Friday, December 15, 2023

University of Washington Awards Girl's Volleyball Scholarship to a Boy

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A male-born transgender athlete appears set to be awarded one of only 12 female volleyball scholarships at the University of Washington, according to a recent report. 

Tate Drageset, a 17-year-old transgender “girl” who apparently began “transitioning” at the age of 12, made a verbal commitment to attend the school in June and will be awarded one of Washington’s Division 1 athletic scholarships, according to Reduxx.

The Left is so conflicted in what they claim to believe; they are not only destroying our nation but also our daughter's opportunities.

Be informed, not misled.

Drageset has already been part of several girls’ volleyball teams that made it to state championships, and this year, he was named the MVP at the Girls Junior National Championships. Drageset also won the California Interscholastic Federation’s Division 5 Player of the 2022-23 Year.

Riley Gaines, a committed Christian and world-class athlete, posted on X, "Male takes women's volleyball scholarship at UW...A soon-to-be-Big 10 school--should rescind the scholarship if it really cares about women. He can play with men." 

Breitbart News says:

Despite the well-known accolades, what has been less well known is that Drageset is transgender and was born a male. None of his teams, schools, or volleyball associations have revealed that he is a male playing as a transgender girl.

Is Drageset's mother supporting her son or enriching herself?

Drageset’s mother seems to have made a cottage industry for herself, chronicling her son’s progress as a so-called trans girl.

According to her story published by the Los Angeles Times in 2016, Stacey Drageset claims she knew her son was transgender because when he was a small child, he liked girls’ clothing. While the story does not fully name Tate, the child in the story is called “T” and is also said to be heavily into volleyball. “T” is also from the same area Tate lives in, according to the paper’s story.

The LA Times story begins with this:

The 9-year-old is growing up. She used to play with Barbies. Now she’s the class treasurer of her West L.A. elementary school. She plays girls' volleyball, paints her nails, and likes to challenge herself on Minecraft.

She’s also transgender.

The girl, as well as her parents and school administrators, agreed to share her story to show how they are grappling with a situation that more and more schools are facing.

Stacey Drageset also produced a short film about Tate in 2016 entitled, a film made when Tate was only 12. According to Reduxx, Tate’s face was blurred, but the movie features the child holding a volleyball with “Tate” on it.

Here's the problem: "She" is a he.

Many have been afraid to speak out for fear that they would be targeted as haters and their daughters would be punished.

“Everyone is scared of how their child will be treated if they speak up. It’s already so competitive to get on a good club team,” one parent told Reduxx. “The stealing of positions and opportunities has been infuriating and so sad when you see how it affects the girls. There is no concern for their mental health or safety after being replaced."

Breitbart says, “When compared to same-height female athletes within his volleyball club, Drageset’s standing reach, vertical jump, and other key physical metrics are all more favorable."

Reduxx also pointed out that male volleyball rules set the net at seven inches higher than that for girls’ volleyball. That is because male volleyball players are, on average, six inches taller than girls and far more powerful on spikes and serves. So, it isn’t surprising that Tate is overpowering all his actual female opponents.

Tate has been tearing through all opponents, and every team he has played on as a girl has effortlessly soared into championship status. However, many parents feel that Tate is cheating and that his male physique gives him a vast and unbeatable advantage.

Then there is the safety issue. Some parents worry about their daughters’ safety on the court, with the more powerful students playing against them.

The worry is justified. Only weeks ago, a father in California came forward to report that his daughter was seriously injured by a ball spiked by a transgender player during a high school volleyball game. He said the girl suffered a severe concussion and was left with blurry vision.

In 2022, another girl was seriously injured by a transgender player during a high school volleyball game in North Carolina.

In November, a Massachusetts girl had her teeth knocked out when a boy on an opposing field hockey team slashed a shot that struck her in the face with brutal force.

In 2022, NBC News published a detailed story on swimmer "Lia" Thomas. He was dominating women's swim meets for the same reasons.

Men and women are different.

They were no more able to find a solution at that time than they are today.  


Blogger Brett McCracken writes, 

Paul makes it clear in Romans 1:18–32 that it is folly to deny God’s natural revelation in creation. “Claiming to be wise, they became fools” (v. 22), says Paul in reference to people who know God is real but do not honor him or give thanks to him (v. 21), exchanging the truth about God for a lie and worshiping the creature rather than the Creator (v. 25). It is significant that Paul’s illustration of this is homosexual behavior, for few things show the rejection of God’s created order more vividly than men or women “exchanging natural relations [with the opposite sex]” for same-sex relations that “are contrary to nature” (v. 26). This rejection of God’s natural revelation is especially egregious because in rejecting God’s male-female, “one flesh in marriage” design for sexuality, we are rejecting an aspect of God’s creation that Paul says is a profound reflection of Christ’s relationship to the church (Eph. 5:31–32).

Transgenderism and contemporary gender theory are other examples of how we deny creation today when convenient. Attempts to free the concept of gender from any connection to biology is a brazen rejection of the goodness of God's Creation. So is the suggestion that male and female are nothing more than interchangeable, indistinguishable psychological constructs.

Males and females are created in His likeness and His image. We are in a fatal freefall while we slouch toward Sodom. 

Be Informed. Be Discerning. Be Vigilant. Be Engaged. Be Prayerful.