Monday, September 23, 2024

Illegal Immigration #2 Only Behind The Economy

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Americans aren’t buying Vice President Kamala Harris's excuse that her role as Border Czar isn’t to stop illegal immigration but just to address its “root causes.” 

This is according to the most recent results of a new Scripps News/Ipsos survey. 

American adults rank “immigration” as the second most important issue facing the country today, behind “inflation or increasing costs,” according to a nationwide survey conducted September 13-15. 

“Threats to Democracy” ranks third in terms of importance.

Be informed, not misled.

RE: The border crises.

According to the new survey, "American adults rank 'immigration' the second most important issue facing the country today, behind only 'inflation or increasing costs,' the nationwide survey conducted September 13-15 finds."

The survey shows that "'Threats to Democracy' ranks a distant third place in terms of importance. "

If not adequately addressed, all three of these issues have the potential to change America as we know it.

Half of Americans (51%) are concerned that non-citizens will vote in the upcoming election, including 36% who say they’re “very concerned” this will happen.

A 54% majority of Americans support the mass deportation of illegal aliens. And, while 43% are at least somewhat opposed, less than a quarter, 23% are “strongly” opposed to mass deportations.

More Americans believe Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump “will do a better job handling immigration” than Democrat candidate (and current Border Czar) Kamala Harris, 44%-34%. Twelve percent said “neither,” while the rest didn’t know or failed to answer the question.

On March 24, 2021, President Joe Biden announced he was tasking Vice President Harris to “lead our efforts" in “stemming the movement of so many folks stemming the migration to our southern border.” While this did not confer upon her an official title, her role in reducing illegal immigration has been understood as that of  “Border Czar.”

She denies having any responsibility beyond trying to "discover" the "root cause" of illegal migration. 

The Arizona Supreme Court ruled that almost 98,000 people whose citizenship papers have not been confirmed are allowed to vote. 

According to the Associated Press (AP), the ruling was handed down on Friday. The outlet noted that the decision came “after officials uncovered a database error that, for two decades, mistakenly designated the voters as having access to the full ballot.”

Breitbart News says, "The report also said those individuals were already entitled to vote in federal races regardless of the court’s decision."

Fox News reported, "The report also said those individuals were already entitled to vote in federal races regardless of the court’s decision."

Fox and Breitbart are right, but should illegals be deciding who is president of the United States?

Remember that Arizona is a swing state that supposedly went for Biden in 2020.

Oklahoma removes 450,000 Ineligible voters from polls, including more than 5,000 felons.

Oklahoma election officials have removed more than 450,000 ineligible voters from the state’s rolls ahead of November’s election.

“Voting is our most sacred duty as Americans — and every Oklahoman wants to know their vote is securely cast and properly counted,” said Republican Gov. Kevin Stitt in a press release

These are not just political pandering on the part of Oklahoma Governor Stitt.

Here is the Oklahoma way to run elections:

  • Oklahoma continues the tradition of using hand-marked paper ballots which are counted by an e-scan tabulator.
  • The e-scan vote tabulators do not have the capability to connect to the internet.
  • Election officials work closely with Oklahoma Cyber Command to protect our election system from would-be attackers.
  • During a recount or post-election audit, election results are confirmed by hand-counting paper ballots.
  • The State and County Election Boards are bipartisan.
  • In 2020, Governor Stitt signed SB 1779 to outlaw the practice of “ballot harvesting” and create new criminal penalties for violators.
  • Oklahoma voter ID laws require proof of identity for every voter, regardless of whether you’re voting early, absentee, or in-person.
  • Only United States citizens who are residents of Oklahoma may register to vote and state law explicitly prohibits noncitizens from accessing voter registration services.
  • Poll watchers are commissioned by a candidate or the chair of a recognized political party to observe voting devices before and after the polls close.


Arizona and Oklahoma are not the only states cleaning up their voter rolls. Other states have taken similar steps to deal with ineligible voters on the rolls.

Texas recently announced that 1.1 million ineligible voters were removed from the rolls during routine maintenance ahead of November’s election.  

Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin revealed in an executive order in August that the state’s Department of Elections had removed more than 6,300 noncitizens from the voter rolls. 

The same month, Alabama Secretary of State Wes Allen announced his office found more than 3,000 potential noncitizens registered to vote. 

Ohio discovered over 100 noncitizens registered to vote earlier this year, spurring the state to clean its voter rolls.

While people have been punished and mocked for suggesting there could be fraud in the voting process of some states, it's encouraging to see leadership in a number of states actually taking action.

Not surprisingly, Republican governors seem to be leading the movement for election integrity, while Democrat-run states have created the most concern and showed the least interest in turning on the lights.

John Adams said, “When annual elections end, there slavery begins.” Our Founders understood that without honest elections, our country would cease to exist as it has.

Daniel Webster, a second-generation American leader, senator, and statesman, told the ladies of Richmond, Virginia on October 5, 1840, "Impress upon children the truth that the exercise of the elective franchise is a social duty of as solemn a nature as man can be called to perform; that a man  may not innocently trifle with his vote; that every elector is a trustee as well for others as himself and that every measure he supports has an important bearing on the interests of others as well as his own."

Bottom line: Vote. And demand that elected officials protect the integrity of our voting system.

Be Informed. Be Vigilant. Be Discerning. Be Engaged. Be Bold. Be Prayerful.