Monday, December 28, 2009

The Saving of America

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Bryan Fischer, formerly with the Idaho Values Alliance, now with AFA, has written an excellent blog column.

He addresses the question, "Has God left to the American people any instruments by which they may draw the nation back from the edge of self destruction and re-align the nation with the laws of Nature and Nature's God?"

I, as Fischer, believe the answer is yes.

Bryan Fischer-Focal Point
Date: 12/23/2009 12:49:42 PM

America is not just at a "crossroads," as Rep. Parker Griffith recently said when switching from the Democrat Party to the GOP this week, but at a "precipice," to use the president's own malapropism.

When the president said that Democrats were on the "precipice" of enacting the complete government takeover of health care (he subsequently used the word "cusp") he spoke truer than he knew, just as the high priest did in Jesus' day when he said "It is better for you that one man should die for the people" (John 11:50).

A precipice, of course, is a cliff, and once a hiker or a nation goes over one, the hard landing can do a significant amount of damage to a body or a body politic.

The question then becomes whether a nation about to topple into an abyss can be pulled back from the brink, and if so, how.

People of faith are eternal optimists, because we believe, as the Founder of Christianity taught us, that "all things are possible with God."

So the question then becomes whether God has left to the American people any instruments by which they may draw the nation back from the edge of self-destruction and re-align that nation with the laws of Nature and Nature's God. The answer, I believe, is yes.

Our goal must be to use the same strategy employed by the Founding Fathers at the time of America's birth. They made use of the tools of representative government to free themselves from the yoke of tyranny, and only resorted to force in self-defense and in defense of their newly proclaimed independence.

The Founders met in Philadelphia in 1774 as the chosen representatives of the American people, directed by them to consider the question of political tyranny. They met with authority delegated to them by the people to counsel together on their behalf and find a way forward.

Our solution today must involve the same reliance on the time-honored principles of representative government. The alternative, sadly, is civil unrest and violence. There is a dangerous level of anger across the land at this particular point in history, an anger intense enough to kindle our own version of the bloody French Revolution.

But hope is rapidly diminishing that we can look to Washington for a way out of this morass. When the Republicans controlled the White House and both houses of Congress, we wound up with domestic spending that was almost 50% higher than we had under President Clinton. The Democrats have controlled the purse strings since 2006, and our federal debt, already at stratospheric levels, is about to leave the orbit of the earth entirely.

I certainly am not advocating in any way, shape or form that we abandon the effort to elect genuine conservatives to the halls of Congress. But barring something utterly unforeseen, Democrats will still control the Senate at this time next year and will control the thermostat in the Oval Office until at least January of 2013. Placing our hope in sending better officials to Washington is a slender reed on which to depend.

So, where do we look for a solution that will honor the Constitution and the principles of representative government? I believe we must turn our attention now to state legislatures who will exercise their Tenth Amendment rights under the Bill of Rights and simply, firmly and politely refuse to submit to any directive that comes from Congress or the Executive branch that has no warrant under the enumerated powers listed in the Constitution.

I'll have more to say about his in subsequent columns, but the bottom line for today is simply this: somebody has to say "No" to Congress, and that somebody is the legislature of each state in the union.