Monday, January 22, 2024

Thousands, Not Hundreds, Attend "March For Life"

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It was disappointing but not surprising that local news around the country was reporting Friday night that "hundreds turned out in frigid weather to march against abortion on Friday in Washington DC."

It was "thousands," not hundreds, and they were marching for "Life," not merely "against" abortion. 

However, the news folks did get one thing right. It was cold and snowy. 

Teenagers, young adults, middle-aged, and elderly marched for Life. So did some very well-known personalities.

And you may have heard: yesterday, Ron DeSantis withdrew from the presidential race.

Be informed, not misled.

RE: DeSantis.

Yesterday The New York Times said, "Ron DeSantis Drops Out of Presidential Race and Endorses Trump."

The Times wrote, "The Florida governor’s distant loss to Donald Trump in Iowa dealt a devastating blow to his campaign. His exit caps a spectacular political failure and leaves Mr. Trump and Nikki Haley locked in a two-person contest."

Townhall reported, "Florida Governor Ron DeSantis announced on Sunday afternoon that he is suspending his 2024 presidential bid, just a few days short of New Hampshire's first-in-the-nation GOP primary. 

In a pre-recorded video posted on X, DeSantis announced the news and endorsed former President Donald Trump while throwing another punch in former Ambassador Nikki Haley's direction. 

"Nobody worked harder and we left it all out on the field," DeSantis said of his presidential campaign. "I can't ask our supporters to volunteer their time and donate their resources if we don't have a clear path to victory," he admitted. "Accordingly, today I am suspending my campaign."

In a quote he attributed to Winston Churchill, DeSantis said that "success is not final, failure is not fatal — it is the courage to continue that counts." Even though his "campaign has ended, the mission continues," he said. "Down here in Florida, we will continue to show the country how to lead."

There will be much more on this in the next few days. The New Hampshire primary is on Tuesday.

RE: The March for Life.

They told the onlookers and the nation, "We come to give voice to the voiceless. We march out of love for life. Protecting their right to life is why we march."

"With every woman, for every child.” 

This was the slogan for Friday's 51st annual March for Life in Washington, D.C., where thousands of pro-life Americans gathered despite snow and frigid temperatures. The annual march marks the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court ruling that legalized abortion nationwide for nearly 50 years.

Americans of all ages and faith backgrounds gathered at the rally before the march began with a view of the Capitol building in front and a view of the Washington Monument behind them. Young high school students built a snowman while others of all ages gathered in joy to witness and celebrate the beauty of life.

While thousands gathered to hear a variety of speeches, a video played on repeat, speaking to how the death and darkness of abortion will only end with an approach of hope and love. Those gathered were invited to be the light in the darkness, and a voice for unborn babies who have no voice. 

The video also referenced, as did many speakers at the rally, that the overturn of Roe v. Wade was a big step but that much is still to be done, promising to “not stop marching until abortion is unthinkable.” 

“We are not done. We will keep marching every January at the national level, as well as in our states, until our nation’s laws reflect the basic truth that all human life is created equal and is worthy of protection,” said March for Life President Jeanne Mancini.

Familiar faces spoke to the thousands of marchers---and the nation.

House Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., gave the opening remarks. He spoke about how the birth certificate of America, the Declaration of Independence, bluntly references the fact that our rights do not come from the government but from our Creator. 

Johnson also noted that his existence was the result of an unplanned pregnancy. His parents were teenagers when they found out they were pregnant. Johnson showed gratitude to his parents for choosing life, expressing just how blessed he was for that decision. 

University of Michigan head coach Jim Harbaugh, who clinched the national college football championship a few weeks ago against the Washington Huskies, also shared some words at the rally. “This is a great day for a march. It is football weather,” Harbaugh said before noting what a great witness to the sanctity of life is being set by the thousands gathered.

“There’s no right without the right to be born,” Harbaugh said. “No other rights matter if you don’t have the right to be born.”

Harbaugh also spoke about his team’s religious revival after 70 players were baptized following their commitment to Jesus Christ this season.

“There’s a spiritual mission to our team,” Harbaugh said, “and I’m inspired by them.”

In fact, Harbaugh and his wife are so committed to "life" that he made headlines in the summer of 2022, just one month after the Dobbs decision when he pledged to raise any babies his staff or players couldn’t.

“I’ve told [them] the same thing I tell my kids, the boys, the girls, same thing I tell our players, our staff members,” Harbaugh said. “I encourage them if they have a pregnancy that wasn’t planned, to go through with it, go through with it. Let that unborn child be born. And if at that time, you don’t feel like you can care for it, you don’t have the means or the wherewithal, then Sarah and I will take that baby.”

Harbaugh also introduced former NFL tight end, Benjamin Watson.

Watson said, “It’s a great example that you’re setting. It’s testimony for the sanctity of life.”

Watson encouraged pro-lifers to advocate for unborn children in “the new fight for life” following the milestone Supreme Court reversal of Roe v. Wade.

“Roe is done,” Watson said, “but we still live in a culture that knows not how to care for life.”

“Roe is done,” Watson added, “but abortion is still legal and thriving in too much of America.”


Thomas Griffen wrote the article The Federalist published about the march.

He concluded with this:

Along the way, you could hear some groups praying the rosary while others sang songs and some led chants in support of the pro-life cause. Not long into the route, a bright yellow sign caught my eye: “Caution genocide content ahead.” 

Soon there was a massive television in sight showing pictures of aborted babies. There was even a recording of a baby crying during an abortion. As a father of two, this was the most jarring part of the event. It was explicit and real. But it was true. 

Be Informed. Be Discerning. Be Vigilant. Be Engaged. Be Prayerful. Be Free---know the Truth.