Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Gay Rights Activist Says Hate Crimes Laws are About Raising Money

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REFERENDUM UPDATE: We are waiting for the mandatory 5-day period in which Referendum 71 can be contested. When that is satisfied, we will begin circulating petitions. So many have indicated that they will participate that we have established a form to assist us in handling the responses. Thank you so much. Click here if you will sign or circulate petitions.

Gay Rights Activist Says Hate Crimes Laws are About Raising Money

Frankly, I was shocked when I read on Andrew Sullivan's blog that hate crimes legislation is really about raising money.

Sullivan, a well known gay activist, has a column on his website which reads; "The real reason for hate crimes laws is not the defense of human beings from crime. There are already laws against that---Matthew Shepherd's murder was successfully prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law in a state with no hate-crimes law at the time." (Article).

The column says, "The real reason for the invention of hate crimes was a hard-left critique of conventional liberal justice and the emergence of special interest groups which need boutique legislation to raise funds for their large staffs and luxurious buildings...It's a very powerful fundraising tool."

These comments are helpful in better understanding why faith based groups who work so hard with so little money are often accused of "doing it for the money" by homosexual activists.

I have no idea what goes on inside the homosexual activists organizations, however I can tell you with certainty that those who work tirelessly in faith based organizations are generally paid very modest salaries, if at all, and most often work without days off and are often publicly assaulted by those who disagree with their Judeo-Christian beliefs and stands on moral and social issues.

And are accused of doing what they do for "the money"?

Those in the faith community do what they do because of a deep abiding belief, a sense of calling and personal purpose and a recognition of a worthwhile cause, with eternal consequences.

We are always outspent by the other side, often second-guessed by some that should be on our side and sometimes vilified by public opinion. We operate on a month-to-month financial basis, do miracles with pennies and believe people of like mind will join us and God will help us.

We also expect to be successful with Referendum 71.

Evidently the faith activists and the gay rights activists live in two very different worlds.

Thank you for financially supporting us and standing with us in a worthy cause.

God bless you.

Gary Randall
Faith & Freedom

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