Tuesday, June 18, 2024

How Illegal Aliens Are Getting Voter Registration Forms

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Welfare offices and other agencies in 49 US states are providing voter registration forms to migrants without requiring proof of citizenship. 

Republicans and conservatives are calling for swift federal action to stop the handouts.

Here's how the Left is folding illegal border crossers onto the active voting rolls.

Be informed, not misled.

As mentioned, welfare offices and other agencies are providing voter registration forms to migrants without requiring proof of citizenship, leading Republicans and conservatives are calling for swift federal action to stop the handouts.

"Every state but Arizona — which recently passed a law barring the practice on state but not federal forms — gives applicants for either welfare benefits, driver’s licenses, or in some cases, mail-in ballots voter registration forms without demanding proof of citizenship," according to the New York Post.

The Post says, "There is currently no requirement on federal voting forms to provide proof of US citizenship, though it is illegal to falsely claim one is a citizen or for a non-citizen to cast a ballot in a federal election."

But millions of migrants are eligible for benefits that would bring them to the offices where voter registration takes place.

The National Voter Registration Act (NVRA) of 1993 ordered states to register voters at the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) and agencies where Americans apply for public benefits. Federal law requires those offices to hand over the registration forms along with the application papers.

If an applicant claims to be a US citizen, that claim is considered valid on its face, and the person is registered to vote.

Are Republicans in Congress addressing this issue?

The House Administration Committee last month approved the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act which requires states to receive proof of citizenship when anyone registers to vote by mail, at a DMV, or at a welfare agency office.

“While Biden and radical progressive Democrats give ISIS and criminals an app to literally schedule their illegal entry, Republicans must fight any chance of illegal voter registration until we can mass deport,” Rep. Chip Roy (R-Texas), who introduced the measure, told The Post.

Speaker of the House Mike Johnson (R-La) said, “As President Biden has welcomed millions of illegal aliens through our borders, including sophisticated criminal syndicates and foreign adversaries, it is incumbent upon Congress to implement greater enforcement measures that secure the voter registration process and ensure only American citizens decide the outcome of American elections."

“It is undeniable that the current structure makes it possible for illegal immigrants and non-citizens to vote — and the American people have no way of knowing how widespread the problem may be,” Ryan Walker, executive vice president at the conservative Heritage Foundation’s sister group, Heritage Action, told The Post.

“The SAVE Act puts all of these issues to rest and gives Americans confidence that our elections are decided on a more even playing field,” Walker said.

House Republican leaders have yet to schedule a floor vote for the measure, though one Hill source suggested to The Post it could come up before the August recess.

The left-leaning Campaign Legal Center has opposed the SAVE Act as a “shameful” measure that will “undermine trust in the electoral process,” It dismisses concerns over non-citizen voting and declares it has not taken place “at any meaningful level.”

But they don't know that. No one knows the extent to which this is taking place. We do know, however, that millions and millions of illegal aliens have crossed the border during Biden's three years in office.

Resistance to citizenship verification is very strong.

In Georgia, one of several battleground states that delivered Biden his victory in the 2020 election, left-wing voter groups sued Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger earlier this year for trying to implement citizenship verification methods.

Raffensperger wrote this in an op-ed for The Federalist.

A reminder to the left-wing activists challenging the state’s citizen-verification procedures: American elections should be decided by American citizens.

President Joe Biden’s leftist-activist allies are suing me, again. They want to open the gate to noncitizen voting. I’m not going to let them.

President Biden’s failure to address our border crisis signals a troubling new trend and campaign tactic from the Left: a push to open our elections to noncitizen voting. Despite attempts by activists to downplay this issue, leftist activists such as Stacey Abrams and the Georgia Coalition for the People’s Agenda persist in legal efforts to stop Georgia from verifying U.S. citizenship when people register to vote. 

These tactics are not new. When Abrams was running for governor in 2018, she notably declared that a “blue wave” would sweep her into office. “That blue wave,” she said, “is undocumented,” while her allies concurrently pursued legal action to stop citizenship verification. In the lead-up to the 2024 election, these leftist groups have continued their push to dismantle the vital checks that Georgia uses to verify U.S. citizenship when someone registers to vote.

Currently, the Georgia Coalition for the People’s Agenda, the Stacey Abrams–founded New Georgia Project, and other left-wing groups are attempting to eliminate Georgia’s commonsense citizenship-verification process.

Georgia uses a particularly effective citizenship-verification process when people register to vote. Georgia has been REAL ID–compliant since 2012, which means that every person has to show documentary proof of their U.S. citizenship or legal-immigration status when they get a driver’s license or state identification card. And because more than 90 percent of voter registrations in Georgia come through the Georgia Department of Driver Services as a result of automatic voter registration, Georgia’s citizenship-verification process is quick and seamless. When documents show that the person attempting to register was not a U.S. citizen and that person has not attached a more recent document showing that they have become a U.S. citizen, they are not able to vote until they have proved their U.S. citizenship, which they can do even at the polls. This straightforward measure protects the right of eligible voters of all political persuasions to have their votes given the full weight they deserve.

Getting rid of citizenship verification would allow noncitizens to vote, plain and simple.

"Let me be clear: U.S. elections should be decided by U.S. citizens and only U.S. citizens," Raffensperger says.

Secure elections mean that only US citizens are voting in our elections and that foreign actors are shut out from voting, participating in, and funding elections and campaigns.

This is the simple and incontrovertible point: American elections should be decided by American citizens. We must remain steadfast in our commitment to the democratic values that have defined our nation for more than two centuries. The protection of our electoral process is not a partisan issue; it is a civic responsibility that transcends political partisanship. 

Hans von Spakovsky, a former member of the Federal Election Commission (FEC) and manager of the Election Law Reform Initiative at the Heritage Foundation, says, "The truth is out there. Aliens are registering and voting in American elections."

For anyone who cares to see it, the truth is available in public records in election offices across the nation. Unfortunately, those who expose the truth about voting by aliens—illegal immigrants or not are subjected to ridicule and an onslaught from the Left to preserve the broken status quo.

Some would prefer that anyone who documents aliens participating in American elections—especially with the current border crisis—simply disappear.

Undeniable Evidence

Spakovsky says, "We presented hard, undeniable evidence of aliens voting in California, New Jersey, and, naturally, Chicago. In most instances, the aliens themselves admitted they were ineligible to vote as they begged to be removed from voter rolls."

Many aliens are being registered to vote by election officials even after they answer a question on the voter registration form, “Are You a U.S. Citizen?”—you guessed it—with a “No.” That’s right: Aliens tell election officials they’re not eligible to vote, and they still get registered.

We have collected hundreds of examples of this across the country. We call them “Checkbox No's."


Spakovsky says, "Despite what liberals and their allies in the mainstream media say, alien registration and voting is a problem, particularly in close elections, and we have close elections all the time in America."

Anyone who doubts that should look at the database maintained by the Public Interest Legal Foundation on the hundreds of elections it has documented that resulted in ties or were decided by only one vote.

It’s about time that something is done about this problem.

Be Informed. Be Discerning. Be Vigilant. Be Engaged. Be Prayerful.