They extolled SB 5688 as a civil rights victory, then said, "Unfortunately, a small, but vocal group of opponents are seeking to place a referendum---Referendum 71---on the ballot to repeal this law."
I would not characterize those who support Referendum 71 as small or necessarily vocal. I would describe them as significant in number and resolute in their convictions and beliefs concerning marriage and family.
I was personally out Saturday helping deliver petitions. The picture is representative as to what is happening all across the state. People meeting in parking lots, homes, offices and churches---distributing petitions. Pictured is Rick with Faith and Freedom delivering petitions to Joe in the Sumner-Puyallup area on Saturday.
There have been some instances where petition gatherers have been confronted, however there seems to be a growing fear among the SB 5688 supporters.
Two women gathering signatures on Saturday in front of the West Side Olympia Top---with permission---were confronted by a lesbian couple who created a scene, then complained to the store, which resulted in the women being asked to leave.
However, it is a story out of Spokane that is most telling. KXLY did a fairly extensive story on Friday of a small group---I'm told there were less than 12 people---who were asking people to decline to sign Referendum 71. (Article).
The event was organized by high school student Jack Sorensen. He told KXLY they were trying to,"Reach voters before R-71 supporters do."
He explained, "Many organizations in Washington fear gay rights legislation won't stand up against Washington voters and we're trying to keep it off the ballot."
I believe he is right. Those who are trying to advance the homosexual agenda, have used every political strategy to undermine our efforts to even get to where we could begin gathering signatures.
Senator Ed Murray told the Seattle press that getting to SB 5688 was part of a long term strategy of incrementalism, with the final and next step being homosexual marriage.
They do not want homosexual marriage before the people for a vote.
Their greatest fear, as revealed by a high school student, is that the people will have a voice in legislation that will, for generations, impact the state fiscally and culturally.
The Elway Poll survey taken for Faith and Freedom in January indicate voters will reject this legislation. (Elway Poll)
Thank you for all your hard work. Do not grow weary in well doing. Thank you for your financial support.
Gary Randall
Faith & Freedom
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