Wednesday, November 02, 2016

"Highlights For Children" Targeted By LGBTQ

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"Highlights for Children" is popular among preschoolers and school kids. It's also popular with parents and grandparents who buy it for the kids---it is a fun way to learn to read.

Heads up parents and grandparents.

The magazine has recently become embroiled in a back and forth with LGBTQ activists, and "Highlights" is leaning downward.

It started when "Kristina" wrote to the magazine's editors asking that "families with homosexual partners be depicted positively and regularly."

"Highlights for Children" responded by writing that the magazine's editors had thought a lot about introducing homosexual families into their publications, but hesitated in order to give parents the right to introduce the topic on their own terms.

We already know parental authority is not a virtue among anti-family activists. Unless the parents are advocating against the traditional family.

In their written response to "Kristina", "Highlights" stated, "We understand your wish to see your family's situation represented in 'Highlights.'" After explaining their concern that parents introduce such "new" topics, the editors "assure" her, "It is very important to us that every child see his or her 'face' in the pages of our magazine at some point...We will continue to think deeply about inclusion."

Now homosexual activists have begun to nationally condemn "Highlights for Children," whose publications include "Hello" for ages 0-2, "High Five" for ages 2-6, and "Highlights" for ages 6-12.

The editors have now further told "Kristina", "In our initial response, our words weren't reflective of our values, intentions or our position, and we apologize. We want to assure you that we have read every message and are listening carefully."

The editors then went further to assure readers of their belief in the legitimacy of homosexual "families," stating that "all families matter" and "there are many ways to build a family"---and one more time, they committed themselves to "inclusion."

Rod Drehere with the American Conservative says, "And so goodbye 'Highlights for Children', another innocent victim of the PC mob."

He wrote in his column, "It is insane that even "Highlights for Children" gets bullied into this, and the editors would capitulate so quickly."

Drehere predicts that within a year or two, Highlights is going to face enormous pressure to highlight transgendered tots.

Rod Drehere's perditions have been spot on in the past decade. He wrote the following for The Weekly Standard back in 2000---more than 16 years ago---about what was beginning in Massachusetts and would spread across the nation:.

Frustrated by official indifference, Whiteman secretly took his tape recorder along to the 10th annual conference of the Boston chapter of GLSEN, the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network, at Tufts University on March 25. GLSEN (pronounced “glisten”) is a national organization whose purpose is to train teachers and students and develop programs to, in the words of its Boston chapter leader, “challenge the anti-gay, hetero-centric culture that still prevails in our schools.”
The state-sanctioned conference, which was open to the public but attended chiefly by students, administrators, and teachers, undercut the official GLSEN line — that their work is aimed only at making schools safer by teaching tolerance and respect. 
The event, backed by the state’s largest teachers’ union, included such workshops as “Ask the Transsexuals,” “Early Childhood Educators: How to Decide Whether to Come Out at Work or Not,” “The Struggles and Triumphs of Including Homosexuality in a Middle School Curriculum” (with suggestions for including gay issues when teaching the Holocaust), “From Lesbos to Stonewall: Incorporating Sexuality into a World History Curriculum,” and “Creating a Safe and Inclusive Community in Elementary Schools,” in which the “Rationale for integrating glbt [gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender] issues in the early elementary years will be presented.”

Drehere has been, for decades, a consistent voice calling on Christians to resist compromise with the world, and is suggesting "you just have to quit caring what others think, and do what you know is right, regardless of the consequences."

You can begin by not ordering "Highlights" products for your children or grandchildren...Or, if their products are in your home, get rid of them.

Be Informed. Be Discerning. Be Vigilant. Be Prayerful. Be Brave.