Friday, February 20, 2009

A Call to Action to Preserve Marriage in Washington State

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I am sad to say, both so-called homosexual benefits bills, HB 1727 and SB 5688 have been passed out of their respective House and Senate committees during executive session.

Please read what happens next and what we are asking you to do---beginning today.

These bills will now move to the House and Senate Rules Committees. These committees will review the bills and determine if they should go to the floor for a vote in the House or the Senate and if so, what the timing and order should be.

Today is the day to begin calling. Please contact every friend, family member and acquaintance, asking that they join you in making these calls.

The message is that you oppose gay marriage. These bills; HB 1727 and SB 5688, are not about benefits, they are, for all practical purposes, a gay marriage bill.

Call and email the Governor and your Legislators.

Click here to find your legislators and their contact information.

Click here to view the Governor's contact information. The Governor's Office number is: 360-902-4111.

It is very, very important that these people hear from you over the next few days.

If our elected officials pass these bills, we will, standing with others of like mind and heart, launch a state referendum or initiative effort. That is under discussion as I send this to you today.

The media is generally ignoring this issue because most in the media support "gay marriage" and an uninformed public is the gay activists' best friend at this stage of their agenda.

There is much more to come on this matter. This will strengthen conservatives and people of faith as we stand together.

The monetary cost of this can be challenging to faith based organizations such as Faith and Freedom, but we believe God will provide. Therefore we march forward.

Your financial donations at this time will be very, very helpful. Click here to make an online tax-deductible donation to Faith & Freedom Foundation. Or mail a donation to:

Faith and Freedom Foundation
PO Box 399
Bellevue, WA 98009

Please make the calls.

Gary Randall
Faith & Freedom

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