Wednesday, September 14, 2011

A President's Faith: Does It Matter?

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While 56% of the public says it matters---the press and the activist left have multiple answers, depending on the candidate.

Democrat and Republican citizens agree, according to a new survey, that they want a president who believes in God. Forget the press and the secular lefties.

A study by Public Religion Research Institute has found that over 70% of Republicans and over 50% of Democrats want a president who has strong religious beliefs.

While activist atheist and progressive liberal groups join the complicit media in attempting to marginalize and often mock religious, particularly Christian beliefs, the public isn't buying it.

A recent Rasmuessen Poll found 73% of Americans believe the media is more interested in creating controversy than actually helping people discover what candidates believe.

The PRRI study found that 56% say it is important to very important for them to know what a candidate believes, even if they hold a different belief.

Oh, my. Do you remember?

It was only a year ago that the Washington Post's "On Faith" blog was telling Americans that they care too much about faith, when they were asking about President Obama's faith, religious practices and why he didn't attend church regularly.

They, of course, quoted their favorite verse from the Constitution: "No religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States." (Art. VI, sect. 3)

And only three years ago the press was giving cover to candidate Obama for his 20 years of sitting under the hate, racist and anti American teaching of Rev. Wright.

Now the media is driving the "faith" talk.

From Michele Bachmann's biblical belief regarding her relationship with her husband, to her husband's biblical belief regarding personal restoration and deliverance from the homosexual lifestyle, to Rick Perry's prayer meeting, to Mitt Romney's Mormonism, they are getting to the bottom of it all. With more to come.

Fortunately, 3 out of 4 Americans see their hypocrisy.

Just last year, the Seattle Times Editorial Board, demonstrated that same hypocrisy, while stating that John Koster was highly qualified to represent the second Congressional District, they could not endorse him because of his personal religious---pro-life, pro-marriage, beliefs.

What was that about "no religious test shall ever....."? Evidently, the press has concluded that the "test" ban only applies to not voting for an atheist, secularist, Muslim, etc., but has no applicable or binding value for not voting for someone because they hold Christian values and beliefs.

The public gets it. The press charges forward with their agenda, carrying a large pink banner that reads, "Unbiased," while thinking they are doing harm to conservative candidates of faith. The public is observing with sincere interest in what the candidates believes, understanding the media has a very different motive.

Bill Keller, with the New York Times, silent during the "Obama goes to Rev. Wright's church" discussion, has now created a faith questionnaire for Republican candidates to fill out.

Relativism provides the opportunity to hold multiple beliefs for multiple occasions. And remain true to your beliefs, whatever they may be at any given moment. That sure takes the pressure off doesn't it? You can believe in abortion and the sanctity life simultaneously. You can believe in the Bible, celebrate homosexuality, while eliminating all the bothersome teachings about it.

Rachel Zoll, with Associated Press wrote an article the other day about all this titled, "Theology A Hot Issue In 2012 GOP Campaign." Indeed it is, for a variety of reasons.

Kathleen Flake, who specializes in American religious history at Vanderbilt University says, "The voting public no longer believes, as they did as late as the 1950s, that religion was about what you thought and not what you did."

Surprise. There are those among us, as far back as the early Christian Apostles, Martin Luther, Wesley, Calvin, many of our Founding Fathers and millions of evangelicals who have understood that our personal faith drives our actions and conduct. Therefore, it is important.

Kathleen Flake tells Zoll, "For the first time, we're not only interested in whether someone is religious, which is essentially a question of, 'Do you have a morality that the voter can identity with?' It appears that there's a significant portion of the electorate that's interested in what the particular theology of a candidate is. Do they believe in Jesus? If so, what kind of Jesus do you believe in?"

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