Tuesday, April 04, 2023

The Trials of Trump

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Former President Donald Trump used his social media platform to tell the public he would fly from his home in Florida into New York on Monday to prepare for his upcoming court appearance today, declaring, “America was not supposed to be this way!” before departure.

Trump's Trials are many.

Be informed, not misled.

Trump wrote on his own social media "Truth Social" platform this past weekend, “I will be leaving Mar-a-Lago on Monday at 12 noon, heading to Trump Tower in New York,” he wrote.

“On Tuesday morning I will be going to, believe it or not, the Courthouse. America was not supposed to be this way!”

Trump’s legal team has already confirmed he would not fight extradition from Florida but would instead willingly appear before New York authorities.

The "Trials of Trump" will continue playing out today before the world as the Leftists in America continue their singular focus on, not defeating this man politically, but completely canceling him so he can never again hold public office in this country.

Frankly, I've never seen anything quite like it in our country---the blind alignment of the secular progressive Left political community, the news media, the entertainment industry, and the so-called "Christian Left" all in lockstep with a single agenda: "Get Trump." No matter the national cost.

New York City bracing for a man they once embraced.

Fox News reported this:

New York City Mayor Eric Adams, joined by NYPD Commissioner Keechant Sewell, hosted a briefing Monday regarding security preparations ahead of former President Donald Trump's arraignment, stressing that as of midday Monday "there has been no specific, credible threats to our city at this time" and everyday life should continue as normal. 

"Control yourselves," Adams warned at City Hall, recognizing anticipated protests and the unique nature of the situation. "New York City is our home, not a playground for your misplaced anger. We are the safest large city in America because we respect the rule of law in New York City. And although we have no specific threats, people like Marjorie Taylor Greene, who is known to spread misinformation and hate speech, says she's coming to town. While you are in town be on your best behavior. As always, we will not allow violence or vandalism of any kind. And if one is caught participating in any act of violence, they will be arrested and held accountable no matter who you are." 

"As the mayor stated, there are no credible or specific threats to New York City at this time," Sewell said. "New Yorkers may see an increased police presence in parts of the city and should anticipate intermittent road closures over the next few days, particularly in Manhattan. To avoid delays, I urge everyone to use mass transit when possible."

"As always, we will not allow violence or vandalism of any kind. And if one is caught participating in any act of violence, they will be arrested and held accountable no matter who you are."


This is from the city that stood by, along with Portland, Seattle, St Louis, and other cities while leftist activists broke, burned, and trashed the city night after night---eventually painting the streets with New York City approval, with "BLM" including in front of Trump Tower in Manhattan---with virtually no arrests.

Selective justice

Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush, not a friend of Trump, said Saturday that a Manhattan grand jury's decision to indict former President Donald Trump during his third bid for the White House is "very political" and "not a matter of justice."

Bush, who challenged Trump for the GOP presidential nomination in 2016, noted in a tweet that Trump was indicted on a case that other prosecutors refused to move forward with before Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg's office revived it recently.

"Bragg’s predecessor didn’t take up the case. The Justice Department didn’t take up the case. Bragg first said he would not take up the case. This is very political, not a matter of justice," Bush, the second son of former President George H.W. Bush wrote in a tweet.

Former Attorney General William Barr, who had more than a few disagreements with President Trump, on Friday during an appearance on FBN’s “Kudlow,” slammed the Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s prosecution of former President Donald Trump.

Barr said it had problems on multiple grounds, including abuse of prosecutorial power and misinterpreting statute.

Barr said of the case against Trump: "based on the news reports, if they’re accurate, this is an abomination. It’s the epitome of the abuse of prosecutorial power to bring a case that would not be brought against anyone else. They are going after the man, not a crime. And the legal theory, frankly, is pathetically weak. The case is held together by chicken wire and paper clips and rubber bands. It’s a lousy case. It’s — and it’s a shame. It’s a shameful episode in our history, where this local prosecutor is trying to affect the political process by bringing this case.”

“This is politically driven, as you suggested. I think we all know that or at least conservatives all know that,” Kudlow said. “What is this tattered legal theory? I’m still trying to figure that out."

Most legal scholars, whether they are supportive of Trump or not, agree.

Mike Huckabee's great insight.

I've always liked Mike, although I've never met him. His insights are remarkable. 

 He caught my attention with his recent formal endorsement of Donald Trump for President in 2024.

Some excerpts from his comments:

  • "Maybe there are other conservative candidates for president who would do well, but who else could take and endure the relentless hate that he has faced and the never-ending persecutions and prosecutions of the demonic deep state?" 
  • "Hey, Donald Trump is far from perfect, but then so am I, and so are you. But I love my country, and I don't want it to be in second place or third place. I want it to be first, and I'll put up with a personality that can, maybe at times be vain and vulgar."
  • "But I'll do it to make America great again and that's why I will support him again for president."
  • "Donald Trump was my second choice for president in 2016 — second choice — because my first choice was me!" 
  • "Just so you know, OK. But, when I didn't make it, I endorsed, supported, and campaigned for Donald Trump.
  • "As president, he exceeded my expectations in implementing the America First policies, and they were long overdue to truly make America great again. I surprised most of my friends and even some of my enemies in supporting Donald Trump."
  • "He often said things that were cringe-worthy, and some of the labels he affixed to political opponents and the media were harsh — if not accurate, and incredibly funny. OK, I didn't like all of his tweets or his comments from the podium.
  • "Voting for a president, it's not like being put on a church pulpit committee and hiring a pastor. Ideally, I'd love to have people in office who share not only my political views but also my personal views and my personality."
  • "I select people to work for me who are the best at what they're hired to do."
  • "You know they're going to be some very fine people running for president in 2024 — and they're going to be some who could prove to be as worthless as a milk bucket under a bull. But just to be clear, I will again personally support President Trump, so he can finish what he started during his first term."
  • "You see? I believe he accomplished more to make America great again than any president in my lifetime, and that goes back to Eisenhower."

Huckabee then lists Trump's accomplishments from steering America away from socialism---to being pro-life, to moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem--- its rightful place.

Huckabee understands why the Left hates Trump---he gets things done. Most of us also understand that.


But why does the so-called "Christian Left" join the ranks of the secular progressives in their hate?

Be Informed. Be Discerning. Be Vigilant. Be Engaged. Be Prayerful.