Tuesday, February 08, 2022

About Christian Teachers in Public Schools

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Monica Gill is a history teacher at Loudoun County High School, Virginia---the epicenter of Critical Race Theory. A county where parental authority has been assaulted, and where communities have been so divided that it helped decide the recent gubernatorial election.

Monica is a committed biblical Christian. After 20 years in the Loudoun County School district, she had reached her limit. Couldn't take it anymore.

Then God spoke to her in a most unique way.

Here's her story.

Be informed, not misled. 

Monica's dilemma. 

Monica has been a public school teacher for 27 years, the last 20 of which has been in Loudoun County. She began teaching in the county because of its strong reputation for quality education.

In the past, Loudoun County prided itself in being a strong responsible source of classical education.

However, she has seen a dramatic departure from that mission to the current path that is immersed in Critical Race Theory---and other social indoctrination.

It has played out before the world. It has set the course for the recent election of Republican Gov. Glenn Youngkin, rather than the expected Democrat.

She has personally watched a strong education become watered down to nothing more than social indoctrination. And political activism.

Increasingly, she says, she has seen her school become less and less focused on teaching reading, writing, and math, and more and more on indoctrinating students into radical ideologies. She has been forced to participate in "Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion" training, "which requires teachers to bring critical race theory concepts into the classroom and teach students to view each other through a lens of race, categorize each other as 'oppressors' and 'oppressed', and treat each other differently based on characteristics instead of character."

How Monica's dilemma, has become America's dilemma.

This is not happening only in Virginia. As I have said often on our daily live radio program and in this column, this is a national crisis in public education.

Because of the prominence of the issue, the impact on the recent Virginia governor's race, its nationwide impact, and the radical so-called "progressive" influence that has taken root in our schools, Fox News' Fox Nation produced a five-episode series that details how the left-wing academics and activists have gained influence over our education system and have slowly introduced radical concepts, under the guise of words like "equity" or "diversity", that divide students based on race, sex, class, and religion and set them against one another.

Monica is a client of the law firm, Alliance Defending Freedom. ADF has published a concise, but revealing paper that explains exactly what Critical Race Theory is, and how it is impacting our nation. 

I strongly suggest you read it.

Monica, as one of ADF’s clients in Cross v. Loudoun County School Board, was invited to participate in a panel interview at the “Miseducation of America Live Summit.” Along with many other teachers, professors, parents, and education policy experts, Monica related her firsthand experience of these issues to a live audience. She talked about the diversity training she was forced to attend and how they have trickled down to the classroom where she has seen certain students exclude others from conversations, saying they can’t participate because of their skin color.

In addition to the influence of critical race theory and its implementation by administrators free from any accountability for its failures, Monica has also witnessed the deterioration of the grading system itself. On the panel, she talked about responsibility—not only for teachers and administrators but for the students themselves. She explained how the school forces teachers to give “formative” and “summative” assignments to students. Formative assignments are based on the “formation of knowledge,” and these cannot be graded. The absence of a concrete evaluation, the reward for good performance, or the sanction for subpar work encourages students to set aside learning and critical thinking.

Monica's message of hope.

I have often said on our radio program and written here, I strongly believe Christian parents should seriously consider pulling their children from public school. I continue to hold that conviction.

However, Monic's experience is that of a teacher, not a child in their most formative years.

Monica's conversation with God: Several years ago, Monica was growing discouraged with the public education system as she was preparing her new classroom for the upcoming year. As she was cleaning a bookshelf, she noticed a book tucked into the corner. She pulled the book off the shelf and dusted it off to find the words “Holy Bible” on the cover. Inside the front cover was the inscription “Gifted to Loudoun County High School from the senior class of 1955.”

At first, Monica admits, she was cynical, thinking: “Wow, you’d never find something like this these days.” But then, she says, “The Lord got a hold of my heart immediately and said, ‘I did not give you this gift so that you could judge this place; I gave you this gift so that you know I have not abandoned this place and I have put you here for such a time as this.’

Monica says, "We are all called to take a stand for our faith and our freedom, and our Lord and Savior is there walking alongside us every step of the way."

When we become discouraged, we should look to the courage of Monica Gill and remember that when we stand for what is right, we are standing alongside our fellow believers and we are also guided by our good and gracious God, who — as Monica shared — has not abandoned us or our great nation, which was founded on the very values and principles found in the Bible the "class of 1955" gave to their school---and God gave to Monica. And to each of us.

Be Informed. Be Discerning. Be Vigilant. Be Engaged. Be Prayerful.