Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler's Miracle Baby

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US Congresswoman Jaime Herrera Beutler (R-WA) received a standing ovation from Congress as her baby girl was introduced to Jaime's colleagues, in celebration of the child's first birthday.

It's a miracle.

Not long after Jamie's pregnancy, doctors had said there was "zero chance" the baby will live because her condition was 100% fatal.

The unborn child was diagnosed with Potter's Syndrome and no child had ever survived that diagnosis.

They told Jaime and her husband Dan that Jaime would likely miscarry the baby, but if she didn't, the child would die following its birth.

The Beutlers chose life, feeling that the Lord had spoken to their hearts.

The child, Abigail Rose Beutler, was born July 15, 2013.

Here's the profile of the miracle.

Little Abigail celebrated her birthday a couple of weeks ago by being introduced to the US House of Representatives.

While pregnant, Jaime's water broke and the doctors diagnosed the child as having Potter's Syndrome.

Potter's Syndrome is a lack of amniotic fluid in utero, which makes the womb shrink and prevents the baby's development, particularly the kidneys, thus the doctor's diagnosis of "zero chance" of living.

However, Jaime and Dan felt the Lord had spoken to them and felt led to trust the Lord and fight for the child's life in spite of the medical diagnosis.

They became aware of Dr. Jessica Bienstock who specializes in high-risk pregnancies at Johns Hopkins University.

They began an experimental treatment which involved implanting fluid into the womb to facilitate Abigail's growth and development.

Abigail was born 35 days after Jaime's water broke. She has now passed her first birthday.

After her birth, ABC News reported, "Against all odds, the eight week old daughter of Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler, R-Wash., is alive, despite receiving a near death sentence from doctors while still in the womb."

Jaime had previously told the news media, "There is no medical solution available to us. We are praying for a miracle."

She is the first baby ever to survive a Potter's Syndrome diagnosis.

A doctor told Dan and Jaime recently, "She's a very healthy baby who just happens to not have kidneys."

She receives regular treatments and nightly dialysis at home.

As soon as she is big and strong enough, her father Dan is going to donate one of his kidneys to his daughter.

When Speaker of the House John Boehner introduced Abigail Rose Beutler, you will note he appropriately introduces Dr. Beinstock and refers to her as the "miracle worker."

Jaime and Dan certainly agree I'm sure, but they know something else for absolute certain.

Jaime said, "Sometimes well meaning doctors don't know the end---Only God knows the end."

Only God knows the end.

Jaime and Dan, you inspire all of us.

Their story reminds me of the words in Isaiah 46:10, "Declaring the end from the beginning and from the ancient times what is still to come. I say 'My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please."

Be Faithful. Be Certain. Be Obedient. Be Prayerful. Be Blessed.