Monday, November 23, 2020

Lawyer Sidney Powell: "Biblical" Lawsuit To Be Filed This Week

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Lawyer Sidney Powell says a voter fraud lawsuit of "biblical proportion" will be filed this week, specifically tied to the Dominion Voting Systems and likely a "pay-for-play scheme with GOP Georgia Gov Brian Kemp."

Powell said, "Hopefully this week we get it ready to file, and it will be biblical."

She said, "You name the manner of fraud and it occurred in Georgia." 

However, last night, Rudy Giuliani allegedly told some in the press that "Sidney Powell is practicing law on her own. She is not a member of the Trump legal team."

What's going on?  

The world is laser-focused on this election outcome.

This is a time of cultural chaos and confusion.

Be informed, not misled.

The lawsuit.

Sidney Powell is not a newcomer to law or politics. She has said she will be filing a lawsuit of "biblical proportion" this week on behalf of President Trump.

Some of these claims, she says, will be included in the lawsuit: 

  • Joe Biden votes being "weighed" at 1.25 times and President Trump votes being parsed at 3/4 or .75.
  • Algorithms that gave Democrats 35,000 extra votes.
  • Modifications made to voting machines after statutory cutoff dates for changes.
  • Past election victories, including Hillary Clinton's primary victory over Bernie Sanders (2016), being forced/decided by Dominion Voting Systems. 
  • Alleged pay-for-play kickbacks to public officials, potentially even Georgia GOP Gov. Brian Kemp, for a late grant to use Dominion Voting Systems.

Powell says [rhetorically], "Georgia is the first state I'm gonna blow up."

One of President Trump's lawyers, Jordan Sekulow, the son of Trump personal lawyer Jay Sekulow and well known Christian litigator, says:

"We have got lawsuits likely to be filed in Georgia on either Monday or Tuesday. I can't get into the details," he said on Saturday, "but it's nothing that we have talked about before. It's not what you heard in the press conference [Thursday] either."

"This is something completely different," he says. He continued, saying that the Lt. Governor, George Duncan, and Sec of State Brad Raffensperger are in for "quite a shock" on Monday or Tuesday.

However, last night Rudy Giuliani apparently---according to the press-- distanced himself and the president from her.

In a statement attributed to Trump's lead attorney Rudy Giuliani and Trump legal adviser Jenna Ellis, the team said: "Sidney Powell is practicing law on her own. She is not a member of the Trump legal team."

More on that in a minute.

The Democrats are taking Georgia very seriously, while ironically, some Republicans are urging President Trump to roll over and concede the election to Joe Biden so a peaceful transition can be made---for the country.

The San Francisco Chronicle is reporting that many are traveling to Georgia from California to become involved in the ultimate outcome of the election---including the senatorial run-off on January 5.

In fact, the Chronicle is discouraging people from trying to "move there" for a short time in order to "qualify" to vote in the state election.

While the presidential election and the upcoming senatorial run-off are different elections, they're about the same thing: Power. Control of the United States. And corruption.

To the so-called progressive the "end", which is seizing power, justifies any means to achieving that end.

But the press has apparently been so successful in misleading the public that some Republicans were telling the press yesterday that they think it's time for Trump to concede. They are either in denial or hate Trump enough to be used in defeating him.

Senator Kevin Cramer (R-ND) told NBC's  "Meet The Press" yesterday that it is "past time" to begin the transition to a Joe Biden administration.

NBC Anchor Chuck Todd said, "I just want to confirm" that you believe the transition needs to begin?

"Yes," Cramer answered.

In a statement on Saturday, Senator Pat Toomey (R-PA) said: "I congratulate President-elect Joe Biden and Vice president-elect Kamala Harris on their victory."

He said, "They are both dedicated public servants and I will be praying for them and for our country."

If  Sidney Powell is so sure they have a strong case, why would Rudy distance himself and the President from her and her claims against Dominion Voting Systems?

Powell is not the first to claim Dominion is vulnerable to fraud and corruption.

In 2016 Hillary Clinton was urged to challenge the results in the swing states which, in the mind of some progressive I.T. experts, could have tipped the election in her favor.

In their defense of Hillary in 2016, they laid out the vulnerabilities of the Dominion Voting System, ironically, pointing out the very vulnerabilities in the flawed system that Trump's lawyers---specifically Sidney Powell, has been talking about.  

Hillary's defenders claimed that any hacker, anywhere, could rig the machines to shift a few percent of the vote to favor the desired candidate.

Why, now, are these same claims seen as "conspiracy" and "ludicrous" by these same people?

Why is Rudy---according to the press--distancing himself from Sidney Powell?

The world is closely watching this presidential election because the United States is still the most powerful nation in the history of the world. 

What happens in America matters. 

Our adversaries favor Biden because he will line up with them in the move toward globalism---or he will essentially be unaware or uninterested in what is actually happening, and without doubt Harris, Sanders, AOC, John Kerry, Elizabeth Warren and the rest of their fellow sailors on the "Ship of Fools" will move toward socialism and globalism.

Canadian PM Trudeau confirms "Great Reset."

Speaking to the UN conference on September 29, 2020, Canada's Prime Minister Trudeau said 

"'Building back better' means getting support to the most vulnerable while maintaining our momentum on reaching the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development and the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals)."

He continued, 

"This pandemic has provided an opportunity for a reset. This is our chance to accelerate our pre-pandemic efforts to re-imagine economic systems that actually address global challenges like extreme poverty, inequality and climate change."


Not coincidentally, "Build Back Better" was the slogan for Biden's campaign.

To the globalist, "Build Back Better" has become a kind of code or campaign cry for the globalist movement.

Chairman Schwab of the World Economic Forum said back in 2016 while presenting the globalist "Great Reset vision for 2030":  "You will own nothing, and you'll be happy--Whatever you want, you'll rent & it'll be delivered by drone."

In June of this year, Schwab said, 

"We need a Great Reset of capitalism due to COVID---Virus lockdowns have given opportunity for equality & sustainability..."

This election is about more than who will be President of the United States for the next four years. This is why the world is laser-focused on the outcome of this election.

What was once dismissed as a conspiracy, is now out in open without apology or explanation.

So why is Rudy dumping the one lawyer who has been making the case against Dominion Voting Systems?

Late last night Rudy was quoted as saying Powell went beyond the scope of evidence they have seen and believed they could prove in court.

This will not be helpful to President Trump. The President referred to Powell as a "member of his team" as lately as November 14.

This story will lead most news shows today because it appears to affirm the media claims that there is not a "single thread of evidence of corruption in the presidential election."

I'll be talking more about this on the radio today as this story develops. Please join me. Here's how

Keep in mind that God is in control in this time of global and national chaos.

This is a Word from the Lord: 

"Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and He shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord" (Psalm 27:14).

Be Informed. Be Encouraged. Be Faithful. Be Prayerful.