Monday, December 23, 2024

The Last Quack of a Lame Duck

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As the lame-duck president waddles off into the sunset, the Biden administration quietly rolled out a controversial new program during this Christmas season timed at providing LGBTQ+ education to students, including lessons on gender identity and sexual orientation, without requiring parental consent. 

And then there's this.

Amid growing unrest over rising crime rates in many American cities, reports have emerged that staffers within the lame-duck Biden administration are pushing outgoing President Joe Biden to allocate millions in taxpayer dollars to support initiatives that effectively defund the police.

When you stack this with the other painful actions he is putting upon the nation, one has to wonder if he remembers the oath he took when he was sworn in as President of the United States.

Probably not.

America has exhaled. 

A major realignment is underway in America. 

And there is reason for joy.

Be informed, not misled.

On the night of November 5th, the Left sat astonished, scratching their head, surprised that they overwhelmingly lost the election. 

There are over 3,100 counties in the US, and Harris failed to flip a single one.

Biden's policy of open borders is eating away at the life of our culture.

Yesterday in New York City, law enforcement officials announced the arrest of 25-year-old Sebastian Zapeta, a Guatemalan national, in connection with a horrific incident where a sleeping woman was set on fire and burned to death aboard a subway train.

Crime continues, but hope is rising.

RE America's kids.

The initiative Biden has funded with millions of dollars is part of a broader push by the outgoing administration to advance progressive, woke education to kids and indoctrinate them behind parent’s backs. 

According to details of a grant, the Biden Administration handed out millions of dollars to researchers for an experimental program that lets students participate in a paid 10-week “intervention” designed to help LGBTQ-identifying kids “cope with the effects of minority stress.” 

The $2.5 million National Institute for Health (NIH)-funded program stated that the “bias-based victimization, part of which is commonly known as minority stress, has been cited as a participating factor in the substantial behavioral health disparities” among LGBTQ adolescents. 

Programs like this are exactly why President-elect Donald Trump tasked Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy with helping to weed out unnecessary and wasteful spending and ensure our American dollars don't fund a program that indoctrinates children. 

The Left and the lame-duck president simply can't bring themselves to keep their hands off our children. The touching, the sniffing of hair, and the secret indoctrination of America's kids behind the backs of parents have been challenged and will hopefully be erased.

I celebrate that with joy.

RE: Defunding the police, prison abolition, and the “liberation” of Palestinian territories. 

Despite the alarming increase in violent crime and public calls for law and order, these insiders are reportedly advocating for policies that would siphon vital resources away from law enforcement agencies, leaving communities vulnerable and signaling a dangerous disregard for the rule of law— all in the name of appeasing the far-left fringe of the Democratic Party.

A group of lobbyists that include a multitude of Biden staffers is urging the White House, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and Department of Energy (DOE) to pour millions of American tax dollars into a nonprofit that supports defunding the police, prison abolition, and the “liberation” of Palestinian territories. 

In a letter, the group, calling themselves the “Federal Environment and Energy Workers for Justice in Palestine,” demanded that the Biden Administration dump millions into the Climate Justice Alliance (CJA). They also urged him to end his support of Israel.

CJA has a long history of supporting the "defund the police" movement. 

Trump has promised he will reverse those trends in our nation.

Taxpayers will no longer be forced to financially support the Leftist attempts to defund the police, abolish prisons, or "liberate" so-called "Palestinian " territories.

I celebrate that with joy.

Joy to the world.

Yesterday, Kevin McCullough published a book titled, "Joy To The World."

I'm quoting some of what he said, along with my own thoughts and commentary:

This recent presidential election revealed a dramatic cultural shift. When you add those demographic shifts to a minimum neutral or best-case optimistic outlook, another observation jumps out: America is in a net positive mindset now.

Mathematically, it breaks down easily - all 80 million who voted proactively for Trump already felt optimistic. But when you add to those numbers, those who voted against him but are, at minimum, hopeful for positive change this season do feel different.

In the political world, Alexandra Ocasio Cortez lost her bid to chair a Congressional committee (or, at minimum, be the ranking member.) Speaker Johnson just got Congress to cut 1400 pages from the newest spending bill — partly due to the cover of Elon Musk & Vivek Ramaswamy exposing the waste. President-Elect Trump is now being embraced publicly by corporate leaders and heads of state. And he’s continually put America’s interests into the spotlight, signaling that America will not be mistreated. 

Even before being sworn back into office, the leadership speaks volumes even to newsroom editors at the Washington Post, the New York Times, CNN, and NBC.

This encourages Americans to feel less jittery about big things like speaking out for their daughters’ safety in school locker rooms and even small things like University of Texas’ quarterback Quinn Ewers quietly wearing a Trump tie pin in public to his college football playoff game.

The wish of “Merry Christmas” seems to come faster and with less worry. 

Even Saturday Night LIVE invoked repeatedly positive (and funny) punch lines in its monologue sketch with Martin Short in their 2024 Christmas special.

The AOCs, the long fingers of Obama and Susan Rice, and the utterly disreputable emptiness of Kamala Harris and Tim Waltz added continual insult to the economic and cultural suffering they were imposing on us.

Neither Trump nor anyone else has “fixed” the nation. Not yet. (Though passing a spending bill that was 118 pages vs. 1500+ feels a little like we did something.) 

A realignment is underway. 


The pressure on everyone to look over their shoulder before putting on a red cap, pledging allegiance to the flag, or admitting an open desire to worship the God of the Bible has released the steam valve. 

America is exhaling again, hopeful that in this season, we will soon find that redemptive day dawning. 

Joy is the subject of much of this season’s celebrations. 

The joy Christians sing of is rooted in the eternal redemption that Christ brings those who follow and believe in him. 

Biblical Christians also believe that a cultural and social revival will follow as spiritual renewal occurs in our country.  

 I am hopeful. The spiritual revival has already begun on college and university campuses across our nation. From the Asbury campus in Kentucky to major universities across the country, thousands of college students are committing and recommitting their lives to Jesus Christ.

In their hearts, they are singing, "Joy to the world, the Lord has come."

Be Informed. Be Hopeful. Be Joyful. Be Prayerful.