Thursday, October 17, 2024

The Other War

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Judicial Watch announced this week that it filed a lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Defense for details of U.S. Army training materials that designate pro-life organizations or individuals as “terrorists.”

The lawsuit was filed after the Department of the Army failed to respond to an August 13, 2024, FOIA request for documents related to the designation of the National Right to Life Committee (NRLC) and others as “terrorists” in training materials at Fort Liberty.

That's right. Pro-Life is terrorism. Pro-Abortion is not.

Be informed, not misled.

Townhall reports, "In addition, Judicial Watch requested all emails of Army Secretary Christine Wormuth, Under Secretary Gabe Camarillo, Chief of Staff Gen. Randy George, and/or Vice Chief of Staff Gen. James Mingus regarding the designation of pro-life groups or individuals as 'terrorists.'”

This stems back to a report from July, where WRAL reported that a photo circulating social media showed a slideshow at Fort Liberty calling pro-life groups “terrorists,” specifically, the NRLC, Operation Rescue, and opponents of Roe v. Wade.

Fort Liberty responded this past July to the backlash after the slideshow presentation became public. 

Our U.S. Army was teaching our sons and daughters that anti-abortion organizations are “terrorist organizations.”

A photo circulating on social media shows one slide from a presentation used to train soldiers. The slide, titled "Terrorist Groups," lists several groups, including National Right to Life and Operation Rescue, and "opponents of Roe v. Wade," the Supreme Court ruling that established a right to abortion before it was overturned in 2022.

How does this prepare our military to protect our country?

It doesn't.

And why would our US military leaders, who are responsible for training our children to fight on behalf of our country and our God-given freedom and liberty, feel the need to indoctrinate these young men and women to support the practice of killing unwanted, unborn children rather than the enemy from without?  

The military response.

Fort Liberty's response on Facebook: 

After conducting a commander’s inquiry, we determined that the slides presented on social media were not vetted by the appropriate approval authorities, and do not reflect the views of the XVIII Airborne Corps and Fort Liberty, the U.S. Army, or the Department of Defense.

The slides were developed by a local garrison employee to train soldiers manning access control points at Fort Liberty.

These slides will no longer be used, and all future training products will be reviewed to ensure they align with the current DoD anti-terrorism guidance.

Anne Reed is with Operation Rescue, one of the groups listed.

"The fact that this is being pushed out to the American public is very concerning to us," Anne says.

She also noted, "The slide looks familiar."

Upon a closer look, Reed said, "It looks like this was a slide that was reused and already used about 15 years ago. It made the news then, and then it has just resurfaced."

She's right. It is. I remember the incident. I wrote an article about it.

Clearly, the leaders' words, "The slides will no longer be used," are not reassuring.

Fort Liberty said that this was a training session for the soldiers who manage access points and that they have initiated a formal 15-6 investigation into the matter.

North Carolina Senator Tedd Budd released a statement on the social media platform X, saying:

"Smearing pro-life Americans as terrorists is despicable. The materials briefed at Fort Liberty are disturbing. As soon as I became aware of it, I directed my team to contact Army and Fort Liberty officials. They have begun an investigation. The Army must get to the bottom of this and see that it never happens again."

Yeah, I would agree: "The Army must get to the bottom of this and see that it never happens again."

If we elect Leftist leadership to the highest office in the land, there will be no need to "get to the bottom of this" because this kind of thinking will be normalized.

The enemy within.

In 2022, Dakota Wood and Mike Gonzalez wrote an important article titled "The Woke Takeover of the U.S. Military Endangers Us All." 

The article begins with a current incident at the time but predicts the things we now see in our military.

While the word "woke" isn't used much anymore, the commitment to undermine our military and every other institution in our country is still the focus of the Marxists and secular humanists among us.

These writers begin with this:

A lieutenant colonel was dismissed from his post after bashing critical race theory.

Lt. Col. Matthew Lohmeier was fired this month as commander of a U.S. Space Force unit. His “offense”? Speaking the truth about critical race theory’s rapid inroads among America’s armed forces.

The woke left views the military as a crucial ideological battlefield. And much of the brass and civilian leadership at the Pentagon are prepared to fight—on behalf of the woke cause. Lohmeier, it seems, was an early casualty in this ideological offensive, but likely not the last.

Imposing anti-American racial ideologies on our troops directly threatens our national security, by spreading ideas that undermine confidence in the principles underpinning our Constitution, trust in our system of government, and traditional values that promote unity, cohesion, and equality among service members. That’s classic CRT.

What did Lohmeier do? A Pentagon official told CNN that Lohmeier had been relieved of his duties “due to loss of trust and confidence in his ability to lead.” 

But why?

He had spoken out negatively about CRT. Critical Race Theory.

There was a redeeming aspect: "The firing has served one useful purpose, however: It has drawn attention to the [Biden-Harris] administration’s apparent intent to introduce wrong-headed and highly inflammatory Marxist ideologies into military ranks."


The writers concluded by saying, "The Defense Department is now reportedly considering hiring a private company to monitor the free speech of military personal on social media, using key words or algorithms that by their very nature reflect the perspective of those who select the words and write the algorithms. The relentless drive to enforce conformity within the military with a preferred leftist narrative is troubling, especially as it reinforces the Marxist tendency Lohmeier warned about."

And they warned: "The American people and our elected representatives should not only be aware of what is going on within the Department of Defense, but speak out as boldly and courageously as has Loh­meier. As a nation, we call upon our military to defend what is best of America. Efforts to undermine and disparage that are unconscionable, harmful not only to our security but also to the very essence of what the United States represents. It should not be tolerated."

There are real consequences to whom we give our sacred vote.

Be Informed. Be Discerning. Be Vigilant. Be Engaged. Be Prayerful. VOTE.