Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Historic Public Christmas Service Held in Communist Vietnam

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They came, they worshiped, they prayed, they sang and they celebrated the birth of Christ---publicly.

For the first time in more than 30 years, the communist government of Vietnam gave permission for a public Christmas celebration. Since the communist take over more than 30 years ago, Christians have been persecuted--- sometimes severely, and forced to meet in secret--- in home churches.

More than 35,000 people attended the service and when the pastor gave an invitation for people to accept Christ, personally, more than 8,000 responded.

As I read the account and watched the 2 minute, 30 second video, I wept.

Having spent a good amount of time in Vietnam in the early 70's, just prior to the communist take over, I came to know the people and the pastors well. I worked with them, preached in their churches and helped them start and build new churches. I know from personal reports of some of the persecutions and hardships they have suffered in the past three decades.

CBN news reported on the story and has provided a video report from the event. Please take 90 seconds and watch it.

Overwhelmed by the response and the opportunity to worship publicly, the organizers fell to their knees and wept, thanking God.

The moment will move the heart of any believer and hopefully cause all of us to fall on our knees---at least in our hearts and remember the words of the Christmas carol--- "Fall on your knees, Oh hear the angel's voices, Oh night divine, Oh night when Christ was born---"

These kinds of moments will also cause us to thank God for the freedoms that remain in our country---and hopefully deepen our resolve to stand and do what we can do to protect those God given freedoms.

Thank you for your support of this ministry.

God bless you and Merry Christmas.

Today In History: This day in history, December 16, is a day that marked one of the greatest examples of American endurance in the most harsh and deadly conditions.
Do you know what happened today, December 16? Click here to read more.

Gary Randall
Faith & Freedom

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