Thursday, April 27, 2023

Pride and Prejudice in 2023

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Jane Austen's nineteenth-century novel, Pride and Prejudice, demonstrates that human nature can be cultivated and influenced by a culture or society for good or bad depending on the worldview of the society or culture.

President Biden, in announcing his campaign for another term as President of the United States, is using the slogan "Let's finish the job."

Biden himself has been both influenced by the culture and as president, is an influencer.

A closer look at what he means by "finishing the job."

Be informed, not misled.


My grandmothers were proud of their kids and grandkids, and often told us they took great pride in us.

When they were happy, they said they were "gay." Or, "Aren't we having a gay old time?" At Christmas, they "donned their gay apparel."

Thankfully both were heterosexual Christians.

Much has changed. Much more than mere words.

A culture is being cultivated and changed before our eyes---and it is not for good.

President Biden and his cohorts in Congress and his administration are, as we speak, seeking to change it much more.

Last summer President Biden, accompanied by First Lady Jill Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, Rachel Levine, and others, signed an executive order at a "pride" event held in the East Room. 

His executive order was designed to build on previous executive orders that he signed into law on his first day in office. The new executive action charges agencies, like the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Department of Education, to release sample policies for states to adopt measures like comprehensive health care for LGBTQ+ patients and create “full inclusion” for LGBTQ+  people.

That order became an action: Biden's actions included Secretary Pete Buttigieg, the first openly gay "married" member of a presidential cabinet, Karine Jean-Pierre, who made history as the first Black and queer White House press secretary, and Rachel Levine, assistant secretary for health at HHS, who is the highest-ranking trans government official in American history.

In the president's own words, they were chosen based on their sexual behavior rather than their qualifications.

The executive order also sought to combat “conversion therapy,” what the press calls, "a pseudo-religious practice intended to change a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity." 

In doing so he closed the "legal door" for Christian biblical pastors or ministers to share God's love, forgiveness, deliverance, and restoration in the dysphoric person's life.

At the signing, President Biden proclaimed that “Pride was back at the White House,” touted his administration for being “the most pro-equality administration in history.” The president noted that his White House has the most LGBTQ+-identifying officials of any administration. Adding, “or any administration combined.” 

At the end of his remarks at the Pride event, President Biden repeated a phrase he often used during his presidential campaign. “We’re in a battle for the very soul of this nation,” he said in a room filled with LGBTQ+ leaders. “When I look around this room…and all of you here today, it’s a battle I know we will win.”

The word "pride" and "gay" have been co-opted to mean something very different than what previous generations knew them to mean.

Having won the war of words, will Biden and his colleagues now win the war for the culture? 

I repeat, "Jane Austen's nineteenth-century novel, Pride and Prejudice, demonstrates that human nature can be cultivated and influenced by a culture or society for good or bad depending on the worldview of the society or culture."


President Biden is nationalizing prejudice.

The Daily Caller reported this week that "A bill congressional Democrats are proposing that would force immigration authorities to release migrants who say they’re part of the LGBTQ community would be ripe for fraud and abuse, according to four Border Patrol agents,  who requested anonymity because they’re not authorized to speak publicly."

The Dignity for Detained Immigrants Act, which was introduced by Democratic Rep. Pramila Jayapal of Washington, Democratic Sen. Cory Booker of New Jersey, and Democratic Rep. Adam Smith of Washington, would force federal authorities to not detain “vulnerable” migrants, including those who claim to be LGBTQ, according to the text of the bill. The four border agents, who all work along the southern border with Mexico, believe that migrants are likely to see this as a new opportunity to get released into the country and will lie about their sexuality or gender to do so.

One agent said, "If this is passed, I guarantee everyone is going to be LGBTQ.” 

Another agent said that it would grant preferential treatment to anyone claiming to be part of the LGBTQ community.

“Many of them," he said, "would think they would getting better treatment, expedited processing, or complete immunity when it came down to their court date.” 

Another said, "In essence, ‘just say you’re gay'."

Yet another agent said, "This newest proposed legislation, is at its core, another attempt to collapse the system, one that is already collapsing under its own weight. Migrants will just now claim to be LGBT+ to further avoid removal proceedings. It will be abused, just like … ‘asylum’ is already,” the agent added.


The LGBTQ+ movement under the leadership of President Biden, is indeed collapsing the system.

Under the guise of fighting "prejudice" against the LGBTQ+ community, that community has now been able to place men, "identifying" as women in women's sports, winning awards, and stealing scholarships intended for girls and women.

They have, in many instances, normalized perversion.

They have legally "redefined marriage," attacked God's model for humanity of "male" and "female," seized control of public education, and are working to remake the culture in their own image.

Last summer the Heritage Foundation launched a "Promise to America's Children" campaign in which they were addressing these very issues.

These are the key takeaways from the article:

  • At younger ages than ever before, American children are being targeted by the left with sexual content and destructive gender ideology.
  • The Promise to America’s Children recognizes that biological differences between the sexes are integral to the personhood and health of all children.
  • A child’s best chance at a happy and healthy life is one free from sexual politics, one in which kids can be kids.

One border agent said what the president and the Left are doing "feels like a slap in the face."

What does all this feel like to you? And what should be our response?

Be Informed. Be Discerning. Be Vigilant. Be Engaged. Be Active. Be Prayerful.