Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Don't Think. Don't Believe. Don't Comment.

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This seems to be the direction political correctness is taking American culture. And we are paying a great price, as our freedoms continue to be eroded.

Thomas Sowell has written a column which we have posted under "recommended reading" on the home page of the Faith and Freedom web site titled, "Notional Security". In it he points out how political correctness is undermining our national security with it's "notions."

It is an informative read. I recommend it.

However, political correctness is also greatly undermining our freedom of religious expression. A foundational tenet of our nation.

A recent explosion of words on MSNBC identifies just how unacceptable the idea of public religious expression has become with some.

When Brit Hume made his comment on FOX NEWS about the possibility of Tiger Woods considering Christianity for personal healing and restoration, I knew there would be a negative response. We wrote a blog about it the next morning.

However, I had no idea how far the push back would go. It has created a continuing firestorm of controversy.

The comments directed at Brit Hume, who is a believer and follower of Jesus Christ, should be considered by every Christian.

The message goes something like this:

If you publicly suggest that Christianity provides an answer to personal problems, you are "anointing" yourself.

Looking to Jesus Christ and Christianity in your time of need is "hiding behind religion."

Don't tell us about Christianity. Look at all the high profile people who have claimed to be Christians, but have personally failed.

If you personally prefer Christianity over Buddhism, you are denigrating Buddhism.

If you mention Christianity publicly on a Sunday morning political talk show, you are denigrating Christianity.

If you are asked a question, don't answer it honestly unless you are certain the answer is politically correct. Other wise you will pay.

The message seems to be, it's still okay to express yourself inside a building on Saturday or Sunday, but not in public---particularly if you are Christian.

Don't think. Don't believe. At least don't say it out loud.

As many of you know, I have worked in Christian missionary ministry in more than 30 countries---some that were, at the time, under very repressive regimes. The persecution of Christians, that I have personally seen, was always rooted in an extension of this kind of thinking.

Now, take a look at this exchange between Pat Buchanan and MSNBC on the subject.

God help us.

Gary Randall
Faith & Freedom

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