Monday, October 26, 2009

Only 51% will Vote

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R-71 UPDATE: Thank you to all who participated in rallies around the state this past weekend. We have heard good reports from several different locations. Chuck told me the Longview R-71 rally went so well everyone decided to extend their time on the street for an additional hour or so.

If you have pictures or reports send them in and we will share them.

This is the final week. Polls say it is still too close to call. This is not a time to pull back or become silent.

Referendum 71 will likely be decided in the next few days. If the pollsters are correct, it will be decided by just a few votes.

There are still expenses to be paid this week. Thank you for your financial support.

Only 51% will Vote

Secretary of State Sam Reed's office says about 51% of the registered voters in Washington State will actually vote in this election. As of last Friday, 8.8% of the ballots had been mailed in. If you are a King County resident and have already mailed in your ballot, click here to track it. Check other county information on our homepage.

So, what does that mean to those of us who are working to REJECT R-71/SB 5688?

As of October 12, the state had 3,575,498 registered voters. If about half of them vote, about 1.8 million people will vote.

King County, unfortunately, is expecting a higher than average vote because of the races for County Executive and Seattle Mayor. King County is liberal---far left, on social issues such as homosexual marriage, which is not helpful to our cause.

However, nothing has really been "in our favor" since the beginning of Referendum 71. Predictions of our failure and an all-out effort to stop us came first from within, then from without, with the news media lining up in near military style to destroy both message and messenger. Responding to the positions of their editorial boards and the demands of the pornographic, homosexual "so-called "newspapers," many reporters have crafted their "news" stories and reporting to undermine and diminish our cause---and to satisfy their colleagues.

Yet miracles have happened, and can continue to happen.

Continue to talk to people you know about this issue---as you have been doing. Also, use this week to remind and encourage people to get their ballot in. It's vitally important that everyone who believes in defending marriage, votes.

If the predictions and polls are correct, it is still too close to call. The issue of R-71 / SB 5688 will very likely be decided by a very few votes.

Let's finish strong.

Gary Randall
Faith & Freedom

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