Monday, July 06, 2009

Planned Parenthood Continues Its Evil Heritage

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R-71 UPDATE: Thank you for all the good reports we received yesterday and this morning regarding the R-71 petition drive. People across the state were out over the holiday weekend gathering signatures---including elected officials. Senator Dan Swecker was gathering signatures at the Tea Party in Olympia. He told me others were there gathering as well.

July 22nd is the mailing deadline. All petitions must be mailed in by the 22nd. If you have petition forms that are filled out now, please mail them now. Be sure to keep the signature page intact with the complete form, when you mail it.

We will soon be able to begin reporting on the number of signatures gathered. Thank you for your efforts to defend marriage. We have a very short time remaining in which to gather the signatures. The next two weeks must be a major push. Please be in prayer for God's blessing and guidance during these critical days.

Thank you for your financial support.


Planned Parenthood: The Great Pretender.

Planned Parenthood is relentless in their assault on women, the poor, minorities, kids and now the general public. This is consistent with the philosophy of their founder, Margaret Sanger.

The organization has been running ads in the Washington DC area---targeted at elected officials, claiming that 90% of its services are preventative and primary care. Suggesting that going to Planned Parenthood is just like going to your regular doctor's office.

The problem is, that's a lie. Its false advertising.

The organization's last annual report shows that primary care patients account for only seven tenths of one percent of its total number of customers.

Jim Sedlack, from American Life League, says they are just trying to get more money from the Obama administration---that would be on top of the $349.6 million they already get from the government.

Sedlack told ONENEWSNOW, "They're trying to set the stage so that they get recognized as an entry point into the health care system and that people don't have to go to another primary care physician, they can get referenced to Planned Parenthood, they can just walk in the door at Planned Parenthood."

He says Planned Parenthood is trying to position itself to appear to be a mainstream health care service.

Ironically, while they work to present themselves as a mainstream health care provider, abortion is their main event, representing fully one-third of all income and government funded abortion will certainly be part of the Obama healthcare plan. More access to healthcare will allow them to expand the number of abortions they perform each year and most certainly will significantly increase their income and outreach.

From its very beginning, Planned Parenthood's evil motives have been cloaked in phony humanitarian ideas.

The group's founder, Margaret Sanger, still portrayed as a feminist heroine, was above all things, a eugenist---one who believed in the inferiority of non-white races. She attempted to set up birth control clinics in poor New York City neighborhoods targeting, "Blacks, Hispanics, Slavs, Amerinds, Fundamentalists, Jews and Catholics."

A moral government would remove public funding from such an evil, social disgrace.

Planned Parenthood is the great pretender.

In a related story, Planned Parenthood has recently put an animated cartoon up on its web site that many feel promotes "sex play" among teens. The cartoon advises teens that taking part in "sex play" and "outercourse" can greatly reduce their risk of getting a sexually transmitted disease.

It's explicit.

Wendy Wright, executive director of Concerned Women for America, says they are once again not telling the truth.

You may read the entire story at CNSNEWS.COM. I recommend it.

The moral foundations of our culture are crumbling. Seattle and hundreds of other cities across the nation this month have turned their heads to nudity and suggestive, indecent behavior, refusing to even enforce existing laws, all in the name of "celebrating" homosexuality in a parade. Led by city officials who are often motivated simply by the fear of lost votes.

Legislators vote to redefine marriage, deconstruct the family, pay for even more abortions and continually move our nation further and further away from the principles that made us a city on a hill.

God help us.


Gary Randall
Faith & Freedom

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