Wednesday, January 26, 2022

The Hill: "Armageddon Elections Coming"

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The Hill, a widely read so-called "moderate" news organization, is predicting that it's very likely that the coming elections---2022 and 2024--- will be an "Armageddon" experience for America. 

However, some conservative Christian scholars see a major realignment of the culture coming.

One thing seems certain, everyone believes things are changing. Dramatically.

First Chronicles 12:32 says the sons of Issachar were "men who understood the times, with knowledge of what Israel should do."

Likewise, Christians and conservatives must understand our times...and know what to do. 

Be informed, not misled.

Uncertain times in our country.

The Hill begins with this:

In 1964, Barry Goldwater was fond of saying he gave voters “A choice, not an echo.” Goldwater’s campaign theme was a reference to those “me-too” Republicans who accepted the New Deal and even expanded it. A decade before, Dwight Eisenhower undertook a massive enlargement of the federal government by creating a Department of Health, Education, and Welfare; founding the modern interstate highway system (an infrastructure investment unmatched until the Biden administration); expanding Social Security; increasing the minimum wage; and making a significant federal investment in education after the Soviet Union’s successful 1957 launch of Sputnik. Goldwater derided Eisenhower’s domestic agenda as a “dime store New Deal.” His contrast to Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society was stark, and he lost in a landslide. 

But Johnson’s overreach created a backlash. Two years after his overwhelming victory, Ronald Reagan was elected governor of California, and he began a revival of the conservative movement that resulted in three presidential landslides. Democrats recalibrated by offering their own version of “me-tooism” that included promises to cut spending and balance the budget.

The Hill continues defining the pendulum effect of American politics, which has held true over the years, suggesting if the Democrats maintain control of the House it could spell the end of the Republican Party as we know it, and if the Republicans win, the Democrats will view it as the Constitution under siege. 

And on and on the speculation goes.

In conclusion, they seem uncertain what they believe will happen in the coming elections, but are pretty certain that "For the foreseeable future, political Armageddon has arrived." And "all h_ll is going to break out."

That pretty well sums up the result of a secular worldview, no matter how informed it may be.

People of certainty.

In an uncertain world, people of certainty must hold a biblical worldview.

The Bible tells us we are to understand the times in which we are living. First Chronicles 12:32 says that the sons of Issachar were "men who understood the times, with knowledge of what Israel should do."

God's people are called to be people of certainty. Not in the sense of being God-like and knowing all things, but understanding the times through an understanding of God's Word. Ultimately understanding that God is in control.

The Bible also tells us we should make plans. Is. 32:8 says "The noble man devises noble plans, and by noble plans, he stands."

Proverbs 16:9 says, "The mind of man plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps."

So God's people are people of certainty, who make plans, counting on God to direct those plans.

Too much worry.

In an editorial piece in the Wall Street Journal on January 4, 2006---16 years ago, commentator Mark Steyn noted that we in America have created a whole intellectual class of worriers.

He wrote:

One way societies choose to fail or succeed is by choosing what to worry about. The Western world has delivered more wealth and more comfort to more of its citizens than any other civilization in history, and in return, we've developed a great cult of worrying. You know the classics of the genre: In 1968, in his bestselling book "The Population Bomb," the eminent scientist Paul Ehrlich declared: "In the 1970s the world will undergo famines--hundreds of millions of people are going to starve to death." In 1972, in their landmark study "The Limits to Growth," the Club of Rome announced that the world would run out of gold by 1981, of mercury by 1985, tin by 1987, zinc by 1990, petroleum by 1992, and copper, lead and gas by 1993.

None of these things happened. Neither is the world going to burn in 10 years from man-made "global warming." 

The more uncertain we are concerning current events, the more worried we can become. The more worried we become, the more vulnerable to misinformation and deception we become. And the less discerning we become.

It is absolutely essential that Christians embrace a biblical worldview and develop a biblically-based discernment. 

No question these are turbulent times, but we must learn to evaluate everything we see, read, and hear from a Christian worldview.

Be Informed. Be Discerning. Be Vigilant. Be Engaged. Be Prayerful.