Monday, May 13, 2024

While The Left Radicalizes Our Children

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New York City Mayor Eric Adams made some extraordinary remarks last week. “There is a movement to radicalize young people, and I'm not going to wait until it's done and all of a sudden acknowledge the existence of it,” he said in the wake of the recent violence at Columbia University.

However, according to Adams, this is not an isolated episode. “This is a global problem where young people are being influenced by those who are professionals at radicalizing our children.”

Has the Left suddenly awakened to what conservatives have been saying for the past many years?

Be informed, not misled.

These comments are extraordinary not because of their uniqueness; conservatives have been sounding these alarms for many years. They’re extraordinary because they came from the liberal mayor of America's largest city. Adams’s comments could only be eclipsed by admitting that all of this radicalization is coming from within his own political party. 

Radicalization takes many forms. Lately, the most visible is the pro-terrorist social contagion spreading across the nation’s college campuses. People can disagree over foreign policy, but that’s not happening right now. Instead, we’re hearing student calls for intifada, chants of ‘Death to America’ and ‘From the river to the sea,’ and demands for Jews to be exterminated. 

What does Globalize the Intifada mean? 

Back in December, the  American Jewish Committee noted that in anti-Israel demonstrations around the world, we frequently hear the chant “globalize the intifada."

What does “Globalize the Intifada” mean, how is it tied to Palestinian activist violence against Israel, and how did it lead to targeting Jews today? 

The Arabic word “Intifada” translates to “uprising” or “shaking off.” It has been used to describe periods of intense Palestinian protest against Israel, mainly in the form of violent terrorism: The First Intifada from 1987-1990 and the Second Intifada from 2000-05. 

The First Intifada was marked by a period of widespread Palestinian protests, civil disobedience, and acts of violence and terrorism against Israelis.

The Second Intifada, also known as the Al-Aqsa Intifada, was a period of intense conflict and Palestinian uprising against Israeli rule that began in late September 2000 and continued until 2005.

It was characterized by widespread protests, demonstrations, and suicide bombings, resulting in a high number of casualties on both sides, with close to 1,000 Israelis killed or injured by Palestinian terror attacks, including suicide bombings in civilian areas and passenger bus bombings. 

The phrase “Globalize the Intifada” calls for people from around the globe to participate in rising up against Israel.

Hamas itself and Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the supreme leader of Iran, are also supporting this chaos.

Since Hamas’ massacres against Israelis on October 7 and Israel’s following attempts to free hostages and eliminate the threat posed by Hamas, Jewish individuals, synagogues, and cultural institutions have been the target of violence in the name of protests against Israel. These are in addition to anti-Israel protesters targeting corporations that do business with Israel.

A social media post from the anti-Israel group Within Our Life, a self-described Palestinian-led community organization, was headlined with the phrase “Globalize the Intifada” and had examples of Israeli and U.S. companies, and transit hubs; the locations included The New York Times, Penn Station, Grand Central Station, the BlackRock investment firm, and the Israeli tech company Check Point. 

“Each of the locations on this map reflects the location of an office of an enemy of both the Palestinian people and colonized people all over the world. Today and beyond, these locations will be sites for popular mobilization in defense of our people,” the group wrote.

“May this map serve as a call for every struggle to act in their own interest,” the group said in its call to action. “As we do so, we uplift one another’s struggles and free Palestine from the river to the sea.”

Clearly, the Arab "uprising" against the Jews was never intended to be a "peaceful protest."

The far-left news organization Malaysia Now gives us a look inside the thinking of the Leftist terrorists and their global uprising: 

The mass protests at dozens of US universities cannot be reduced to a stifling and misleading conversation about anti-Semitism. 

Thousands of American students across the country are not protesting because of some pathological hate for the Jewish people. They are doing so in a complete rejection of, and justifiable outrage over the mass killing carried out by the state of Israel against defenseless Palestinians in Gaza. 

They are angry because the bloodbath in the Gaza Strip, starting on Oct 7, is fully funded and backed by the US government. 

This is why President Biden is trying to appease both sides of this issue. He is losing the Jewish vote because he has wavered in his support for Israel during this current uprising against the Jews, and because he has conversely shown support for the Jews and is losing the vote of Muslims in Michigan and elsewhere.

He is double-minded and unstable. 

Malaysia Now concludes, "Young Americans, who are not beholden to the self-interests or historical and spiritual illusions of previous generations, are declaring that "enough is enough."

Meantime, back in New York City. 

It appears the Left is having an awakening. At least New York City Mayor Eric Adams is.

This anti-American hatred has merged with an Islamist agenda, and it’s metastasizing from one campus to another. But radicalization doesn’t end with teaching college students that supporting international terrorism is a good thing. Children are being taught to hate people - mostly white people - through critical race theory. Suddenly, medicine is racist. Mathematics is racist. Roads are racist. The list goes on and foments more race hatred. 

This radicalization of children also includes efforts to destroy the Judeo-Christian roots of American society and culture. Satanists are establishing after school clubs for kids in public schools. Some schools are teaching Paganism, not as part of an advanced curriculum focused on classical Greek literature or ancient civilizations, but to children in second grade. 

Transgender ideology has poisoned the minds of countless young people who are lied to and led to believe delusions that they have the power to change their sex. While Great Britain is finally awakening to the perils of this radicalization, the Biden administration is going in the opposite direction, further promoting transgender ideology while threatening people of faith if they don’t affirm it. 

Other forms of radicalization are happening, and as Mayor Adams noted, it is indeed a global problem. That’s because these and other forms of agitation were memorialized in the Soviet Union's international strategy. It was laid out in detail many years ago by former KGB operative Yuri Bezmenov, who defected to the West in 1970. The radicalization Adams laments in New York City today was described by Bezmenov in this lengthy and eye-opening interview from 1984.

It took guts for Mayor Adams to call out the terroristic radicalization of American youth. If he can muster the courage to denounce the race hatred of CRT, the promotion of atheism, and the horrors of transgender ideology to which children are exposed, he could write a new chapter of profiles in courage.

And if enough Americans of all political parties will find the courage to take a stand against this self-destruction, we can avoid the looming consequences.


Our nation finds itself at a critical inflection point. We’re on the cusp of learning whether the Democratic Party of the 21st century is one of nominal American values or held captive by the Radical Left promoting and implementing a Marxist agenda. 

If it is the latter, we ought not be surprised. As summarized in the Marxist newspaper Labor’s Champion, “Alliance with the liberals and the Democratic Party is the essence of the election tactics of the CPUSA (Communist Party USA) and has been since the 1940’s (sic).” 

Joshua told the people of God to " Choose you this day whom you will serve."

Make your choice. Stand. Pray for America. 

Be Informed. Be Discerning. Be Vigilant. Be Engaged. Be Prayerful.