Thursday, June 24, 2010

Slipping Toward Tyranny

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V.I. Lenin described unthinking supporters of his dictatorship in the Soviet Union as "useful idiots."

It's time to think.

It's time to ask hard questions.

It's time to become active and vocal.

"Unthinking" people are enabling an administration to build a power base that undermines the very foundations of the greatest nation on the Earth. Our fiscal foundations and our social foundations.

Here are some of the ways it is advancing.

Thomas Sowell wrote in the Investors Business Daily this week, "When Adolf Hitler was building up his NAZI movement of the 1920s, leading up to his taking power in the 1930s, he deliberately sought to activate people who did not normally pay much attention to politics."

They were useful.

Sowell says they were particularly susceptible to Hitler's rhetoric and had far less basis for questioning his assumptions and conclusions.

Sowell and others are expressing concern about the $20 billion President Obama is extracting from BP. Not that he or others don't think BP should pay all the damages, whatever the amount----it's the way the President is using the moment.

He and others don't believe the President has constitutional "authority to extract vast sums of money from private enterprise and distribute it as he sees fit to whomever he deems worthy of compensation."

He's right. The Constitution says that private property is not to be confiscated by the government without "due process of the law."

Sowell says, "If you believe the end justifies the means, then you don't believe in constitutional government."

He says, "If the agreement with BP was an isolated event, perhaps we might hope that it would not be a precedent. But there is nothing isolated about it."

Indeed it is not isolated. This is part of a pattern of behavior that leads to tyranny. Each crisis is an opportunity. You will recall that the Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel said we cannot allow a "crisis" to go to "waste" as an opportunity to expand the power of government.

The President, it appears, is also overreaching his authority of social issues.

Needing to appease the anger of the homosexual activists who helped elect him he is now announcing that he will arbitrarily take the Family Medical and Leave Act and tweak it to include homosexuals who are living together and raising children.

Can he legally do this?

Many feel, including myself, that his action violates the Defense of Marriage Act---which he has promised to repeal, that clearly defines marriage as between one man and one woman and defines "spouse" as being of the opposite sex.

Tragically, some Christians and Christian leaders continue to maintain that they feel "uncomfortable" addressing the homosexual issues of our day. If the church doesn't lead on moral issues, who will? No wonder our country has to some degree lost its moral compass.

Our Founders knew the importance of Christian leadership in the culture. Hopefully we will discover that importance before we allow an "exceptional" nation with an exceptional destiny, to slip into the dustbin of history as a former city on a hill.

The secular socialists are counting on your silence and detachment from the process.

Ramming through the Obamacare health plan is a colossal example of how a tyrannical government works.

There seems to be a pattern of imperialism---of subverting the Constitution.

And he is counting on the masses to be silent. Uninformed or simply uninterested.

Here's how it works:

America was founded on the fundamental principle stated in the Declaration of Independence---"all people are created equal---endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights."

If you want to create a tyrannical government or dictatorship for that matter, using the mechanisms of a constitutional republic, your actions must fit the historical nature of the society.
The only rightful use of force is to uphold the law, the only just law is that which protects inalienable rights, so, to increase personal power you must "discover" more "rights" and protect them.

This is insidious because it actually puts those who seek power in a position to never have to argue for more power.

This strategy enables them to become the "advocate" for the downtrodden---the disenfranchised. Those with new found rights.

This is exactly what happened with healthcare. For two and a half centuries, America provided opportunity for individuals to prosper and improve their lot in life, in any number of ways. Over time it became apparent that we needed to reform some aspects of our healthcare in America. The secular socialists seized the opportunity to remake the country rather than restore it and redistribute the wealth all in one fell swoop.

Healthcare is now a "right" and they are advocating for the downtrodden.

The far left declared, a couple of months ago, that abortion is now a "right".

Yes we can.

Homosexual "marriage" is now a "right". Social justice. Equality.

The list of new found "rights" is as long as is needed to "remake" America.

Cloaked in deception, public education is re-educating our children to these new "truths" while secular socialists continue to grab power.

Only two things need happen to allow this to continue:

First, remain indifferent, uninformed and detached to cultural moral issues and their consequences. Particularly Christians.

Second, remain silent. Intimidated by political correctness. Don't speak biblical truth to the culture.

That will get us there. Patrick Henry said, "When people forget God, tyrants forge their chains."

Be Vigilant. Be Unafraid. Be Prayerful.

Gary Randall
Faith and Freedom

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