Thursday, September 13, 2012

Komen VP Exposes Planned Parenthood

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Former Komen Vice-President, Karen Handel, has released a new book this week which reveals what was happening behind the scenes earlier this year when KOMEN decided to cut funding grants to Planned Parenthood---and Sen. Patty Murray, Nancy Pelosi and other high profile politicians and celebrities went on the attack, ultimately causing KOMEN to capitulate, reverse their decision and continue writing checks to Planned Parenthood.

The name of the book?

"Planned Bullyhood."

During the momentary insurrection, Planned Parenthood promised KOMEN and America they would not use any KOMEN money for abortions, then did what the leader of the abortion industry always does, figured out how to advance their abortion business by not spending any KOMEN, taxpayer or whatever money "on abortions."

Handel says although PP promised they would only spend money on breast cancer screening and mammograms---even though Planned Parenthood doesn't even do them, they funneled the money into administrative overhead, which indirectly funds their abortion business.

They do the same with taxpayer dollars.

Handel also writes about the incestuous relationship between Planned Parenthood and the Democratic Party.

Our own Senator Patty Murray went on a public tirade against those at KOMEN who made the decision. Hillary Rosen, a Democratic commentator and lobbyist with KOMEN's P.R. firm SKDKnickerbocker, retweeted a tweet from Nancy Pelosi following Komen's reversal that said, "When women speak out, women win---Komen decision to continue funding Planned Parenthood is a victory for women's health."

"Women's health" is of course code for "choice" which means in the world of progressive social evolution, "abortion."

Minutes later Rosen tweeted, "Congrats to Susan G. Komen for the Cure...No room for politics in fighting cancer."

No room for politics?

Does abortion fight cancer?

Handel writes at length about the political connection between the Democratic Party and Planned Parenthood---and of course KOMEN who has bowed down to the face of evil.

She reveals some of the private conversation within the organizations regarding "Catholics and other right wing nuts."

Steven Ertelt, with Lifenews has written an excellent article about the book and the behind-the-scenes activities of Planned Parenthood and KOMEN. I recommend the book, which I have reviewed, and Ertelt's article. Both could be helpful to friends who are conflicted about their support of Komen or Planned Parenthood.

The following is his article:

Planned Parenthood Used Komen Grants for Administrative Expenses
by Steven Ertelt | Washington, DC | | 9/11/12 1:05 PM

The new expose’ book from former Komen vice president Karen Handel is out and the revelations from it are already raising eyebrows about the dubious relationship between the breast cancer charity and the Planned Parenthood abortion business.

Handel’s new book released today, Planned Bullyhood, and it highlights Planned Parenthood’s orchestrated shakedown of the breast cancer group, Susan G. Komen for the Cure, in February 2012, after Komen initially decided to revoke funding to it.

One of the biggest revelations in the new book concerns the main objection from pro-life advocates over the grants — that Komen was funding the Planned Parenthood abortion business, despite its claim that grants only funded breast cancer screenings or mammograms (which Komen admitted Planned Parenthood doesn’t do).

In the book, Handel admits Planned Parenthood didn’t always use the funds for the purpose Komen stated:

“Our dealings with Planned Parenthood also had nothing whatsoever to do with abortion, although those of us at Komen National were surprised to learn that, in some of the community grants – and contrary to previous Komen statements – dollars were going to general administrative costs.”

Handel also says Planned Parenthood’s “tax-guzzling agenda” should be a concern because Planned Parenthood has a “vested interest” in seeing Democrats win the White House. Handel says this is because “millions of dollars in existing government funding and robust new streams of government dollars were at risk” (probably as a result of ObamaCare).”

Handel provided evidence suggesting some Komen insiders and even Democratic commentator and lobbyist Hilary Rosen – Komen’s adviser at the public relations agency, SKDKnickerbocker – may have leaked information to Planned Parenthood.

Rosen cheered Planned Parenthood in a tweet at the time of the funding controversy, with Handel saying Rosen “retweeted something from Nancy Pelosi. Here’s what Pelosi tweeted:

“‘When women speak out, women win – Komen decision to continue funding Planned Parenthood is a victory for women’s health.’ A few minutes later, Rosen (@hilaryr) had tweeted herself: ‘Congrats to Susan G. Komen for the Cure….No room for politics in fighting cancer.”

Karen Malec of the Coalition on Abortion/Breast Cancer, is reading the Handel book and informed LifeNews about some of the parts that she feels deserve public attention.

Handel explained that Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards spent weeks organizing what Handel called “one of the most contemptible acts of coordinated bullying in modern American political history.”

Richards’ allies included the Obama administration, abortion enthusiasts in the Big Media (including MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell), 26 U.S. senators (25 Democrats, one independent), the highest levels of the Democratic National Committee (including Debbie Wasserman Shultz) and others. Handel said the tyrannical left was unified in its overt preference for Planned Parenthood over the best interests of Komen and women’s health.

Handel argued that Komen’s “ill-timed decision” to stop the grants coincided with a political decision inside the Obama administration. In order to win the women’s vote, the administration created a smokescreen to conceal its “abysmal economic record” and the particularly adverse impact of unemployment on women.

The Obama administration, she said, concocted the “trumped up” war on women to distract the public from its difficulties with Catholic voters resulting from its mandate requiring employers to purchase insurance providing women with free sterilizations, (cancer-causing) hormonal contraceptive steroids and chemical abortions. The administration conveniently “put Komen at the center of the ‘war on women’.”

Malec indicates Handel says Komen’s leadership is filled with activists who showed their disdain for conservatives and Catholics in particular.

Handel learned there was support for Planned Parenthood within some Komen affiliates, and she heard anti-Republican and anti-Catholic sentiments expressed. Some called her “righty-tighty” for having run as a one-time Republican candidate for governor of Georgia.

After the Catholic bishops conference in Ohio issued a statement in 2011 “to direct Catholic parishes and schools away from fundraising for Komen and toward activities and organizations” that were “fully consistent with Catholic moral teaching,” Handel said she heard several references made about those “Crazy Catholics” and “nutty right-wingers.”

It took only three days of hammering from the abortion lobby before Komen’s founder Nancy Goodman Brinker capitulated to Planned Parenthood and agreed to continue giving the abortion provider what Komen’s leaders had called “low quality” grants.

“The Komen-Planned Parenthood debacle provides a lesson for all corporate and non-profit leaders who are considering giving Planned Parenthood grants. Like the mafia, once you’re in, you are expected to continue paying for life,” Malec concludes. “Handel encouraged corporate leaders threatened with a shakedown not to capitulate to bullies, like Planned Parenthood, and to stand their ground, just as AT&T had done so in 1990 when it stopped funding the abortion behemoth.


It appears there is plenty of room for politics in the evil world of Planned Parenthood, and unfortunately, Komen for the Cure.

In the end, this is a spiritual battle, not a political one.

Be Vigilant. Be Discerning. Be Prayerful. Be Active. Be Informed. Be Blessed.