Monday, September 02, 2024

Tim Walz's Brother Warns America, and Backs Trump

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The brother of Minnesota Democrat Gov. Tim Walz, Kamala Harris's vice presidential running mate, has issued a warning for America. He backs Trump and says his brother is "not the type of character you want making decisions about your future."

"I'm 100% opposed to all his ideology," Jeff Walz says.

And happy Labor Day.

Be informed, not misled.

Jeff Waltz, VP candidate Tim Walz's brother, is sounding the alarm about his brother becoming Vice President of the United States.

More on that in a minute.

A quick look at Labor Day.

While Labor Day has become a useful political tool for too many powerful union leaders, there is also a truth in biblical teaching on the virtue and value of working.

While we celebrate Labor Day today by resting, playing, and marking the end of summer and the unofficial beginning of fall, Billy Graham reminds us of the biblical teaching of "work."

RE what the Bible says about work.

“And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the Lord Jesus Christ.”Coll. 3:23-24, NKJV

As Labor Day approaches, it’s a fitting time to reflect on the value of work in our lives. The holiday, often viewed as a last summer celebration or a break from our routines, offers an opportunity to consider the deeper, spiritual significance of our work here on earth.

Work can often feel like a relentless cycle of tasks and responsibilities. Yet, when we align our efforts with God’s will, our labor gains eternal significance. Proverbs 16:3 says, “Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans.”

By dedicating our work to God, we invite His presence into our daily activities, infusing them with purpose and meaning. Billy Graham once said, “But Labor Day, I believe, should also be a time when we ask God to help us see our work from His point of view. Let’s be honest; work isn’t always exciting, and when we focus only on its problems or spend our time wishing we were doing something else, we’ll probably end up resentful, angry, or bored. But when we begin to see our work from God’s point of view, our attitude will be much different. We’ll begin to realize that God gave our work to us, and because of this it has dignity and importance.”

This Labor Day, we pray that you find rest in Christ.

RE Tim Waltz's brother.

The brother of Minnesota Democrat Gov. Tim Walz issues a warning for America. He's backing Trump and says his brother is "not the type of character you want making decisions about your future."

"I'm 100% opposed to all his ideology," Jeff Walz told the New York Post on Saturday after a series of scathing Facebook posts warning against electing his own brother surfaced.

Jeff Walz, 67, is reportedly considering publicly backing Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump but is holding off to date to keep his "family out of it."

Gov. Walz, 60, also has a 63-year-old sister who lives in Nebraska.

Jeff Walz says he has not spoken to his brother Tim in eight years, and Tim has not told his family he was picked to be Harris' running mate.

"My family wasn’t given any notice that he was selected," Jeff Walz wrote on Facebook. 

Jeff Walz donated $20 to Trump's 2016 presidential campaign and has never donated to his brother's House campaigns, according to the Federal Election Commission.

"Tim Walz's own brother knows his socialist ideology is dangerous for America," Rep. Nicole Malliotakis, R-N.Y., told the Post. "Together with Kamala Harris, inflation will get higher, the illegal immigration crisis will get worse, and our nation will look more like Venezuela."

"Someone who puts tampons in boys' bathrooms, lets their cities burn during defund police riots and taxes citizens saddled with debt to give illegal immigrants free tuition should not be in elected office, let alone vice president," she says

It is not unprecedented for a Trump backer to bail on Democrats. Former President Barack Obama's brother, Malik Obama, and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. have also done it.

"If the mainstream media has no problem amplifying the voices of Mary Trump and the family of RFK Jr. who speak out against Republicans, then the American people deserve to hear more from Tim Walz's brother," Rep. Lauren Boebert, R-Colo., told the Post.

The Harris-Walz campaign representatives did not respond to the Post's requests for comment.


Some have been asking Jeff Waltz why he doesn't just go public with his evaluation of his brother's inability to be VP and get on a stage somewhere and publicly support Trump?"

"I've thought long and hard about doing something like that," Jeff Walz wrote to a Facebook poster who asked that he get on a campaign rally stage with Trump to announce his endorsement, the Post reported without linking to the official posts. "I'm torn between that and just keeping my family out of it", he said.

He said "The stories I could tell. Not the type of character you want making decisions about your future."

One of the most troubling aspects of Tim Waltz to me personally is his long-term relationship with China and the Chinese Communist Party.

More light should be shed on this issue because I believe he could easily be compromised through that relationship.

As his brother Jeff said, "The stories I could tell." 

I suspect there are Communist leaders in China who have stories they, too, could tell.

Be Informed. Be Discerning. Be Sober. Be Vigilant. Be Engaged. Be Prayerful.