Wednesday, December 11, 2024

The Death March of "Reproductive Healthcare" Continues

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A Maine high school now plans to open a new health clinic that they say will give students confidential “reproductive health care.” At other school-based health centers, that term has been a euphemism for transgender drugs and birth-control prescriptions--without parental consent.

As of 2022, some say there are as many as 3,900 school-based health centers in the United States. Many of them have been exposed for offering transgender medical interventions and counseling to minors.

They are primarily an indoctrination station.

That was certainly the case in Seattle.

Parents and grandparents be informed. And beware. 

The latest expansion of kids' "healthcare" is in Maine School Administrative District 11. They voted on Dec. 5 to review the agreement for a school-based health center that can provide confidential “mental health, reproductive health, and substance use” care to minors who “demonstrate decision-making capacity.”

Maine School Administrative District 11 Superintendent Patricia Hopkins told The Daily Signal if approved, “the health center will not prescribe hormone blockers.” 

This is not isolated to Maine—it is just the latest in a long march through our institutions, specifically public education.

School-based health centers have a history of providing so-called gender-affirming care to minors, often without parental consent. A 2023 Maine law allows 16-year-olds to access transgender hormone regimens without parental consent.

“Reproductive health care could include education, counseling about birth control options, or the provision of birth control,” Hopkins said.

Many, perhaps most, school-based health centers take direction from Planned Parenthood. The abortion giant defines “reproductive health care” as birth control, “abortion care,” the “morning-after pill,” and “LGBTQ health,” such as “gender-affirming hormone treatment.”

Some examples:

  • For example, the San Lorenzo High School-Based Health Center in Ashland, California, offers access to “gender-affirming care,” including “chest binders, shapewear, etc.”; “information and counseling about transitioning”; and “gender-affirming hormone therapy and other types of medical transitioning services.
  • Parents Defending Education exposed the school-based health centers at Nova High School and Meany Middle School in Seattle, Washington, for providing “gender-affirming care” at school.

The Seattle health centers are operated by Country Doctor Community Health Centers, which offers “gender-affirming medications (estrogen, androgen blockers, testosterone, etc.) and injection techniques,” “hormone therapy for adolescents and specialty referrals for younger patients as needed,” and “referrals for gender-affirming surgeries.”

Seattle Public Schools’ “Gender-Inclusive Schools: Transgender and Gender-Expansive Student Rights and Supports” (Policy 3211) states that “staff should not disclose a student’s transgender or gender X status to others unless (1) legally required to do so or (2) the student has authorized disclosure” and “contacting the parents/guardians of a transgender or gender X student and it is unclear whether the student asserts the same gender identity at home, it is best practice to avoid using gender pronouns.”

The Seattle "health" centers reference other school-based "healthcare centers."

  • Students were able to get “prescriptions for short-term hormonal birth control like the birth control pill” without any parental consent form at Evanston Township High School in Illinois, according to the student newspaper.
  • Seven Arizona school districts have policies mandating staff hide students’ “transgender” identity from their parents, according to documents newly obtained

Parents Defending Education, a parental rights organization, keeps a list of school districts across the country that openly instruct school districts to conceal a student’s transgender status from parents.

Why are schools targeted?

School-based health centers are part of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child model, which focuses on the “connections between health and academic achievement.” The CDC and affiliated groups claim that school-based health centers, often established in “low-income communities,” improve academics and behavior. 

But that's not true. Studies done in 2020 and 2023 found that giving students an on-campus clinic and psychologist had “no statistically significant” effect on students’ academic performance. 

The CDC recommends school health centers “create their own referral systems for youth-friendly sexual health services,” particularly for LGBTQ-identifying kids.

The health centers always tell concerned parents that their “goal” is to include parents.

"Students may start out confidential, but the goal is always to have as much support as possible and include guardians when appropriate."

When appropriate? 

Schools often use those caveats to exclude parents who do not support their child taking transgender hormones or birth control.

So, in other words, their goal is to involve the parents only if the parents agree with the transgender ideology, use the right pronouns for the child, and agree with cross-sex hormones and puberty blockers, but if they don’t, then they can’t include them.


Five percent of students received confidential services from the health center at nearby Lawrence High School in Fairfield, Maine. A picture of Lawrence’s health center features a massive Progress Pride Flag.

That's the bottom line: A massive "Progress Pride Flag."


The Bible is very clear about rearing children:

Proverbs 22:6 - Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

Deuteronomy 6:7 - And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.

Be Informed. Be Discerning. Be Vigilant. Be Engaged. Be Bold. Be Prayerful.