Tuesday, August 20, 2024

The Great Walz Of China

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Understanding Tim Walz and his relationship with China requires first understanding China, says an expert on the topic.

The man who seeks the second-highest elective office in the United States has come under scrutiny for his decades-long relationship with the Chinese Communist Party.

Walz, Kamala Harris's vice presidential running mate, will take center stage with Harris at the Democratic National Convention.

When cameras find their smiling faces, there won’t be officials from the Chinese government smiling next to them. But those officials have been at Walz events before.

What's going on with Tim Walz and China?

Be informed, not misled.

American Family Network says, "Americans need to understand the relationship between the Minnesota governor and the Chinese."

They were referring to comments made by retired CIA operative Sam Faddis' interview on Washington Watch last Thursday.

Enlightenment is no easy thing. Following the money will sometimes end at the truth, but in the case of Walz, it’s hard to find the funding source for an estimated 30 trips of leading students and others to China, Faddis told show host Jody Hice.

Faddis pointed out that the Chinese sent a special diplomat to congratulate Walz when he was inaugurated as governor in 2019.

“The Chinese consulate sent a special representative to congratulate him and stand next to him. If you're a critic of China, that doesn't happen, and you don't keep going back and forth to China, right? We understand as a matter of commonsense what that means,” Faddis said.

Someone had to pay for trips with as many as 60 people. Faddis doesn’t believe that was Walz.

“His initial trip to China, when he taught there, was done in cooperation with and largely paid for by the Chinese. And at least one of the trips that he did early on also was sponsored by them. After that, where the money came from for 29 more visits to China remains unclear, but again, he was taking dozens of people,” Faddis said.

Seamus Bruner, the director of research for the Government Accountability Institute, told Hice last week that local press reports showed that multiple trips were sponsored by the CCP.

Former spy boss says Walz "is completely compromised."

Sam Faddis, who spent most of his career running spies on the Asian continent, says in Walz, “You are looking at an individual that is completely compromised by the communist Chinese." 

That doesn’t necessarily mean Walz has been selling state secrets, for example, Faddis said.

Faddis says, “We used to talk about this in terms of being pulled down a rabbit hole. How far are you compromised?  Was he ever fully recruited by Chinese intelligence, and taking money from them, and run literally as a spy? I don't know.  What is evident is that the man has had an incredibly cozy relationship with the Chinese government, not just the Chinese people." 

In a closely watched police state like China, you can’t have one without the other.

The great Walz of China.

“You just don't load up 60 Americans and go conduct these kinds of programs on Chinese soil. You have to have the approval and the cooperation of the Chinese government to do that. It's not a free society obviously. So that's 30 trips that one way or the other he was doing in cooperation with the Chinese government,” Faddis said.

For Walz to pull that off means he was “delivering the message that the Chinese Communist Party wants you to deliver.”

As the host of these trips, Walz often told students to tone down their American patriotism while in China.

Faddis said Walz would also pass out copies of Chairman Mao Zedong’s book, which was a compilation of statements from speeches and writings by the father of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

It was also known as “The Little Red Book,” and it played a significant role in spreading Maoist ideology around the world. It is credited with inspiring communist revolutions outside of China with its influence on politics and culture in different countries, he says.

I was a youth pastor in the late 1960s into the 1970s, and I dealt with the "Little Red Book" on a regular basis. Kids from the various colleges and universities where we held Bible studies and outreach events always told me what Mao said about various subjects.

Faddis is right; it inspired young adults across America and Europe to join revolutions outside China.

Faddis says, "People that have come out online since who were with him at various points in China describe how he was constantly the guy insisting that other Americans not criticize the Chinese regime, not criticize its oppression of people. This has been the tenor of his commentary about China forever.” 

"Walz has continued to beat the drum, appearing at events in the United States that have been closely connected to the Chinese government," Faddis said.

The Daily Caller published this yesterday:

Democratic vice presidential candidate Tim Walz used favorable language to describe Chinese communism when teaching a high school social studies class in 1991, according to an unearthed article in Nebraska’s Alliance Times-Herald.

Walz told students that, under communism, “everyone shares” and gets free food and housing from the government, according to the resurfaced newspaper piece first reported by the Washington Free Beacon. Just two years before the article was published, China’s communist government massacred pro-democracy student protesters in Tiananmen Square, with death counts ranging from several hundred to thousands, according to the BBC.

“American students need to learn the horrific truths of communism and the horrors this dangerous ideology has wrought over the past century,” American Foreign Policy Council senior fellow Michael Sobolik told the Free Beacon. “Gov. Walz should clarify his comments and share his impression of communism in 2024.”


I agree that Walz should clarify his comments and share his impression of communism in 2024.

History tells us that between 1959 and 1961, during China’s transition to communism under Mao Zedong, the country saw between 23 and 30 million excess deaths, with some unpublished Chinese materials placing the figure close to 40 million deaths, according to a 1999 research paper. Communist China also killed American soldiers during the Korean War and provided extensive support to the North Vietnamese during the Vietnam War.

None of these details were present in Walz’s reported comments on China.

Walz went on to tout how, in the late 1970s, people in China received free housing, paid no taxes, and received 30 pounds of free food per month.

And this man wants to be a heartbeat away from the presidency of the United States.

Faddis says, "He thinks the Chinese Communist Party is on the right side of history and we're the bad guys. This is not your uncle from Nebraska who's a good old-fashioned Midwestern boy."

But that's exactly what the Leftist party in America will tell the public this week from Chicago, and the press will repeat it, and too many uninformed Americans will believe it.

Be Informed. Be Discerning. Be Vigilant. Be Engaged. Be Bold. Be Prayerful.