Wednesday, September 04, 2024

A Double-Minded Woman Is Unstable In All Her Ways

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James 1:8 says, "A double-minded man is unstable in all his ways." So is a double-minded woman.

Confused, contentious, and conflicted about her ever-changing policy positions, six members of Democrat Kamala Harris’ presidential campaign staff vented their frustrations in interviews this week. 

Six people involved in the campaign told the leftist news outlet Axios on the condition of anonymity that tension, not the "joy" Harris's campaign has presented to the public, defines Harris’ campaign organization.

We have also learned that Harris has now hired a preacher to reach out to churches with a different gospel.

One that is contrary to orthodox biblical Christianity.

Be informed, not misled.

Leftist AXIOS says, "The good vibes of Vice President Kamala Harris' campaign mask tensions among competing factions, as Harris loyalists and Obama alumni are grafted onto what had been President Biden's campaign."

This matters because "new people are remaking the campaign on the fly. The result is a large and at times unwieldy team, with internal worries about cohesiveness when inevitable stumbles arise, six people involved in the campaign tell Axios."

AXIOS says, "Biden's campaign was insular, with a few long-serving aides making big decisions. The Harris campaign has become a diffuse 'Frankenstein' team with multiple power centers."

Zoom in: Harris kept most of Biden's team in place. But the main architect of the Biden campaign's messaging strategy, Mike Donilon, has left and returned to the White House.

Harris has brought on her own staffers along with prominent aides from President Obama's 2012 re-election campaign, while also keeping many top Biden campaign officials.

Between the lines: Harris' team has been wary of making the Biden people feel set aside. But that has led to some internal confusion about who's in charge.

"The entanglement of these different entities has led to many people feeling a real lack of role clarity," one person involved in the campaign told Axios.

Another person involved with the campaign said there isn't "as much tension at the very, very top, where the question is more: 'Who is the first among equals with the vice president?'"

This source said confusion about who's in charge occurs more often "two or three rungs down. "

It gets worse.

They say many are frustrated by having to explain and defend Harris’ abandonment of progressive goals. What’s more, those objecting to Harris’ flip flops think Joe Biden’s support for liberal agenda items like Medicare for All and a ban on fracking helped him win the presidency in 2020.

Policy chaos might not be the only cause of discontent among Harris campaign staffers, however.

During her time as vice president, Harris has been plagued by exceptionally high staff turnover (92%). Even leftwing media outlets such as Politico and The Washington Post have published accounts of the toxic, abusive, dysfunctional environment of Harris’ office.

Reports of Harris’ abuse of her underlings are nothing new, however.

In 2019, The Union published a piece by Democrat Terry McAteer recalling how Harris mistreated his son, Greggory, when she was San Francisco’s attorney general, and Greggory was an unpaid summer intern in her office.

“A person’s character is probably one of the most important attributes for someone wanting to obtain the office of President,” McAteer wrote at the time, explaining that “Harris vocally throws around ‘F-bombs’ and other profanity constantly in her berating of staff and others.” “The staff is in complete fear of her and she uses her profanity throughout the day,” McAteer added.

Harris wouldn’t even allow his son to make eye contact with her, McAteer said. “Gregory was also given instructions to never address Harris nor look her in the eye as that privilege was only allowed to senior staff members.”

Harris also “instructed her entire staff to stand every morning as she entered the office and say, ‘Good Morning General,’” a dictate McAteer said was unbecoming for 'a woman of color.'”

Another gospel.

Galatians 1:8-9: "As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed."

Kamala Harris has named a far-left faith advisor to help reach out to people of faith.

The Harris campaign has named Jennifer Butler, a far-left "progressive" Presbyterian minister and political activist, its national faith engagement director.

Asked about her new role, Butler said the country is at a “pivotal moment in American democracy, where faith voices for justice are needed now more than ever.”

The term “justice” for her means advocating for abortion, free health care, illegal immigration, and homosexuals and their agenda. 

While embracing those left-wing positions in the name of Christianity, Butler also claims that "Christian nationalism" has harmed the Church.

"The manipulation of religion for power, control and manipulation, aka Christian Nationalism, has done such spiritual damage," she wrote in a X post dated August 29.  


What is Harris trying to do with Christians?

The answer is obvious: Misinform, mislead and use us.

Richard Land of Southern Evangelical Seminary says it is unlikely the left-wing activist will change the hearts and minds of Evangelicals as Election Day approaches. More than likely, he says, her job is to preach to a left-wing choir and urge them to get out and vote on Nov. 5.

I think he's right, but my concern is that surveys and polls conducted by Barna and others consistently reveal that high percentages of Evangelical Christians are not well informed with a biblical worldview.

“To some extent, this is going to be a turn-out election,” Land says. “America, at this point in its history, is fairly evenly divided on a lot of issues, and so it's which campaign can get the most of its potential voters out and to the polls.”

In fact, in a Religion News Service story, Butler said she is targeting religious people in battleground states. She named Catholic voters in Michigan and Wisconsin and Latter-day Saints in Arizona as examples.

Among the Evangelical voters, Butler also said the Harris campaign is wooing “evangelical women” who support abortion and oppose abortion laws that “put women and doctors in jail.”

According to Land, Butler's version of Christianity and the worldview that forms her beliefs are much different from what most Evangelicals believe.

“They don't believe that man is basically evil. We do,” he says. “They have much more faith in government and in man's ability, collectively through government, to make the right choices.”

It is unclear, for example, if the abortion-supporting minister sides with the Department of Justice or with Mark Houck, the Catholic leader and pro-life activist. He was facing up to 10 years in prison before a federal jury acquitted him of violating the FACE Act. 

In the RNS story, the words “sin”, “salvation” or “gospel” did not appear, but Democrats or the Democratic Party were mentioned 19 times.

Be Informed. Be Discerning. Be Sober. Be Vigilant. Be Engaged. Be Prayerful.