Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Judge Strikes Down Health Care Law

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What does it mean?

President Obama has been dealt the broadest rejection yet to his universal health care bill.

Judge Roger Vinson
ruled that the President and his 2010 Congressional majority breached the Constitution when they passed the law.

Vinson ruled in favor of the 26 states who have argued the individual mandate to purchase insurance went beyond Congress' authority as granted by the Constitution.

Washington State is one of the 26.

In his ruling, Judge Vinson quoted James Madison, Thomas Jefferson and made references to the Boston Tea Party.

The far left and the Obama administration are now calling his constitution-based ruling "activist" and asking others to do so as well.

In fact, an official from the Obama administration said these references were a "mark of weakness."

Understanding the Founder's original intent and learning from history has rarely ever been considered "weakness." Particularly by the administration of a sitting president.

I suppose we could call that "change."
The Wall Street Journal reported that, "Judge Vinson wrote that the entire law must be voided because the individual insurance mandate is 'not severable' from the rest of the law. Some laws contain what's known as a severability clause that says the rest of the law stands should a judge strike down a piece of it. But Democrats left it out."

The Obama administration is saying that requiring Americans to carry insurance is within its constitutional powers.

But "candidate" Obama
told Ellen DeGeneres and her TV audience on February 28, 2008, that unlike his opponent Hillary Clinton, he opposed forcing the uninsured to buy health insurance, saying that would be like forcing the homeless to buy homes.


The judge is saying "no". Under that theory, he says, "Congress could require that everyone above a certain income threshold buy a General Motors automobile---now partially government owned---because those who do not buy GM cars (or those who buy foreign cars) are adversely impacting commerce and a tax payer subsidized business."

Another problem the President has created for himself is that in his exuberance to reciprocate to friends, he has been passing out wavers to the very bill he has championed for all the rest of us. If it's so great, why do his friends want off the hook?

In case you missed it:

He has given waivers to the New York City
teachers union. They spent $1.9 million on Obama's election.

He recently gave the
SEIU 3 additional waivers. They spent $27 million backing Obama's election.

This is President Obama's signature legislation, yet those closest to him are asking to get out. Why?

I'm sure there is a lengthy, elitist answer.

One thing seems certain. This is all headed to the Supreme Court.

Senate Minority Leader, Mitch McConnell, R-Ky, said, "This ruling confirms what Americans have been saying for months. The health spending bill is a massive over reach."

Indeed it is.

Gary Randall
Faith and Freedom
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