Wednesday, August 07, 2024

RE: Gov. Tim Walz, Nominee For Vice President

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One of the first things America should know about  Gov. Walz is that he has signed virtually every piece of extreme legislation sent to his desk by Minnesota Democrats.

Vice President Kamala Harris announced yesterday that Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz will be her 2024 running mate, creating the most radically left presidential ticket in modern history.

“I am proud to announce that I’ve asked @Tim_Walz to be my running mate,” Harris wrote on X. “It’s great to have him on the team.”

Her choice surprised a lot of people---even within her Leftist political orbit.

Be informed, not misled.


RE: Gov. Walz

The Federalist said yesterday, "Tuesday’s pick surprised many political analysts, who viewed Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro as the likely candidate to run alongside Harris. While governor of a key battleground state, Shapiro’s Jewish heritage and prior support for Israel prompted America’s corrupt media to speculate that his presence on the 2024 ticket would discourage the antisemitic wing of the Democrat Party from voting in the November contest."

Much like their bid to sanitize Harris’ extreme record, left-wing activists masquerading as journalists will undoubtedly work to whitewash Walz’s radical tenure as Minnesota’s governor.

And it's "radical."

Back in 2020, the local newspaper Star Tribune reported on the blame game going on between Leftist Gov. Walz and Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey:

Jacob Frey has been cast as the mayor who lost control of his city, enduring criticism from the state's governor that the Minneapolis response to rioting in May over the police killing of George Floyd was an "abject failure."

Now Frey is speaking out, saying Gov. Tim Walz failed to take his requests for help seriously until it was too late.

In an interview Monday, Frey said that Walz hesitated to send in the National Guard to quell the growing violence and then blamed him for allowing the city to burn.

"Through an extremely difficult situation, I told the truth," Frey said Monday. "I relayed information as best I could to state partners. And we did what was demanded for the sake of our city."

You can expect the press to have already begun their clean-up on Walz's record because it's more extreme Leftist than Kamala Harris'.

He is not a moderate, but I expect the press to try casting him that way to fool some of Middle America into thinking he is and voting for him and Kamala.

Walz displayed his affinity for authoritarian policies during the "COVID" era by instituting draconian Covid restrictions. In March 2020, he unliterally implemented a statewide stay-at-home order for all Minnesotans, closing schools, restaurants, and churches in the process.

During the state’s reopening phase a few months later, the Democrat governor allowed venues such as bars and tattoo parlors to open their doors for business while still demanding places of worship remain closed. Residents who defied the state’s overreaching edicts were subsequently charged and jailed.

Walz also instituted statewide mask mandates, presided over a $250 million fraud scheme involving the misuse of Covid funds, and kept children — the least at-risk demographic for Covid mortality — out of school for months.

But the Democrat governor’s radical track record doesn’t stop there. Walz has signed virtually every piece of extreme legislation sent to his desk after state Democrats took unified control of the Minnesota Legislature during the 2022 midterms.

In recent years, he’s signed bills allowing abortions up until the moment of birth; banning “private conversations between therapists and patients struggling with their sex and sexuality;” making Minnesota “carbon-free” by 2040; permitting women from other states to travel to Minnesota to obtain abortions; granting 55,000 felons “voting rights;” allowing “trans” surgeries for minors; and allowing minors from other states to receive harmful “trans” procedures in Minnesota.

On immigration, Walz has been a major supporter of sanctuary cities and states. He also previously signed legislation allowing illegal immigrants to obtain driver’s licenses and reportedly backed efforts to provide aliens in the state with taxpayer-funded health care and college tuition. During a previous CNN interview, he promoted the idea of investing in a “ladder factory” to help illegals scale President Trump’s border wall.

Walz previously downplayed the dangers of socialism — a state-run economic policy responsible for the deaths of millions worldwide.

“Don’t ever shy away from our progressive values,” Walz said during a media appearance. “One person’s socialism is another person’s neighborliness.”

Socialist Bernie Sanders is smiling as he sits on the front porch of one of his three homes.

And then there is this

Christian colleges in Minnesota will be allowed to keep offering college credits to high school students — for now. On Wednesday, the Minnesota District Court issued an injunction prohibiting the enforcement of an amendment that greenlights discrimination against religious students.

Under Minnesota’s 1985 Post Secondary Enrollment Options (PSEO) program, capable students can earn free college credits at local institutions of higher education while they are still in high school. Thousands of students have benefited from the program, and other states around the country have since adopted it.
It's safe to conclude that Mr. Walz is not a fan of Christian education.

And finally, there's the issue regarding  "stolen valor."

Gov. Walz has listed on his official biography a higher military rank than the one he ultimately retired with, drawing criticism from some veterans and accusations of stolen valor.

Breitbart News reported yesterday, "Walz served in the Minnesota Army National Guard and retired at the rank of master sergeant, or an E-8. However, on his official website bio, he lists a higher rank that he served at for a short period that ultimately was rescinded, as he did not complete all the requirements to serve at that rank. However, his bio implies that he retired at the rank of command sergeant major or an E-9."

In a letter written by two retired Army Command Sergeant Majors, Thomas Behrends and Paul Herr, published November 2, 2018, in local news outlet West Central Tribune, they said that Walz, on September 17, 2004, was “conditionally promoted” to Command Sergeant Major but then later failed to meet the conditions of the promotion, which they said was later nullified.

He claims to be the highest-ranking enlisted service member ever to serve in Congress. Even though he was conditionally promoted to Command Sergeant Major less than eight months ago, he quit before his obligations were met, and he was reduced to Master Sergeant for retirement. Yes, he served at that rank, but he was never qualified for it and will receive retirement benefits at one rank below. 

You be the judge.

The letter also confirmed that he quit the military after his unit was issued orders to deploy to Iraq.


Thomas Jefferson said, "In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock."

The Left is all "style" and no "substance."

Founding Father Samuel Adams said, "Let each citizen remember at the moment he is offering his vote that he is not making a present or a compliment to please an individual--or at least that he ought not so to do; but that he is executing one of the most solemn trusts in human society for which he is accountable to God and his country."

Be Informed. Be Discerning. Be Vigilant. Be Engaged. VOTE. Pray.