Tuesday, November 05, 2024

The Great Spiritual Contest

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On the morning of Election Day in the most powerful nation on earth, we must pause to acknowledge that America, as we have known it, hangs in the balance.

We'll be receiving political updates and reports throughout the day, but let us not forget that the ultimate battle is spiritual, not political, and ultimately the Lord's. 

Despite being rebuked by several pastors for endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris to become the next President of the United States, Bishop John Drew Sheard, presiding bishop and chief apostle of the six-million-member Church of God in Christ, defiantly anointed her with prayer before his congregation Sunday after declaring, “I believe we have the victory.”

Evangelicals across the country are asking God to give America a Trump presidency because, despite the personal flaws, he has proven to be a president who supports the biblical worldview of evangelicals.

Vice President Kamala Harris does not.

Be informed, not misled.

The anointing.

“I believe we have the victory,” Sheard said as he invited other ministers to join him in anointing Harris during his 11:30 a.m. service at the Greater Emmanuel Institutional Church of God in Christ in Detroit, Michigan, one of seven swing states. 

“We're going to pray for our sister. We're believing that God is going to do what we've been praying for. And dear God, we thank you now. We thank you for our sister. We thank you for how you have lifted her up. Now we asking [sic] that you will touch her. Let your power be made manifest. We come against the enemy on every hand, and we claim the victory,” Sheard, who is married to famed gospel singer, Karen Clark Sheard, prayed.

"Victory is ours, oh God. We thank you for this sister. We're asking that you anoint her afresh. Keep her, oh God, in the center of your will. And God, we will thank you on Tuesday,” he continued as Harris lifted her hands during the prayer and appeared to pray along as he anointed her.

“We will thank you on Wednesday. We'll thank you on Thursday. We'll thank you. We'll say that you did it, oh God, and it is so, in Jesus' name,” he ended.

Vice President Harris responded: “So church, in just two days, we have the power to decide the fate of our nation for generations to come."

Donnie Swaggart, a pastor at the Family Worship Center Church in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, took issue with the Bishop's anointing of Kamala Harris.

He said, “When the largest African American Pentecostal denomination, when that leader stands up and said I endorse that woman, he was saying: I endorse murder, I endorse homosexuality, I endorse lesbianism, I endorse transgenderism, I endorse every evil that Hell could prosper or bring up to [be] right. That's wrong, folks."

“The black church votes predominantly for the party that is anti-God. What's going on here? What's going on?” he asked.

He makes a point. A point that many biblical evangelicals are making.

Vice President Kamala Harris has said she opposes any concessions on a national abortion law if elected president, rejecting any proposal that would include possible religious exemptions.

In an interview with NBC News’ Hallie Jackson the Democrat presidential hopeful was asked about her plan to pass a federal law legalizing elective abortion nationwide.

“If you win, it is entirely possible that Congress will be controlled by Republicans,” Jackson said. “So, what specific concessions would you be willing to make in order to get something done on abortion access as soon as possible?”

Harris responded by denouncing the overturning of Roe v. Wade in 2022 and the subsequent passage of several state laws that ban abortion in nearly all circumstances.

She then pointed to the multiple times abortion measures have been on the ballot since Roe was struck down and have resulted in victories for the pro-choice side.

The not-so-spiritual message of a different black church.

The Rev. Michael R. Jordan (not that Michael Jordan), pastor of New Era Baptist Church in Birmingham for 32 years, loves to provoke people using the church sign that faces onto Cotton Avenue west of downtown.

“This is my ministry,” Jordan said, “This is my calling.”

One side of the sign says:

The other side of the church sign says:

During the NBC interview, Harris was asked if she would make any concessions to pro-life Christians.

“I know that there are members of the United States Congress who are well aware that their constituents are in favor of the very fundamental principle that a woman should be able to make decisions about her own body and not have her government tell her what to do,” Harris replied.

The NBC host asked if it were “a question of pragmatism” when dealing with Congress and “what concessions would be on the table,” citing “religious exemptions” as an example.

“I don’t think we should be making concessions when we are talking about a fundamental freedom to make decisions about your own body,” Harris replied.

She misses the point. We're not talking about "your own body". We're talking about the body of another person in the womb and the killing of that unwanted, unborn "other person."

"NO" seems to be the bottom line toward issues regarding a biblical worldview in a Harris Administration.


Tony Perkins recently said, "Ever since Barack Obama's vow to fundamentally remake America---a promise kept---each Election Day has become less about politics and personalities and more of a ferocious battle over whose worldview will define a nation. Values that used to unite us have vanished, replaced by the hard contours of two parties without much common ground."

Today's election is no exception.

"As believers, we understand that this Earth is not our ultimate home. However, we must engage with the culture, including politics, while standing firm on the transcendent truth of God's Word."  

"Will we turn this country around? We pray so, and we'll work for that end."

When former President John Quincy Adams was asked a cynical question about the failure to end slavery after decades of trying, he said simply, "Duty is ours; results are God's."

Be Informed. Be Discerning. Be Vigilant. Be Engaged. Be Hopeful. Be Prayerful.