Friday, December 05, 2014

46% Say US Founders Would Not See Us as a Success

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A new survey from Rasmussen Reports finds that nearly half---46% believe America has lost her way and is not a success as the Founders envisioned.

About 36% of American adults believe the Founders would see today's America as a success.

We can't know for sure how they would view our current state of affairs, but they did share some insights that can give us an idea of how they might feel about these matters.

Their insights give us hope, not pessimism. And their advice puts the issue squarely on Christian people of faith---not politicians.

The Rasmussen Survey could be depressing, but a look back brightens and clarifies the future.

If you have not recently read the Declaration of Independence, do it. It only takes about 3 minutes or less.

The Declaration clearly shows that these men staked their "Lives, Fortunes and sacred Honor" on the enterprise we know as the United States of America.

"Experts" in Europe and elsewhere---even in America, predicted these freedom seekers could not defeat the British in a war. The colonial army was often referred to as "rag tag."

The "experts" were wrong.

Daniel Doherty observes "Our Founders were undoubtedly aware that no 'Democracy' had ever 'not' descended into tyranny or dictatorship."

In a letter (1814) to John Taylor, John Adams wrote, "Democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts and murders itself. There is never a democracy that did not commit suicide."

Fatalism or hope?


Although this administration seems to be practicing "assisted suicide" on our freedoms, now is not the time for fatalism. Or apathy.

America has survived a Constitutional Crises, a bloody Civil War, a Great Depression, Adolf Hitler and we will survive this.

Politicians are searching for the right "message"---the right formula to get elected and save the day---something that means different things to different politicians.

Is there a clear path to success?

There is.

John Adams explained it this way, "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."

A clear choice. Here's the decision.

Do we continue as we are, staggering down a path of secular progressivism that preaches the gospel of a perverted tolerance, multiculturalism and equality as a tool, not a virtue? One that twists Scripture to affirm abnormal, un-natural sexuality while denying the authenticity of those Scriptures?

Do we continue as we are by pretending that killing unborn children is "women's health care" a "choice" and a "right?"

Adams says the Constitution doesn't work for that agenda. God says that as well.


We can shake loose from the chains of secularism and begin to realign ourselves with the Constitution, and more importantly the Judeo-Christian, biblical values and principles that greatly influenced both the Declaration and the Constitution.

That is the path to rediscovering ourselves as a nation---and as individuals. It's the path to "finding our way."

It is success rather than failure.

Adams also told us the future is, under God, in our hands. He said "Posterity! You will never know how much it cost the present Generation to preserve your Freedom! I hope you will make good use of it."

He said if you don't, he "would repent in heaven for the great effort" he and others made to preserve freedom on our behalf.

It's extremely clear that the Founders would call for a cultural correction, not a cancellation of the Constitution. They would call for a spiritual renewal.

That can only happen through the prayers and actions of God's people---not unlike those prayers and actions in the founding of this great nation.

There was a crises at the Constitutional Convention in 1887. They could not reach a consensus as to how it should be written. There was heated discussion---very heated discussion.

Benjamin Franklin, at 81, was the oldest and likely the least religious member, he stood before the assembly and reminded them of their frequent prayers during the war against Great Britain.

At his suggestion, they knelt and prayed. The result was a 16-page document we know as the Constitution of the United States. It is one of the most admired and enduring documents in human history.

From that day forward, Congress has begun each day with prayer.

Franklin would rise and say to us today, I'm certain, "Get your hearts right before God in prayer, then everything else will get right."

John Adams would rise and say, "Amen!"

Certainly Patrick Henry would agree. So would the others.

And God is saying, "If my people who are called by My name, shall humble themselves and pray, and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sins and will heal their land" (II Chronicles 7:14).

I'm optimistic. America is the greatest resource of Christian evangelism the world has ever known. It is the most generous and charitable nation in history. It is the most innovative, creative and prosperous nation in the history of the world.

It is the most free nation in history. Those who stand against God in the culture, also stand against the very principles upon which this nation was founded, and prospered.

It's time for the 36% to kneel and pray. Then stand up and turn on the light.

Be Vigilant. Be Discerning. Be Prayerful. Be Pro-Active. Be Blessed.