Monday, January 26, 2015

"Shadow of Crises Has Passed": the Response

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"Today is about humbling ourselves before the Lord," Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal told thousands gathered at Louisiana State University sports arena Saturday.

"Today we repent of our sins," he said.

Governor Jindal told the crowd, "We can't just elect a candidate to fix our country. We can't just pass a law and fix what ails our country. We need a spiritual revival to fix what ails our country."

Tens of thousands were moved to serve God in greater ways as they sang worship choruses and praised God with their hands raised.

Jindal shared how he had converted to Christianity from Hinduism as a result of Billy Graham's ministry, and how he believes only a spiritual revival can save our country.

Not all were blessed by the event.

Homosexuals picketed outside the sports arena because of Jindal's biblical belief on marriage.

But it was the Washington Times that took issue with the governor in a most most public, critical way.

The event, sponsored by American Family Association, was named, "The Response: A Call to Prayer for a Nation in Crises"---a direct contradiction to "The Shadow of Crises Has Passed" theme touted by the president's State of the Union address given only a few days earlier in the week.

Why would the Washington Post take issue with an event directed at repenting to Almighty God and asking Him to heal our land?

Jindal urged the thousands in attendance and thousands more watching via live Internet streaming to "spread the gospel in order to elicit real and lasting change."

He said, "Let's go share the Good News with all whom we encounter."

In sending out invitations to Saturday's event to all 49 other governors, he promised them and the general invited public the event was about prayer, not politics.

He said, "America, our great nation, is in need," promising the event "would not be about politics or preaching---but about prayer."

"What we really need in the United States is a spiritual revival---we've exhausted all alternatives...It's time to turn back to God, to get the United States of America back on the right path..." quoting II Chronicles 7:14, "If my people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land."

In his invitation to the governors he used an Old Testament verse in making his appeal: "Declare a holy fast; call a solemn assembly. Summon the elders and all who live in the land to the house of the Lord your God, and cry out to the Lord" (Joel 7:14).

Jindal repeatedly emphasized the event was not political---and by all accounts, it was not. It was about prayer.

The Washington Post began their report with, "Skipping an Iowa event that drew a number of 2016 Republican presidential hopefuls in favor of a controversial Louisiana prayer rally, Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal (R) called for a national spiritual revival and urged event attendees to proselytize on behalf of their Christian beliefs."

Why is a prayer event controversial?

And, "Proselytize?" Why would they choose to use the most pejorative term possible to describe sharing one's faith in God?

The Post article is labored, to say the least, but purposeful. Their problem is that they don't like AFA much because they were formed to stand for and advance Judeo-Christian values in the culture---therefore, they are "controversial."

This is also why a few hundred homosexuals were demonstrating outside the prayer gathering.

The Post says AFA has been accused of "promoting discrimination against gays and is hostile to non-Christians."

Translated: AFA stands for biblical principles and values. When activists attempt to redefine marriage and family and normalize the killing of unwanted unborn babies, AFA has spoken up on the issues.

God bless them.

As for Gov. Jindal...."Well," the Post says, "He might run for president in 2016" and we think he's just courting the Christian conservatives."

Wouldn't that be catastrophic if a Christian governor---Jindal, Huckabee, Scott Walker or any other Christian governor asks Christians for their vote?

This reveals the desperation of the far left. The tide is changing, Christians and conservatives are awakening.

Mobilization Director for the event, Doug Stringer, summed it up like this: "Pray for our nation at this important time. There is hope for America. It lies in heaven, and we find it on our knees."

Be Prayerful. Be Encouraged.