Tuesday, June 25, 2024

"Kinderbuddy"--Public Ed's Latest Attack On Kids

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Parents are once again learning that their child's teacher may not be their friend.

More and more parents are expressing outrage when they find out transgender ideology is being taught to their child in public schools, this time in a classroom assignment that used middle-school students to indoctrinate kindergartners.

Welcome to the "Kinderbuddy" program.

Be informed, not misled.

In the Encinitas Union School District, an all-elementary district in San Diego County, parents learned last month the “Kinderbuddy Program” is pairing fifth graders with kindergartners to learn about transgenderism.

The public only became aware of the program thanks to a parent, Carlos Encinas. He learned about “Kinderbuddy” after his fifth-grade son came home and complained he was being forced to sit with a kindergartner to watch a read-along video, according to a detailed article published June 17 by California Family Council. 

The children watched the read-along video for the book My Shadow is Pink, which is not just any kid-friendly video. The video description on YouTube states it is a “rhyming story that touches on the subjects of gender identity, self-acceptance, equality, and diversity.”

It is not a video that "touches" on subjects of gender identity; it is a blatant attempt to indoctrinate and groom kindergarteners. It promises if they are persistent about wanting to identify as the opposite sex, their non-affirming parents will finally accept and affirm that choice, admitting they were wrong not to affirm and facilitate the 5-year-old's fantasy in the first place.

Please take 7 minutes and watch the video on YouTube.

Laurie Higgins, who writes about culture and education at Breakthrough Ideas, tells the American Family Network that school officials pushing transgender ideology are sneaky about their goals. They insist they want every student to be accepted and affirmed, but they twist the meaning of those words.  

“What's so outrageous about that is they don't mean they want all children to be treated kindly,” she says. “They mean they want all leftist ideas to be affirmed."

Teacher plays dumb, school pushes back

According to the California Family article, Encinas is learning that lesson firsthand. According to the father, once he confronted his son’s teacher, he was told My Shadow is Pink is not about gender identity, even though the book describes a boy who identifies as a girl and wants to wear pink to school.

AFN found the book for sale on the website Queen Haven Books, because it "highlights current themes of gender identity." 

Since the classroom assignment is a coloring exercise with shadows, the teacher told Encinas his son and other students were doing a coloring assignment about "buddies" who are "playing with the shadows." 

That is a lie. 

The book chronicles the boy’s experience as he tries to transform into a girl because his “shadow is pink.” It also describes little girls “whose shadows like girls,” introducing the concept of lesbianism to five-year-olds, possibly for the first time, behind their parents’ backs.

After the students watched the video, they were required, yes, required, to complete a coloring exercise in which they colored their own shadows. At the end of the book, the father tells his son, “It’s not just your shadow; it’s your innermost you.” Thus, young students can choose whatever color they want to represent their gender identity, their “innermost you,” irrespective of biological reality. 

After word spread about the video, so many irate parents showed up at a May school board meeting that many were forced to stand outside. At the meeting, they witnessed their demands for parental notification and an opt-out option for their children ignored by Encinitas schools.

“As parents we have the right to know what our children are being exposed to, especially when it involves sensitive topics like gender identity,” Encinas said at the board meeting.

The parents who opposed the book requested the option to opt their children out of any future exercise involving this book or others like it, but they were not given that guarantee at the board meeting. In fact, the district’s position thus far is that parents do not have to be notified of such teachings, and even if they are, they can’t opt their children out.

“We the people have the freedom to opt-out. We are going to opt-out as Christians. If you don’t accept our opt-out, we’ll see you in court,” one woman at the meeting boldly declared.

Unfortunately, not all parents at the meeting objected to the indoctrination of their children. Some were there to support the indoctrination and sexualization of their child.


Carlos said the school’s leadership's response was “nothing short of disappointing. The principal and PTA organized a ‘pink out the hate’ event. … It’s an outright attempt to dismiss the feelings of our children and intimidate parents who might hold different views. … Our children deserve an education that respects family values and parental rights.”

“Our family has a lifelong commitment to our community and schools and it saddens us to learn that our school district denied our parental rights concerning sexualized content and transgender ideology in the elementary school curriculum,” Carlos continued. “We were not informed beforehand and are very concerned that our child was forced to participate in promoting content that does not align with our child’s faith or our family’s values and religious beliefs. Furthermore, EUSD has denied our request for future notification of such content and the option to opt-out. We are now consulting legal counsel to review our available options.”

Be Informed. Be Discerning. Be Vigilant. Be Engaged. Be Prayerful.