Wednesday, February 08, 2023

Ailing President vs. Nation's Youngest Governor

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President Biden delivered his State of the Union address last night to a country where his own political party wants him gone according to several polls out this week. 

Following the president's slurred speech, the nation’s youngest governor delivered the Republican Party’s response. 

Be informed, not misled.

An 80-year-old cognitively impaired president---the oldest president in our nation's history, made what sounded like his plea for another 4 years in the most powerful office in the world last night, while 40-year-old Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the youngest governor in the country gave the Republican response.

As the president spoke last night, he did his best against the backdrop of an Associated Press-NORC Center poll that shows just 37% of Democrats want the 80-year-old to seek a second term. That figure is down from 52% in a poll done before last year's midterm elections.

I mentioned the AP poll yesterday on our radio program.

When the blind leads the blind.

Following President Biden's speech last night, Rep. Nancy Pelosi told CNN, "President Joe Biden showed the energy, the empathy, the hopefulness of a presidential candidate."

Pelosi said, “Joe Biden is a person of vision, knowledge, judgment, strategic thinking to get the job done. It was a remarkable two years, a remarkable two years. And again, he connects very empathetically with the people. So, I hope he runs. I’m for him if he runs. And I know that the Democrats will fully embrace him.”

Co-anchor Abby Phillip asked, “Do you think that there will be any Democrats to jump in to try to challenge Joe Biden on this generational argument?”

Pelosi said, “No, I don’t. I think that you have to weigh all the equities. Yes, the age issue is something that we all have to contend with in every line of work. But I do think that the fact is that weighing the equities, this is a president with 12 million jobs and all of the things that he has done. He has a record unmatched by any recent president. Maybe Franklin Roosevelt."

Over 70% of America disagrees with her in the recent AP poll. In fact, only 37% of Democrats agree with her.

She added, “He made progress. He gave us hope. He made it clear we have much more to get done. We did not finish our job. But he really went down the path in a way that demonstrated that he is a president with great judgment.  I think it was a triumph for him, for the country, and certainly for the Democrats. People were so excited about his presentation tonight.”

Not really. Only 31% of Democrats and Democrat-leaning independents were "excited" last night. It was one more illustration of the blind leading the blind.

Jesus said when the blind lead the blind they both fall into a ditch.

A light in the darkness.

The contrast between an 80-year-old who has spent his entire adult life as a politician---now unable to speak fluently, and a rising 40-year-old conservative Christian woman who is now the youngest governor in the country, was breathtaking.

“What America needs – and what Republicans are offering – is a return to common sense and a commitment to the ideals that made America the land of the free and home of the brave,” Sanders said. 

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) tapped Sanders, 40, to lead the response, noting she was the youngest governor in the country and the daughter of former Arkansas Gov. and presidential candidate Mike Huckabee (R).

McCarthy said earlier this week, “She is a servant-leader of true determination and conviction. I’m thrilled Sarah will share her extraordinary story and bold vision for a better America on Tuesday. Everyone, including President Biden, should listen carefully.”

This is true. I would also encourage you to watch her speech. If  she represents  the future of the Republican Party, and I believe she does, there's a great reason to be "excited."

Be Informed. Be Discerning. Be Vigilant. Be Engaged. Be Bold. Be Prayerful.