Thursday, February 19, 2009

President Obama to Pick Pro-Abortion Health Secretary

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President Obama is continuing to fill his team with far left advocates.

The New York Times says President Obama will name Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius as his new Secretary of Health and Human Resources.

This will be a major blow to the pro-life movement.

Here's why. Remember one of her best friends in Kansas? Does the name George Tiller ring a bell?

The Secretary of Health and Human Resources will play a very important role in helping the President craft his new health care plan. You will recall that the President first chose Tom Daschle for the post, but Daschle was forced to remove himself due to the scandal over his tax problems. Daschle is pro-abortion.

However, the President has now moved even further to the left in picking Sebelius, who was once considered for the vice-president spot on Obama's ticket, but was passed over because she was thought to be too far to the left.

You will remember that it is Governor Sebelius who has provided cover for late-term abortion practitioner George Tiller in Kansas. He has donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to her and her allies and has so far, with the Governor's help, avoided prosecution and any accountability for allegedly and repeatedly violating state abortion laws.

Steven Ertelt, at LIFENEWS, wrote an article late yesterday, as this news became available, which chronicles the lengths to which she has gone to protect a man who some consider to be a murderer, including a secret event with Tiller at the governor's mansion, which she failed to officially report.

Ertelt feels that she, if confirmed, could issue new regulations overturning the protections President Bush put in place that protect pro-life doctors and medical centers.

The hope continues to fade. But remember, after the darkness comes morning and light.

Gary Randall
Faith & Freedom

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