Friday, August 06, 2021

Yes, America, There Is Voter Fraud

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Arizona State Senate President Karen Fann (R-Prescott) tweeted this week: "Build the case, set the trap, and boom the Maricopa lies will come back to haunt them."

The county's Board of Supervisors is now defiantly refusing to cooperate with subpoenas for additional information about November 3, 2020.

Honest people are turning on the light in Maricopa County (Phoenix), Harris County (Houston), and Fulton County (Atlanta)---no wonder the media and the Left are still yelling at America telling us, "There is no evidence of voter fraud---get over it. Your guy lost."

It's not about "our guy," it's about integrity in our elections. It's about our country.

Be informed, not misled.

There is a growing concern across America about voter fraud. In fact, a poll out last night shows that more people are concerned about voter fraud than are concerned about voter suppression.

The big push back in Arizona.

Fann's tweet came a day after she released a statement on Monday when news of Maricopa County's defiance broke in the news:

Based on today's responses from Maricopa County and Dominion [company that owns the voting machines], it appears we will soon secure copies of ballot envelopes and critical voter registration information. That is progress, and the final audit will be better because of it.

Maricopa County's slow walk of the Senate public records request into a possible breach of the voter registration server is frustrating, and we will try to be patient and give the County more time as they requested.

We are weighing our options for securing access to the routers and passwords and will make a thoughtful decision in due course after conferring with my staff, counsel, and colleagues. It is unfortunate the noncompliance by the County and Dominion continues to delay the results and breeds distrust.

We remain committed to ensuring election integrity as voter confidence is at the heart of what we set out to achieve in this endeavor. Our constituents deserve no less.

The Maricopa County Board sent a defiant letter to the Arizona State Senate on Monday refusing to further cooperate with the elected officials.

Even a casual observer would have to question why the County Board of Supervisors and Dominion is resisting so defiantly.

State Senate Majority Whip Sonny Borelli is certainly questioning it.

On Tuesday he released a statement announcing he has asked the Arizona Attorney General to investigate the Supervisors for violating the law.

His statement says in part: 

"The supervisors are acting as though they are above the's an insult to the citizens of our state...the supervisors have failed to provide the routers used in the November election. They have failed to provide passwords and security keys required to access tabulation devices. They failed to provide splunk logs and similar data...President Fann has handled this process professionally and she has tried to be diplomatic while dealing with the attacks and insults of the Board."

"Enough is enough." He asked the AG to investigate the Board.

State Rep. Jake Hoffman (R-Queen Creek) said Tuesday:

"The Maricopa County Board of Supervisors is engaged in one of the most divisive and dangerous subversions of government that the state of Arizona has ever witnessed. The Board's blatant disregard for the Constitution and public mockery of the lawful oversight of elections by the Arizona legislature is not only disrespectful, it undermines he very fabric of our Republic."

Massive election fraud in Harris County which includes Houston metro.

Harris County is the third largest voting county in America with about 2.5 million voters. Democrats took control of the county in 2018 when they won offices by about a 200,000 vote margin.

National File, an investigative news organization, has been on this matter in Houston since the election.

The amount of evidence they have compiled is significant. They are now putting the evidence before the public.

Much of the evidence, interestingly enough, has been supplied by Democrats who have had enough of the corruption.

A big name in Texas Democrat politics, Gerry Monroe, is said to be "blowing the lid off" the story of massive fraud in Harris County.

Another Democrat operative, Damien Thaddeus Jones, who worked as a regional director for the "Beto" O'Rourke presidential campaign, describes it as a "massive voter fraud ring"---and his testimony is on tape. 

Dallas Jones was hired by the Joe Biden campaign to run his campaign in Texas.

Mike Huckabee notes that although vote harvesting is a second-degree felony under the Texas Election Code, Jones' operation had "scores" of paid vote harvesters working for them. Audio recordings in the hands of National File suggest that identities of both living and dead people were stolen, with a convicted forger named Gloria Palmer working as a paid campaign assistant in Sheila Jackson Lee's office, mailing the fraudulent ballot applications in Jackson's district.

Campaign insiders allege that Jones oversaw the operation and that he was interrogated by the FBI in the weeks just before the 2020 election.

Vote harvesters would go door to door in poor neighborhoods, often dressed to look like US Census workers, and would often ply their trade at nursing homes and homeless centers, where staff would be complicit. They would hold ballots to be forged by volunteers and then mailed.

There is also detailed testimony and evidence from a 30-year old black police officer named Raymond T. Stewart who, serving as a poll watcher, "saw the election judge use a table full of IDs to vote unregistered people that were voting by drive-through."

This is actually a criminal act, but according to National File, the local district attorney "did not even want to entertain our criminal complaint."

The decision by Harris County's Democrat county clerk, Chris Hollins, to institute drive-through voting with no reason required was a violation of the Texas election code.

There's a great deal of other information in the article, including copies of tampered ballots, etc.

This caught my attention. Former FBI investigative specialist Charles F. Marler said he was tipped to the ballot harvesting by two witnesses in December 2019.  Supposedly, Marler has said under oath he had been told that one employee named Tyler James had bragged about the operation, with the help of mass mail-in balloting, "could harvest 700,000 illegal ballots."

The evidence these folks are assembling is massive and well documented.

I would encourage you to read through it on their website.

Colleen Vera is a citizen journalist who has been investigating Sheila Jackson Lee's campaign.

She says:

"It sure looks like  there's a whole lotta cheatin goin on. And it would make sense that Harris County is a key spot to be doing it, just like Maricopa County (Phoenix) and Fulton County (Atlanta). Maybe it's the most prime of all. Increasingly, as Harris County goes, so goes Texas, and as Texas goes, so goes America. If the Democrats can steal Texas, it's all over. So it should surprise no one that there's coordinated voter fraud going on in large counties, this has got to be one of the hot beds."


God has given our country many blessings. Free elections are one of them. Several of our Founders made reference to that blessing.

Abraham Lincoln expressed it this way: 

"Elections belong to the people. It's their decision. If they decide to turn their back on the fire and burn  their behinds, then they will just have to sit on their blisters."

Election integrity is fundamental to our freedom and liberty. And thankfully there are people across the country who refuse to turn their backs on the issue of voter fraud---and they have no interest in sitting on blisters. 

God bless them.

Be Informed. Be Discerning. Be Vigilant. Be Prayerful.