Thursday, August 29, 2024

Getting To Know Kamala

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For about a month now, since Vice President Kamala Harris was chosen to be "The Candidate" by the power people behind the Democratic Party, people have been wondering what her positions are on a wide-ranging number of issues.

Even the press, which has been giving her cover, is suggesting she tell the American people a little about what she has in mind for America.

The Trump Campaign has responded by setting up a website to help Kamala get the word out on her policies.

Ben Shapiro has more than a little to say about all this.

Be informed, not misled.

On August  23, Breitbart News said, "More than four weeks after she joined the presidential race following the withdrawal of President Joe Biden, the Democratic Party nominee has yet to list any policies on her site, though she has announced a few economic policies."

"Tired of waiting," Breitbart said, "the Trump campaign created, which describes Harris’s policies — as the Trump campaign sees them.

“Border Czar Kamala Harris opened the southern border to illegal alien criminals and deadly fentanyl, and as vice president, was the tie-breaking vote for far-left spending bills that raised taxes and sent prices skyrocketing for families across the country,” the website explains.

"While Harris has tried to rewrite history on her extreme record, she can’t hide from her promises to set murderers free, dismantle America’s border security, raise costs with massive spending bills, bring back the Green New Deal Scam, eliminate private health insurance, and more.”

There are nine sections, as follows:

  • Fighting to Set Murderers Free
  • More “Bidenomics”—it’s “Working,” Rising Costs are Nothing to Worry About!
  • More Taxes to Ensure the Middle-Class Pays Their “Fair Share”
  • Abolish Borders
  • Bring Back the Green New Deal
  • Kamala Believes in Freedom for Individuals Associated with Violent Behavior. (Formally Referred to as Violent Criminals)
  • Ending “Wrongheaded Thinking” That More Police Mean Safer Communities
  • Eliminate Private Health Insurance
  • Give Social Security and Medicare to Illegal Aliens

The Trump Campaign explains: The policies are based on Harris’s own past positions, not just during her four years as Biden’s deputy, but also during her failed 2019 presidential campaign (she did not make it into 2020), and her two years as a U.S. Senator, when she was rated as further left than socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT).

Ben Shapiro says, "Republics are predicated on the idea that the voters deserve to know something about the candidates for whom they vote."

This is true, unless it isn't. And it hasn't been in the case of Vice President Harris.

Shapiro said yesterday, "To call the last eight weeks in presidential politics unprecedented would be a wild understatement. It was just over two months ago when Joe Biden -- a man deemed highly successful and mentally sharp by our legacy media -- took to the stage to debate Donald Trump, and promptly expired. It took another month for Biden to drop out of the race, prompted by the backstabbing Democratic cadre of former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, and, most importantly, former President Barack Obama, all of whom wheedled donors and cudgeled Biden into submission."

"It then took promptly one day to solidify Vice President Kamala Harris in Biden's stead."

He says, "It has been more than a month since Biden was defenestrated in favor of Harris. Since then, Harris has answered precisely zero difficult questions from the media. She has spent the intervening weeks being "brat" -- social media-friendly and utterly vacuous. We know that she likes Doritos, that she enjoys cooking, that she supposedly makes a mean brisket, that she wears Chuck Taylors. When asked outside Air Force Two what she will do next this week, she answered, "We're going to walk up those stairs."

"Deep stuff. Deep."

"And yet," he says, "there are less than 70 days to the election. Republics are predicated on the idea that the voters deserve to know something about the candidates for whom they vote. Voters already know everything there is to know about Donald Trump; he's the most overexposed political figure in history, and we've already seen what his presidency looks like. But voters have been shielded from Harris. According to the legacy media, her 2019 presidential campaign policy positions are completely irrelevant: She's now sent out surrogates to disown her own position on decriminalizing border crossings (she was in favor), electric vehicle mandates (she was in favor), private health insurance (she was against), 'reimagining public safety' or defunding the police (she was in favor), and fracking (she was against), among others."

Shapiro says, "The media apparently have zero questions."

All of that in the last month alone.

He concludes:

Meanwhile, we've been told that she's not even tied to the administration in which she is currently the vice president. This week, Politico headlined, "Vance tries to tether Harris to Biden during Michigan rally." Tries to?She's the sitting vice president! Her boss -- the same person she shivved to steal his nomination -- is currently still the president.

Sam Stein of The Bulwark and MSNBC headlined, "Dems spent four days in Chicago castigating, belittling, and demonizing Donald Trump. And then they did something even more vicious: They turned him into the incumbent." Trump the incumbent? She's the sitting vice president of the United States!

All of this is why Harris must avoid scrutiny. She's obviously squirrely on debating Trump -- first she tried to bully Trump into accepting the same debate rules he'd accepted against Biden; then she denied him extra debates; then she tried to switch the rules. Her campaign has gone through Talmudic discussions internally to determine if and when she ought to be interviewed. Their verdict: OK, fine, but only if pretaped while joined by happy but cloddish sitcom dad running mate Tim Walz.

This entire charade smacks of disdain for the American people. Rig the nomination process in favor of Biden; throw Biden off a cliff in favor of Kamala; hide Kamala behind an Instagram filter while she dances and calls herself "Momala" for the duration of the campaign.

At no point do Democrats want Americans to understand just what Kamala Harris will do as president, or to connect her to what she's already done as vice president.

Perhaps it will work. If so, Americans will only have proved H.L. Mencken's cynical theory: "Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard."


John Jay, the first Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, said, "The Americans are the first people whom  Heaven has favored with an opportunity of deliberating upon and choosing the forms of government under which they should live."

William Penn, whose name-sake state is considered a "swing state" in the upcoming election, said this about governments: "Governments like clocks, go from motion men give them; and as governments are made and moved by men, so they are ruined too. Wherefore governments rather depend upon men rather than men upon governments."

Supreme Court Justice William Patterson reminded his colleagues on the Court---and it's on the record: "When the righteous rule, the people rejoice; when the wicked rule; the people groan (Proverbs 29:2)."

When we evaluate the presidential candidates, "righteous" may not be the first thing that comes to mind, but there is a clear distinction between their policies.

Be Informed. Be Discerning. Be Vigilant. Be Engaged. Be Prayerful. VOTE.