Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Planned Parenthood Opens Another "Super Store"

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Planned Parenthood opens another "Super Store," this one in Oregon. While many businesses are pulling back because of the bad economy, Planned Parenthood continues to expand, thanks to an increasing flow of money from willing government officials and a complicit President.

The largest abortion clinic in Oregon and one of the largest in the country is now open in Portland.

After closing their older, smaller facility, the abortion king has opened the "super store" closer to their prime customer base.

Gayle Atteberry, director of the Oregon Right to Life, explains the Planned Parenthood decision to expand and relocate and how the pro-life community in Portland is responding.

Also, guess what President George W. Bush was doing this past Sunday?

Atteberry says, "This new one is right on the edge of the African-American community."

She is certain the location was not chosen randomly, but that it was established there to carry out the nationwide goal of Planned Parenthood.

She said, "It is consistent to what they are doing around the nation, and we've seen in the figures that the largest percentage of abortions per-capita are done in the black community."

She and the Portland pro-life community have responded by moving their sidewalk counseling to the new location---on the sidewalk beside the new "super store," with a single purpose: To save the lives of unborn children.

While Planned Parenthood expands their empire of death under the guise of "health care," there are those among us who continue to advocate for life and do all they can to preserve and protect it, while often under attack by Planned Parenthood and their allies. Think Washington State.

One such pro-life person spoke at Prestonwood Baptist Church in Dallas this past weekend.

A spokesman for the church said former President George W. Bush came to help them raise money for the Prestonwood Pregnancy Center---a center dedicated to preserving and affirming the sanctity of life.

The church also said they wanted to honor President Bush for his stand and policies that affirm life---the contribution he has made to the unborn.

Do you miss him yet?

Gary Randall
Faith & Freedom

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