Thursday, December 15, 2022

Arizona Election: It Ain't Over Till It's Over

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While the news media has successfully moved the country's attention away from the last election to the Left's current agenda, some have not so easily been moved.

Republican Kari Lake, a 30-year veteran TV news anchor who ran against Democrat Secretary of State Katie Hobbs for governor, has filed a lawsuit after a large number of whistle-blowers have come forward with detailed accounts of issues in counting the ballots.

Lake filed a complaint.

Now the Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs, the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors members, and Republican gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake were all summoned to appear in court by the judge presiding over Lake’s electoral complaint.

As New York Yankees' catcher, Yoggi Berra, often said, "It ain't over till it's over."

Be informed, not misled.

“The Court has reviewed Plaintiffs’ Verified Statement of Election Contest filed December 9, 2022. Because this matter is an election challenge, the return hearing will be set on an accelerated basis,” Judge Peter Thompson wrote in his order.

Earlier this month, Obama-appointed U.S. District Judge John Tuchi sanctioned Lake and her lawyers for filing what he claimed was a frivolous, partisan lawsuit, prompting a harsh rebuke from Lake. This new order from Judge Thompson appears to take the matter more seriously. Thompson was appointed to the bench in September 2010 by former Gov. Jan Brewer.

The previous two elections in Maricopa County, Ariz., have been controversial for how poorly they were conducted. Last year, a forensic audit of the presidential election found thousands of discrepancies in the county. On Election Day this year, many Republicans were expected to vote for Kari Lake. But in the districts where most Republicans were expected to cast their ballots, technical problems prevented thousands of individuals from voting.

Why was a lawsuit filed so long after the election?

"We’ve had three whistleblowers from Maricopa County reach out and say the system is seriously flawed,” Lake told Just the News on Monday. “They were throwing out tens of thousands of signatures saying they were scribbles that in no way matched. But somewhere between there, the ballots were being completely tossed out and they got looped back into the system and counted as if they were fine.”

Lake also noted that 25,000 “additional ballots and early voting ballots were discovered two days after Election Day.”

They “just showed up,” she observed. “It shows the whole system has serious problems.”

“We believe that up to 135,000 ballots were pushed through that should not have been pushed through,” Lake continued. “We’re asking a judge to let us take a look at all of the envelopes and compare signatures, so that we can find out for sure how many bad, fraudulent ballots got through in that way, of basically cheating or breaking the rules.”

On November 13, the following appeared in the media, "Five days have passed since Election Day, and we still don’t know who the newly elected governor of Arizona is. Republican candidate Kari Lake remains confident that the outstanding ballots that remain to be counted will swing her way, but the structural problems of the electoral process have been painfully exposed." 

It's more than just one election.

Perhaps more serious are the accusations by the Republican Party of Arizona, which says that the widespread problems with ballot machines that disproportionately affected Republican strongholds amount to voter suppression.

"Voter suppression reared its ugly head in Arizona at the hands of Maricopa County. Some wonder if it is just incompetence, while others question malfeasance. This cannot simply be accepted. It must be corrected before this election is certified. Exit polling shows that Republican voters were disproportionately disenfranchised by Maricopa County’s incompetence,” Arizona GOP Chairwoman Dr. Kelli Ward said in a statement.

“We have no idea how many voters were unable to cast a vote at all, and we’ve been told that approximately 15% of Election Day ballots are going to digital adjudication — a process by which 2 strangers determine a voter’s intent. And those 2 strangers likely share a username and password with countless other people adjudicating ballots, meaning no individual can be held accountable for bad acts.”

“The Republican Party of Arizona holds Steven Richer, Bill Gates, the Maricopa Election Department, and the other Supervisors absolutely responsible for making Arizona the laughingstock of America when it comes to fairly, efficiently, and transparently running our elections.”

News media tried to blow off concerns.

The News media quickly took action when legitimate concerns about election integrity began to surface.

The LA Times headline read, "In Arizona, officials fight off election fraud allegations."

The New York Times headline: "Voting Machine Problems in Arizona Fuel Right-wing Fraud Allegations."

Anyone who even suggests there were irregularities in the last mid-term vote is ostracized and silenced.

Lake says she will take this matter all the way to the Supreme Court if necessary. Others, including Donald Trump, have tried to expose the corruption in our elections, but have been beaten back and silenced.

We'll see.

Be Informed. Be Vigilant. Be Discerning. Be Engaged. Be Prayerful.