Friday, August 09, 2024

NBC News, Democrats And "White Guys"

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NBC News is making a big deal out of white guys voting for Kamala Harris.


NBC News headline reads, "'White dudes' rally to elect Kamala Harris as the first female president."

"A star-studded tongue-in-cheek fundraiser for progressive white men raised almost $4 million for Vice President Kamala Harris."

Be informed, not misled.

NBC News begins: "Some famous 'white dudes' — including the guy who played 'The Dude' — rallied in support of Vice President Kamala Harris, who would be the first female president if elected, in the inaugural event of a new group called White Dudes for Harris on Monday night."

"The name may be a bit facetious, but the star-studded Zoom call attracted more than 180,000 participants and raised almost $4 million, according to organizers, who are themselves a group of white dude Democratic political operatives."

Over the nearly 3½-hour call, they said, they sold more than 5,700 White Dudes for Harris trucker caps — “not the pointy ones,” joked Ross Morales Rocketto, one of the organizers, referring to less PC gatherings of white dudes like the Ku Klux Klan. 

“Throughout American history, when white men organized, it was often with pointy hats on,” said Rocketto before he added how proud he was of this group of white men, who he said are too rarely heard from.

Clearly, NBC is not attempting to broadcast a "news" item---they abandoned that outdated exercise years ago, so what's the point?

Mattison Brooks writes, "To be clear: This isn’t a quote that was leaked by accident. Rocketto implied, out loud, that in any other context except one guided by Democrats, a gathering of white men could result in lynchings or cross-burnings."

Brooks continues, "Now, one might call this statement staggeringly arrogant or tone-deaf. However, America’s left-wing already put similar thoughts into action. Just look at their treatment of Nick Sandmann, Kyle Rittenhouse, and numerous white men seeking higher office."

He continues, "Also, when you consider the totality of the campaign — all the forced and unfunny “Kamala is brat” coconut tree memes on TikTok, the kindergarten teachers-turned-Democrat influencers talking to voters like they’re children, and now ubiquitous characterizations of the Trump-Vance campaign push for family values as “weird” — it becomes clear that this messaging is aimed at a decidedly female, always-online audience."

"Simply stated, it’s a fully intentional effort by the Harris campaign to make the 2024 electorate split about sex, not policy, just like Democrats and the media tried to do in 2016. And just like in 2016, the male vote will make or break the Trump or Harris campaign — but a great deal has changed since Hillary Clinton was beaten," Brooks says.

So, I looked into exactly what has changed since Hillary Clinton was defeated. 

A February 2024 Pew Research Center study shows men are now more interested than women in starting families by a margin of 57 to 45 percent.

They report: "Among adults ages 18 to 34, 69% of those who have never been married say they want to get married one day. About a quarter (23%) say they’re not sure, and 8% say they don’t want to get married. Men and women are about equally likely to say they want to get married."

"When asked about having children, 51% of young adults who are not parents say they would like to have children one day. Three-in-ten say they’re not sure, and 18% say they don’t want to have children."

"While 57% of young men say they want children one day, a smaller share of young women (45%) say the same."

In another Pew study, the question was asked, "What makes for a fulfilling life?"

Some 71% of all adults say having a job or career they enjoy is extremely or very important in order for people to live a fulfilling life. And 61% say having close friends is equally important.

The survey also found "Only about one-in-four adults say having children (26%) or being married (23%) is extremely or very important in order to live a fulfilling life. A third say each of these is somewhat important. And 42% and 44%, respectively, say having children or being married is not too or not at all important.

Having a lot of money is viewed as extremely or very important for a fulfilling life by 24% of adults, while another 49% say this is somewhat important. About one-in-four adults (27%) say this is not too or not at all important. 

It’s obvious the Democrat Party is not one for families or those seeking family formation anymore, so why would they try to appeal to that? 

Brooks says, "They aren’t, and according to 2022 national exit polling, unmarried women are the Democrats’ main voting bloc now. They supported the Democrats 68 to 31 percent. Exit polling also showed married men (59 to 39 percent), married women (56 to 42 percent), and unmarried men (52 to 45 percent) voted Republican."

This political sex gap has only widened further. In 2020, President Biden reportedly carried young men by 26 points. A few months ago, however, before he dropped out of the race, one poll showed that edge dropping to just 6 points.

White men and married families won’t find real or meaningful advocates in a political party that has gleefully worked against and mocked their interests and values for the better part of a decade. 

Brooks says, "The Harris campaign knows who its real voting base is, and, despite appearances, it’s fully committed to it. All the ham-handed pro-Harris appearances from actors who portrayed Luke Skywalker, the Hulk, or Samwise Gamgee, won’t change that."


The Left's obsession with undermining and ultimately destroying the nuclear, or traditional family is not new to this culture, its roots go back to the Garden of Eden and the great deception, and the Fall of Man.

That demonic attempt to destroy what God has created is now being advanced through Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels and their advocates.

The Left’s desire to abolish the family is nothing new. Both Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels saw the destruction of the family as absolutely essential to the success of communism.

So why were Marx and Engels so bent on ending families? 

Marx and Engels both believed that man originally existed in a classless “primitive communism,” in which there was no private property and no families. There were no marriages. Every man had sex with every woman in what Engels called a “promiscuous horde.” Only with the invention of marriage did private property begin, and people started oppressing each other by class.

Communism, under this worldview, would just be a return to our true human nature.

"This" worldview is a secular humanist worldview that is devoid of God and Creation.

Secular anthropology has shown us that all societies throughout time had both marriage and families. 

More importantly, the Bible clearly tells us that God created human sexuality, marriage between a male and a female, and the traditional family unit.

This presidential election is more than a "political matter"---it's a "spiritual" one.

Ephesians 6:12: "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

Be Informed. Be Discerning. Be Vigilant. Be Engaged. Be Prayerful. Vote.