Monday, November 11, 2024

FEMA Official: "Skip Homes With Trump Signs"

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This weekend, we learned that a federal disaster relief official ordered workers to bypass the homes of Donald Trump’s supporters as they surveyed the damage caused by Hurricane Milton in Florida, according to internal correspondence obtained by The Daily Wire and confirmed by multiple federal employees. 

One FEMA volunteer said he couldn't believe what he was being told to do by a FEMA official.

Be informed, not misled.

A FEMA supervisor told workers in a message to “avoid homes advertising Trump” as they canvassed Lake Placid, Florida, to identify residents who could qualify for federal aid, internal messages reveal. The supervisor, Marn’i Washington, relayed this message verbally and in a group chat used by the relief team, multiple government employees told The Daily Wire

The government employees told them that at least 20 homes with Trump signs or flags were skipped just in that area from the end of October and into November due to the guidance, meaning they were not given the opportunity to qualify for FEMA assistance. Images shared with The Daily Wire show that the workers skipped over houses, writing in the government system messages such as: “Trump sign no entry per leadership.”

Breitbart News reported yesterday: "Biden-Harris Federal Emergency Management Agency Deanne Criswell announced Saturday a federal disaster relief official who advised her survivor assistance team to ignore homes displaying Trump signs in Lake Placid, Florida, following Hurricane Milton has been fired."

Criswell posted this message:

More than 22,000 FEMA employees every day adhere to FEMA’s core values and are dedicated to helping people before, during and after disasters, often sacrificing time with their own families to help disaster survivors.

Recently, a FEMA employee departed from these values to advise her survivor assistance team to not go to homes with yard signs supporting President-elect Trump. This is a clear violation of FEMA’s core values & principles to help people regardless of their political affiliation.

This was reprehensible. I want to be clear to all of my employees and the American people, this type of behavior and action will not be tolerated at FEMA and we will hold people accountable if they violate these standards of conduct.

We take our mission to help everyone before, during and after disasters seriously. This employee has been terminated and we have referred the matter to the Office of Special Counsel. I will continue to do everything I can to make sure this never happens again.

It is unclear whether the same guidance was issued elsewhere in the country. The employees were part of a Department of Homeland Security surge capacity force team, meaning they volunteered from other DHS agencies to help an understaffed FEMA as it dealt with a second major hurricane in just a few weeks.

“I know they’re short-staffed, I thought we could go help and make a difference,” one of the employees said. “When we got there we were told to discriminate against people. It’s almost unbelievable to think that somebody in the federal government would think that’s okay.” 

Unfortunately, as we have watched the relentless pursuit to destroy Trump using lawfare, it is no longer "unbelievable" that someone in the federal government "would think that way." 

Hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars have been spent not just to ignore Trump but to destroy him, agitating some to try to kill him.  

The employee said it felt wrong to discriminate against Trump supporters when they were at their “most vulnerable.” 

When a nation, certain political leaders within that nation, or an individual has drunk deeply from the well of Marxism, the results are always "unbelievable."

“I volunteered to help disaster victims, not discriminate against them,” the employee said. “It didn’t matter if people were black, white, Hispanic, for Trump, for Harris. Everyone deserves the same amount of help.”

You should also know that the "unbelievable" guidance came as the Biden administration was criticized over its sluggish response to Hurricane Helene in rural areas across the country. For example, locals said it took nearly two weeks for FEMA to show up in Roan Mountain, Tennessee. The town is in Carter County, which voted 81% for Trump on Tuesday. 

The FEMA agents ordered not to help houses with Trump signs were operating in Highlands County, a deep-red area located in south central Florida that backed Trump by 70% on Tuesday. It was hit with tornadoes, torrential wind and rain, and flooding when Milton hit in October. 

The Wire said in the chat that Washington said that it would be ''best practice'' to ''avoid homes advertising Trump,' according to photos of the messages viewed by The Daily Wire. No explanation was given for this guidance, which included other recommendations like telling the workers to “practice de-escalation and preventative measures,” and to “avoid high salt diets and coffee.”

Photos from the system used by federal relief workers to track what homes they visit showed that relief workers followed Washington’s guidance. Several addresses were marked “not able to access property” with listed explanations such as: “Trump sign no entry per leadership,” “Per leadership no stop Trump flag,” “Trump sign,” and “Trump sign, no contact per leadership.”

Chad Hershey, Washington’s FEMA supervisor, told The Daily Wire that the agency is looking into the situation.

Pressed to confirm the messages, Hershey said: “We are aware of it and we are taking action at this moment regarding the situation that you’re talking about."

FEMA has also said they think it is an isolated incident.


The whistleblower complaint says that guidance to ignore those citizens who support Trump further undermines trust in FEMA and its response to the hurricanes and to the Leftist Harris-Biden administration. 

Looming on the horizon is a similar but different case regarding the same leftist Democrat-run government conducted a high-profile censorship case that has already hit the U.S. Supreme Court, thanks to a Friday court ruling in Missouri v. Biden. 

The historic free speech case uncovered that federal officials, all the way up to President Joe Biden, pressured social media companies to remove specific posts and discussion terms, systemically slanting society in favor of Democrats by controlling public discussions.

After the Supreme Court ruled in June that the plaintiffs didn’t meet the higher legal standard for a preliminary injunction against government officials, as the case moved forward, the case went back to a Louisiana district court, where it originated. On Friday, the judge in that case, Terry Doughty, allowed the plaintiffs to obtain more public records, which they say will help establish that federal officials specifically targeted their speech on social media monopolies such as Facebook, Google, and X.

Our nation is entering a time of turning on the lights—discovering the truth and revealing the secret war from within being waged against its citizens.

We're entering a time of cleaning out the dark corners of the closet and restoring freedom and liberty.

We will be talking more about this case soon.

Be Informed. Be Discerning. Be Vigilant. Be Engaged. Be Joyful. Be Prayerful.