always driven it.

The FRRC is a project of Tides Advocacy, a group funded almost completely by George Soros' Open Borders money.

Anyone who would raise a question about these billionaires buying an election will be quickly schooled on Democracy.

Regardless of what you may think---Soros and Bloomberg are actually fighting racism and providing social justice to former felons.

Democracy is a beautiful thing whether it's in the park, the backseat of Mohamed's car, or Soros and Bloomberg's pocket.

The takeaway

Vote anyway. It matters. It's your duty. And God is in control.

Our Founding Fathers were having a very difficult time agreeing on exactly what our Constitution should say. Ben Franklin called for prayer. After praying together, they came together in mind and spirit and gave us the most enduring constitution in the history of the world.

As they concluded the final draft of the Constitution, Franklin was leaving the building. A woman  recognized him and approached asking, "Mr. Franklin, what kind of country have you given us?"

Franklin responded, "A republic, if you can keep it."

As colonists believed and fought the British for their freedom--- for America, as we have come to know it, we too are being called upon to take a stand for our country and our Constitution.

We must--- if we are to "keep it."

The America our Founders created after prayer---the America we have come to know and love, hangs dangerously in the balance.

Be Prayerful. Be Informed. Be Discerning. Vote.