Monday, October 28, 2024

Medical Emergency At Kamala's Rally--Abortion Doctors Refuse To Assist

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Vice President Kamala Harris held a rally in Houston on Friday to promote her campaign's obsession with abortion. 

She was also there to campaign for Democratic Rep. Colin Allred, who is looking to unseat Republican Sen. Ted Cruz. 

The event also featured a crowd of abortionists on stage. At least one of them was a featured speaker at the rally.

However, when an actual medical emergency occurred at the event, and a call for medical people in the crowd to assist went out, not one of the abortion doctors responded.

Is this what "women's healthcare" looks like to the Leftists?

Be informed, not misled.

Dr. Todd Ivey, the abortionist who gave remarks during this pro-abortion rally, was making claims about "women becoming severely ill and dying," which is the result of medical malpractice rather than state pro-life laws, as doctors are permitted to intervene. All 50 states have laws protecting a woman's life. At that point of his speech, one can clearly hear people in distress yelling for a "medic." 

Even though the multiple people on stage are supposed to be doctors, they all just look around. Ivey even tried to continue his remarks initially as the calls for assistance grew louder. "I think someone needs some medical assistance over here," he finally pointed out casually. 

Some of the doctors at the podium clapped along with the audience when it appeared the person in distress received medical help from someone other than the abortion doctors. 

How the lucrative abortion industry uses lies and deception to stay alive.

A report from the Charlotte Lozier Institute confirms that every pro-life state law in the country contains explicit protections ensuring that pregnant women can receive necessary medical care in cases of a health emergency.

The report is rigorously researched and cited, and it includes the relevant text of each law in question, including the sections defining abortion and outlining exceptions for medical emergencies. In addition to this much-needed information about state laws, the report’s summary contains these key explanations, including an explanation of why direct abortion — or a procedure that intentionally kills the unborn child — is never medically necessary to save the life of a mother:

Each of these states permits abortion in those rare and heartbreaking circumstances when it is necessary to save the life of a pregnant woman. Physicians can make this determination based on their “reasonable medical judgment,” a standard very common in the medical profession and used for any case involving medical malpractice litigation. Physicians are trained to use their best judgment to care for patients; however, it would be prudent for state medical boards, state medical societies, state boards of pharmacy, hospital quality committees, and hospital attorneys to provide more detailed guidance to doctors on how to reach a determination that abortion is necessary. Tragically, this type of guidance appears slow in coming. Meanwhile, abortion advocates are spreading the dangerous lie that life-saving care is not or may not be permitted in these states, leading to provider confusion and poor outcomes for women.

To assist healthcare providers and dispel the myths being spread by those more concerned with promoting abortion than women’s health, this document discusses miscarriage management, treatment for ectopic pregnancy, and medical conditions that could qualify as life-threatening, permitting abortion under pro-life laws.

Actions speak louder than words.

A couple of weeks ago, Harris sat down with NBC for a friendly little conversation that was presented as an "interview intended to inform the public." 

NBC asked about her opposition to providing religious exemptions in any federal legislation legalizing abortion nationwide. The question was, if such legislation is brought to her desk as president, would she sign it.

NBC News’s Hallie Jackson asked Harris how she would advance baby-killing legislation at the federal level if elected president and were Republicans to control both chambers of Congress. Jackson also asked if she would be willing to make any “concessions” to get any prospective bill to her desk.

Instead of answering the question, Harris pivoted to attacking President Donald Trump for appointing three U.S. Supreme Court justices who voted to overturn Roe v. Wade. She also falsely characterized the murder of unborn children as an issue of “freedom.”

“I know that there are members of the United States Congress who are well aware that their constituents are in favor of the very fundamental principle that a woman should be able to make decisions about her own body and not have her government tell her what to do,” Harris said while ignoring how abortion denies the unborn children the ability to “make decisions” about their bodies.

Jackson again asked Harris what “concessions” she’d be willing to make with a Republican-controlled Congress. The NBC host specifically asked if “religious exemptions” were “something [Harris] would consider.”

The answer finally came: “I don’t think we should be making concessions when we’re talking about a fundamental freedom to make decisions about your own body,” Harris said.


After being chased softly around the NBC studio several times, the answer is "NO": As president, I will not make any concessions for pro-life Christian hospitals or clinics.

As noted by Washington Examiner Senior Political Columnist Tim Carney, Harris is seemingly endorsing the weaponization of the federal government to “force Catholic Hospitals to abort babies [and] force religious employers to cover abortion.”

In October 2022, the Department of Justice charged six pro-lifers under the unconstitutional Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act for peacefully praying, reading the Bible, and singing hymns in the hallway of a Nashville abortion facility. These individuals were later convicted by a federal jury in January.

We talked about these cases on our daily radio program.

But the weaponization of government to go after Christians didn’t stop there.

In January 2023, the Biden-Harris FBI issued a memo revealing that the agency’s field office in Richmond, Virginia, was tasked with investigating the alleged threat of “white supremacy” among Catholics who attend Latin Mass.

As Evita Duffy-Alfonso reported, "The FBI may potentially mitigate” the supposed “threat” of “Radical-Traditionalist Catholics” with “‘tripwire and source development,’ which means further infiltration into Catholic communities using various kinds of informants.”

While FBI Director Christopher Wray claimed during congressional testimony that the memo was “a single product by a single field office,” House Republicans later uncovered that multiple FBI field offices, including those in Los Angeles and Portland, were involved in its creation.

The Biden-Harris Federal Trade Commission and Education Department have also targeted Liberty University and Grand Canyon University, the two largest Christian universities in America. 

Be Informed. Be Discerning. Be Vigilant. Be Bold.  Be Bold. Be Prayerful. VOTE.