Monday, December 20, 2021

WA State Sen. Doug Ericksen (R) Dead At 52

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Republican State Sen. Doug Ericksen was a stalwart conservative voice in the Washington State Legislature and former leader of Donald Trump's presidential campaign in Washington. His family announced Saturday that he has died. He was 52.

Ericksen was also an outspoken critic of  Gov. Inslee's vaccine mandates.

As of yesterday, his cause of death had not been made public.

However, USA Today and other leftist news organizations appear to be mocking his death.

Sadly, we've gotten to that point in our culture.

Be informed, not misled.

In a prepared statement, Ericksen's wife, Tasha, and his two daughters said: "We are heartbroken to share that our husband and father passed away. Please keep our family in your prayers and thank you for continuing to respect our privacy in this extremely difficult time."

According to the statement, Ericksen died Friday.

Unfortunately, the radical left press cannot find it within themselves to "respect" anyone's privacy with whom they disagree--- even in the loss of a family member.

While the cause of death was still not confirmed as of yesterday, USA Today columnist Michael J. Stern appeared to mock the death of Sen. Ericksen in that he had tested positive for coronavirus a little more than a month ago while he was in El Salvador.

Sharing an article from the Daily Beast, Stern said regarding the senator's death: "Anti-vaxxer conservative Washington State senator Doug Erickson (sic) has died... of Covid-19. On a brighter note, I'm making crispy brussels sprouts and shrimp for dinner."

Stern was not alone in his mockery.

Seattle's own Sarah Smith, an activist, socialist, and failed candidate for Washington's 9th Congressional District---also referred to as Washington State's "version of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez"--went off on social media when she learned Sen. Ericksen had passed away.

I will not quote most of what she posted because of its coarse, inappropriate content.

But here's part of the tone: "Doug Ericksen was an******anti vaxxer who fought the voting system that got him elected and cavorted with authoritarians. I don't feel bad he died."

She went downhill from there.

As of yesterday, Ericksen's vaccine status was still unknown. No one has reported he was an "anti-vaxxer."

I can tell you from first-hand knowledge, he strongly opposed Inslee's handling of the pandemic mandates, lockdowns, and all the rest of the heavy-handed confusion.

Last month Ericksen wrote to his Republican colleagues asking if they could help him get treatment. He said he was in El Salvador and had tested positive for coronavirus.

He wrote, "I took a trip to El Salvador and tested positive for covid shortly after I arrived. I cannot get home."

He was asking for help in getting an iv of monoclonal (Regeneron). He said he had a doctor in El Salvador who would administer it, but "the product is not available here."

The Seattle Times wrote a lengthy article about Doug, his career, and his policy beliefs.

The Times chronicles Ericksen's fight against Inslee's policies and that he had repeatedly called for Inslee to resign.

Senate Majority Leader Andy Billig, D-Spokane, said he got to know Ericksen well over more than a decade of legislative service together---calling his death "tragic."

"While we often disagreed," he said, "I respected his long service to his community."

Sen. Reuven Carlyle, D-Seattle, who grew up with Ericksen said, "Our policies battles were tough and difficult, but we respected one another's fierce devotion to serving the public and our communities."

"Our friendship found ways to rise above political differences," he said.

That is a lost art in today's culture war. Hate drives the radical Left. 

When was the last time you heard conservatives mocking the death of a "progressive?"

I can't think of any times either.

Sadly, the loss of this husband, father, and political leader turns the light on just how far apart the radical Left and conservatives are in our country today.

Be Informed. Be Discerning. Be Engaged. Be Vigilant. Be Prayerful.