Monday, September 13, 2010

Burning Questions

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As we move past the 9th anniversary of 9-11 and all the fiery threats and actions, Michelle Malkin says there is, "The Eternal Flame Of Muslim Outrage," and it will likely not end. An excellent column.

But there are other "Burning Questions" that must be answered.

One such question is, "Should those Republican candidates running for office step away from the so-called 'social' or moral issues of our day in order to be elected?"

Too many think they should. Our own Secretary of State is an advocate of this strategy. Other Republicans are joining the chorus, saying that for a candidate to win, they must move away from the "social" issues---the moral issues of life, marriage and religious freedom.

Ironically, while they are running away from the moral issues Republicans claim to represent,
Life News says, "After new reports surfaced showing Democrats essentially running away from the pro-abortion health bill they have passed, President Barack Obama's allies are searching for ways in which they can rally their voters based on promoting the government-run law that funds abortions."

So, Republicans are running away from the core values of their party, while Democrats are running from their anti-life, anti-marriage and anti-family record.

Haley Barbour, highly respected, professed pro-life, Mississippi governor and possible presidential candidate in 2012, told the Christian Science Monitor that social issues like abortion should be taken off the table while making the economy the main focus.

Despite the fact that polls show Americans strongly oppose the pro-abortion health care law just passed, Barbour says fiscal issues should take priority.

He said, "Any issue that takes people's eye off unemployment, job creation, economic growth, taxes, spending, deficits, debt, is taking your eye off the ball."

He said, discussing core values---like abortion, etc., causes a candidate to "run down rabbit trails" wasting valuable resources "that could be used to talk to people about what they care about."

Barbour said a candidate's stance on abortion, "Ain't going to change anybody's vote."


So, in the 2010 and 2012 elections, we are choosing who can best disguise who they really are and what they really believe and stand for.

Have we sunk that low?

At least 2 Republican candidates for state seats here in Washington have told me they are trying to avoid taking a position on these issues. Both say managers and consultants are advising them.

At a time when Barack Obama's army, a.k.a. Organizing For America,
has all but vanished, shrinking from 6000 paid staff and 8 million volunteers to 300 staff nationwide, and wide spread donor depression, we are pretending to be someone and something else.

It is well known that America is deeply divided on the issues of abortion, homosexual marriage and religious freedom.

But is the Republican Party, the party entrusted to be guardian and defender of moral values, now divided over whether to speak publicly about these issues?

Jesus taught a principle saying, "Every Kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation, and every city or house divided against itself will not stand." (Matthew 12: 25 NKJ)

I was wondering if I was the only one who was concerned about this until I read Chuck Colson's column Friday. He is very concerned. We should all be concerned. And should express our concern.

Colson said Friday, "The Republican leaders, you see, are so confident they can sweep back into power by focusing only on economic issues, that they are ready to promote an election agenda that ignores the party's historical commitment to life, marriage and religious liberty."

"I believe that we as Christians," Colson said, "need to tell them they are dead wrong."

He said the church can never be captive to a political agenda and we must never put our hope in any political party.

"They must realize," Colson said, "our allegiance is not to their party, but those causes that promote the common good."

He and many others believe our economic collapse is a result of our moral and ethical collapse.

I have said many times that you cannot teach kids relativism----no absolutes, no God, no right and wrong, no sanctity of life and expect to produce a generation of moral and ethical people. People who believe and practice those teachings are a law unto themselves.

Colson says, and I agree, "No society that rejects the moral good can possibly stay solvent."

The price tag for moral corruption is very, very high.

So are we to simply take the moral equation out of the election process? I don't think so.

Colson suggests and I am asking you to call your state congressman and senators, republican and Democrats alike.

You can find your elected officials on our Faith and Freedom website by
clicking here.

Tell them, respectfully, that you support the sanctity of life, traditional marriage and religious freedom. Then tell them you vote.

Also call or email the following with the same message.

Representative John Boehner’s office:
Kevin.smith@mail.house.gov Phone number (202) 225-6205

Representative Eric Cantor’s office:
Kristi.way@mail.house.gov Phone number (202) 225-2815.

This is a battle worth fighting.
Your financial support allows us to continue. Thank you.

Be Informed. Be Vigilant. Be Heard. Be Prayerful. Be Blessed.


Gary Randall
Faith and Freedom

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