Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Reinventing Kamala Harris

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Operation Reinvent Kamala Harris is going to take a lot of work when it comes to the southern border, but Democrats-- and Harris-- are willing to give it a try.

That effort comes despite a new Department of Homeland Security report released last week that said the Biden-Harris administration lost track of more than 320,000 children of migrants who crossed the border without parents.

The children were to be released into the U.S. to “qualified sponsors,” according to the report.

Obviously, the Biden-Harris administration was not qualified to do their job.

Now, the Left is trying to "reinvent Kamala Harris" to be "highly qualified."

Be informed, not misled.

The report tracked a period from October 2018 to September 2023 and raised concerns that unsupervised children could be subject to sex trafficking and forced labor.

The New York Post says, "The Biden-Harris administration has lost track of more than 320,000 migrant children who crossed the border without parents, according to a shocking new report."

Untold numbers of the children — who were released into the US to “qualified sponsors” — are now at risk of sex trafficking, forced labor and other forms of exploitation, a Homeland Security Inspector General’s report released Monday said.

As of May 2024, there are 291,000 migrant children who arrived in the US as unaccompanied minors who were set free and never given a date to appear in immigration court — meaning there is no way to track their whereabouts.

That is in addition to the 32,000 children that Immigration and Customs Enforcement authorities released into the US with hearing dates but then failed to show in court, according to the 14-page report — which tracked a period from October 2018 to September 2023.

One federal whistleblower said that she believes many of these vulnerable kids could already be in the hands of criminals and sex traffickers.

In June, the Post said this: "Tara Rodas, who was recruited as a federal government employee to help the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) with an influx of migrant kids in 2021, believed she would be doing noble work. However, she told The Post she was shocked to find she was handing those children to “traffickers, members of transnational criminal organizations, bad actors, bad, bad, bad people.”

She said, "When migrants cross the border illegally as children and are apprehended by border agents, they are released to HHS, which helps them connect with their sponsor in the US.

"That sponsor doesn’t have to be a family member and during their vetting process are never required to meet with HHS officials in person. The vetting is typically done over the phone," according to Rodas.

“At the very beginning of the Biden administration, they stripped all the vetting out of the process,” she says.

Rodas told a House panel last month that one case she saw involved a 16-year-old migrant girl whose sponsor claimed to be her older brother.

“He was touching her inappropriately. It was clear her sponsor was not her brother,” Rodas said, noting that the girl “looked drugged” and as if “she was for sale” on her sponsor’s social media postings.

Some non-family sponsors have even been found to be sponsoring multiple children released by HHS, which Rodas described as a “red flag.”

Hundreds of such cases were reported in 2023, where it was found that 344 unaccompanied migrant kids released by the Biden administration were living with non-family sponsors who were hosting at least three migrant children, according to NBC News.

Those kids that escape the sex traffickers, NBC News discovered, are often sold into slave-like labor.

A Labor Department investigation found more than 100 children — many of them unaccompanied minors from Guatemala — were employed cleaning Midwestern slaughterhouses. Labor officials say since 2018 there has been a 69% increase in the number of children employed in violation of labor laws. 

The Post also says, "Tragic cases of migrant crime in the US have also been tied to illegal migrant children released by the federal government to sponsors.

One of those was an MS-13 gang member who allegedly brutally raped and killed Kayla Hamilton, a young autistic woman in Maryland, in July of 2022.

Her mother, Tammy Nobles, has blamed HHS for “operational neglect” that “further sealed my daughter’s fate.”

At the border, federal authorities failed to check the alleged killer for gang tattoos and also failed to call counterparts in his home country of El Salvador, she testified to Congress in January.

“Had they done so, El Salvador government officials would have confirmed that the assailant was a known MS-13 gang member with a prior criminal history,” she said at the time.

These are not isolated incidents. They are currently the norm.

So, the Left is trying to re-invent Kamala Harris.

President Biden named her his "Border Czar." The press began referring to her as "Border Czar." 

As the Border Czar, she went to Mexico City to learn the "root causes" of illegal migration.

But now she is not, nor has she ever been, the "Border Czar." They say.

Rep. Tim Burchett (R-Tennessee) said on Washington Watch program last week. "They’re attacking Donald Trump on the border and telling us we created this problem when, in reality, we know we didn’t."

In her nomination speech last Thursday night, Harris claimed Trump worked against a border deal in February because it would have been bad for his campaign.

“So he ordered his allies in Congress to kill the deal,” she said.

Here are some facts on GOP opposition to the border bill.

In reality, the controversial border deal was tied to foreign aid for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan. Regarding the border, the bill would have given the president the power to shut down the border – power he already has through executive order – once migrant crossings exceeded 5,000 per day.

"So Donald Trump is responsible," she says.

Jenna Ellis, host of Jenna Ellis in the Morning on AFR and a former Trump attorney, said Burchett is on the mark.

As Harris remakes herself, she’s disregarding the truth.

“Kamala Harris is just outright lying and claiming that her policies are more like conservative policies when she was the border czar," Ellis said. "They’re letting a bunch of people in, they want to give illegals the vote, but she's out there saying that she's going to protect the vote and that she's actually the one who wants border security. These are just outright lies."


"Republicans need to toughen up," Burchett said. "There’s too much at stake in this election, he warned, to allow Harris to claim the high ground on problems she and Biden created."

“We've got to start playing hardball. We've got to quit this ringing of hands saying, ‘Let’s negotiate.’ There is no negotiation, this presidential election, this Senate election, and this congressional election is for the future of this country bar none. We are staring over into this deep dark abyss and we have a chance to step back from it,” he said.

And he said this: "If they get the House, the Senate, and the White House it’s over. Everything we fought for over the last 200 years is over.” 

Be Informed. Be Discerning. Be Vigilant. Be Engaged. Be Prayerful. VOTE.